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Ohhh yeah! Well we’ve invented drones, AI, robots, smartphones (1 smartphone for every human alive BTW) and made the internet ubiquitous!
when you get to our age, you can boast then! :D

(and you'll see how "easy" your technology is compared to what you will be dealing with in 50 years!!)
And how very easy yours was, I mean you didn’t have to look for missing ; in 5000 lines of code!

Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF

"Less advanced" does not mean "easier."

Look up core rope memory sometime and imagine debugging that if there was an error.
I literally wrote code in a language so terse, you could abbreviate most of the commands, special variables, special functions, to one letter. And instead of blocks (which it got later, in the 90s), it used the line as an organizational unit.

Pre-90s code:
F I=1:1 R X I X'="" W X,! Q:X="" S ^Y(X)=X

Post-90s code for the same thing:
F I=1:1 D
. R X
. I X'="" D
. . W X,!
. Q:X=""
. S ^Y(X)=X
Ok let me rephrase, you invented the computer, we perfected it (I can’t imagine using a terminal, and I hope I never do)! And perfecting something is harder than doing it quick and dirty. Eg we had to invent nanotechnology to optimize your stuff to a useful point.
Ok let me rephrase, you invented the computer, we perfected it (I can’t imagine using a terminal, and I hope I never do)! And perfecting something is harder than doing it quick and dirty. Eg we had to invent nanotechnology to optimize your stuff to a useful point.
You're getting into some pretty deep waters...

At my old job, I used a terminal fairly regularly. It was called Remote Desktop, but it was the same premise and concept. I would expect that many people who work on large, detailed models like spacecraft remote into servers that host the model as well. Otherwise, it's a nightmare keeping all of the versions of the model straight.
Ok let me rephrase, you invented the computer, we perfected it (I can’t imagine using a terminal, and I hope I never do)! And perfecting something is harder than doing it quick and dirty. Eg we had to invent nanotechnology to optimize your stuff to a useful point.

I just used a modern terminal mode yesterday to remote upstairs. I probably will again today.
Ever use Linux? You open a Terminal window every time you want to use the command prompt.
I just used a modern terminal mode yesterday to remote upstairs. I probably will again today.
Ever use Linux? You open a Terminal window every time you want to use the command prompt.
No, I've only bult one PC and I got windows for it, I have used Crome OS.

PS but I plan to do a raspi retro console so I will need to when I get to that some day.
No, I've only bult one PC and I got windows for it, I have used Crome OS.

PS but I plan to do a raspi retro console so I will need to when I get to that some day.

yea, OK . When I started coding websites, I used Visual Notepad.exe to hand write HTML 😂

I really don't think you can say the older stuff was easy, we did it because it was hard...