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When a lot of us were growing older all cars had ash trays and cigarette lighters. All the newer cars I have had still have a receptacle that used to be for a lighter but now are power ports for things like dash cams and radar detectors.

And now many of these 12V ports would be dangerous to use a heat coil lighter in them due to the over use of plastics and very thin wires to power them.
When a lot of us were growing older all cars had ash trays and cigarette lighters. All the newer cars I have had still have a receptacle that used to be for a lighter but now are power ports for things like dash cams and radar detectors.
Or a phone charger. It's what I use mine for.

I thought it was strange it came with that port, where the lighter *would have been*.

(2008 JGC)
All the newer cars I have had still have a receptacle that used to be for a lighter but now are power ports for things like dash cams and radar detectors.
Mostly phone chargers. I haven't seen a RADAR detector in many years. Somewhere I have a soldering iron made to plug into one. (It's not good for much.) (So yes, @NTP2, the charger socket was invented for initiating cancer sticks.