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Now, while the image isn't funny, I do get a laugh every time I see one.

Like, what exactly is it supposed ot mean? That I take extra care around you? (as opposed to, say , an old lady, a police man, a dump truck?)

Doesn't everyone deserve my full attention? or is it because you are a new parent, and you are now somewhat "above" everyone else?

I thought they were a fad when they first came out, but that's like.. 20+ years ago!

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This seems like something I would have posted before, but it still makes me laugh every time I come across it.

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2-Hour long haul? HAH!!! We do 5's one way routinely, (10 Hr R/T) usually about 45 minutes before the end of our 12 / 24 hr shift of handling 911 responses all day!

Fire Trucks... Pah! Coddled prima-donna babies! (Albiet BIG ones!)
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YEp, I was about 10 and was checking out Grandpa's new AMC Hornet. I tried the lighter and when it popped out, I wondered why the middle of it was red. I touched it, then spent the next week plus hiding my curiosity from my parents. They never found out until I came clean about it in college.