What I did today -instead- of Rocketry.

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Occasionally in videos of demolition you can see the det cord burning very fast. I don't know much about it but I think they will string the cord out from various explosives, bring the cords together at one point, and place a blasting cap (or whatever is used for that function these days) at that place. The blasting cap goes off, the det cords start burning and that travels across the ground very fast, this traveling explosion is what you see in some videos.

We have used it for special effects during airshows.

I miss that job.
Got rear-ended on the way back to Covington from Alpharetta. This is the very reason I can't stand tailgaters. I had changed lanes to pass a dump truck with nobody in the lane I switched to for at least 400-500 ft. While I'm passing the truck, a Ford SUV comes up on my tail. I tap the brake pedal just enough to flash the lights and turn off the cruise control. Look up and see the cars in front of me are starting to slow down almost to a stop, so I have to brake for real. BAM! Der Red Maxine will need a new rear bumper and a right rear quarter panel, paid for by the other driver's insurance.


Hopefully they cleaned the camera in-between "customers".
I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy in 2016 with the same doctor. I asked him if he wiped the camera before switching ends. For a couple of seconds he thought it was a serious question :) .
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No... They do the gastro first then the colon. I think you said you were 13th that day....... :)

Different type of scope used for each end. Automated washing system for them, about a 20 minute sterilisation cycle.

They have more than one of each scope.

Sorry to spoil the fun.

Got into a "calculators at 10 paces" argument with another engineer. They were really snotty about how my calcs were obviously wrong and I'd probably made a units error. After they sent their formulas over so I could see how they wee getting their numbers, I helpfully pointed out the divide by zero error in one of their terms. We'll see where it lands...
Got into a "calculators at 10 paces" argument with another engineer. They were really snotty about how my calcs were obviously wrong and I'd probably made a units error. After they sent their formulas over so I could see how they wee getting their numbers, I helpfully pointed out the divide by zero error in one of their terms. We'll see where it lands...
I had an argument with an "engineer" who had designed some parts that didn't fit together very well. I insisted on copies of the part drawings and he wasn't very happy when I pointed out his cumulative tolerance issue. The parts were toleranced OK as individual parts, but as a group they were an interference fit frequently..Fwit......
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I went through 50 cassettes that I have since I sent my trumpet buddy 200 of them, so now he wants to buy my deck and get the rest of the cassettes, that way I won't have any more. then I'll be continuing the downsizing again
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I had an argument with an "engineer" who had designed some parts that didn't fit together very well. I insisted on copies of the part drawings and he wasn't very happy when I pointed out his cumulative tolerance issue.
That's a real problem that can happen in various disciplines. If you are paying people to manufacture a component you have to specify tolerances to keep some amount of quality. But when you fit together the work of various people and try to apply an overall tolerance then you can fail even though all of the individual components are manufactured correctly. We've had that happen on a few of our projects- you point out that something in the assembly isn't meeting nationally accepted tolerances and the contractor doesn't want to fix it because he can't pawn it off on any of his subcontractors.
That's a real problem that can happen in various disciplines. If you are paying people to manufacture a component you have to specify tolerances to keep some amount of quality. But when you fit together the work of various people and try to apply an overall tolerance then you can fail even though all of the individual components are manufactured correctly. We've had that happen on a few of our projects- you point out that something in the assembly isn't meeting nationally accepted tolerances and the contractor doesn't want to fix it because he can't pawn it off on any of his subcontractors.
Idiocy combined with stubbornness is a dangerous combination in any workplace.

At one of my early jobs, I worked on a project for the VP. He asked me to have the project done a certain way and I told him it was wrong.

He got mad at me despite my trying to reason with him and finally said "Look, I'm the boss here, so you listen to what I'm saying, stop arguing and just do it!"

A month later I got called into his office and he was mad, asking me why I did such and such when it was wrong.

I reminded him "you ordered me to do it even though I told you it was wrong!"

His response: "You should've known better than to listen to me!"

I had to agree with him on that!