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My Jagermeister story involves a full bottle of Jag, two beer mugs, and a chugging contest. Then buckets and buckets of vomit, a meal no oner got to eat, trips to the car wash, more vomit, then me sleeping on the porch in a sport coat. Woke up hungry, so I went in and ate some leftover pineapple and cottage cheese. More vomit. Woke up feeling great and went car shopping. I was not quite 30. Now I'm 61. This time I think we'll skip the beer mugs and drink like civilized apes.
This is what used to cause me fark ups when I was much younger; don't touch this stuff now: "Yukon Jack"
This Jägermeister topic also made me remember Yukon Jack. I liked it, straight or with a dash of lime juice (called a snake bite) until the day I had the worst puking sick drunk of my life on it. That was 40ish years ago, and after that I couldn't go near the stuff for at least five years. "At least" because I haven't tried since then.
I learned how to slap the front sides "just right"; didn't always work and then there was that sad sound...

Your response should have been, "I've played the silver ball." Next person writes, "From Soho down to Brighton."

Folks can't pick up on a decent straight line, these days.
And the animation (or at least the animation concept and direction) was by Jim Henson, which I did not know until I watched that biographic documentary that's out now on Disney+. (This is a non-paid announcement.)