What I did today -instead- of Rocketry.

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Our company just announced world-wide layoffs due to a protracted downturn in customers purchasing equipment. We lost 9 (out of 300) at our site. Sad to see them go. About 600 to go overall. The main notion is to cut down on bureaucracy. Having said that the person I will miss most is the Purchasing guy. He makes things so much better for engineers by purchasing what we need an liaising with suppliers. He will be sorely missed.
I was off to a new doctor this morning for an annual physical. He seemed like a fairly good egg, particularly in his desire to minimize supplements and medication. My main takeaway is that I should probably be somewhat more regular with exercise and somewhat less regular with egg sandwiches. Sigh.
Not a fan of ADAS technology in cars - it simply distracts drivers from their job of driving.

Read this report this morning.

I find my first question when looking at cars the last few weeks is, “How do I turn the traction control / lane departure warning / ABS / whatever off?” Living in the sticks that nonsense is of no use to anyone.


Thats why I'm pretty much now convinced that the way to go is buy old school 1966 to 1996 cars, enjoy the classics for A$15k to A$30k, spend A$5k to baseline service them for reliability and you'll still not be paying A$50k to A$150k for a new fashionable hunk of modern digital mayhem.
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Thats why I'm pretty much now convinced that the way to go is buy old school 1966 to 1996 cars, enjoy the classics for A$15 to A$30k, spend A$5k to baseline service them for reliability and you'll still not be paying A$50k to A$150k for a new fashionable hunk of modern digital mayhem.

Couldn’t agree more.
I like the adaptive cruise control. I turn off the traction control or I wouldn't be able to back up because the scooter lift blocks the sensors. Lane keeping I would have to turn on. ABS has saved me many times because the number 1 thing in Pahrump is pulling out in front of another car at the last second. Idiots. I turned off the start stop feature before we left the dealership.
One of the regulatory agencies we work with decided they needed to "completely revolutionize the user experience" on the portal we use to submit drawings for review. It went live about a couple of weeks ago, and has gone about as well as you'd expect from the plan description, with major outages and failures all papered over with relentlessly upbeat email about how they're really working hard to fix some minor issues. Menawhile, the review engineers are saying that it has completely screwed their ability to do the work.

It got fixed enough that I was able to download a reviewed drawing this week (yay!). Then I discovered two things. First, they stripped the drawing number off of the front of the file name and just left the drawing title. Boooo since everybody on the planet organizes their files by drawing number and not title. So I have to edit all the file names to include the file name. Then I found the worse one--they resized the original PDF drawings (submitted 24x36 and 11x17) to fit on A4. Major booooo. It's like they never thought that someone would want to print the reviewed drawing to scale.

If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
Really? I’ve always done it like this,

Folder (cool corp boat project)
Subassembly’s (engine)
Part file (crank shaft)

Is there something wrong with that?
That's exactly how it should be done. Our system is typical [Project Number]-[Subassembly]-[Serial]. The subassembly numbering system varies by company. We happen to use an older system, where most everyone else in the US uses the Navy SWBS system. Some older drawings from yards just had S (structure), M (machinery), etc. instead of numbered subassemblies.

But it's really annoying to submit drawing XXXX-YYY-10 [Title].pdf and get back [Title].pdf
That's exactly how it should be done. Our system is typical [Project Number]-[Subassembly]-[Serial]. The subassembly numbering system varies by company. We happen to use an older system, where most everyone else in the US uses the Navy SWBS system. Some older drawings from yards just had S (structure), M (machinery), etc. instead of numbered subassemblies.

But it's really annoying to submit drawing XXXX-YYY-10 [Title].pdf and get back [Title].pdf
Ok I see, you are talking about the name of the file and I was talking about the file system, if you look at a file explorer you see one big master folder and it has everything you need to build, then smaller folders for each major part, then finally you get the actual CAD file of a specific part, that parts name is what you where complaining about? If so then I just call it what it is eg a engine block is named engine block, but I’ve only CADed something as complex as an compressed air engine and only I need to work on it so I can see that becoming a problem.
Ok I see, you are talking about the name of the file and I was talking about the file system, if you look at a file explorer you see one big master folder and it has everything you need to build, then smaller folders for each major part, then finally you get the actual CAD file of a specific part, that parts name is what you where complaining about? If so then I just call it what it is eg a engine block is named engine block, but I’ve only CADed something as complex as an compressed air engine and only I need to work on it so I can see that becoming a problem.
File system organization is another whole topic and something that varies a lot by organization and what they're doing. If you have 50-200 drawings on a project with 10-30 actively being worked at one time (like my company), then it's reasonable to have single folders for drawings in progress and issued drawings. If you have hundreds of drawings, you need subdivisions to make it easier to find what you need. And in some cases, you're working in a large shared model that has its own enforced drawing organization.

We have separate folder trees for our own drawings, reference information (eg past similar boats), vendor information, correspondence, and design information like spreadsheets and the like. I don't love everything about that organization, but it works fine. The most important thing is that everyone follows and respects the system that the company has established. Changing systems is an extremely emotional event.
Checked my email. Discovered the US Federal Government has been looking at my Linked In profile. As I'm in Australia, this is unusual.....

Should I be worried........? Which one of you lot was it? :)
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Checked my email. Discovered the US Federal Government has been looking at my Linked In profile. As I'm in Australia, this is unusual.....
View attachment 649236

Should I be worried........? Which one of you lot was it? :)
Hmmm do you have a criminal past? Or do you try and invent better guns than us? Or did you ever make a meme criticizing the American way of life?
Hmmm do you have a criminal past? Or do you try and invent better guns than us? Or did you ever make a meme criticizing the American way of life?
Donald Trump for president. It's too easy..... Never had a gun. All Australians have a criminal past, it's part of the citizenship requirements..... And Linked In has just sent me another ping from them...... Maybe it's because I've just switched from Google to Duck Duck Go. I MUST have something to hide......
Donald Trump for president. It's too easy..... Never had a gun. All Australians have a criminal past, it's part of the citizenship requirements..... And Linked In has just sent me another ping from them...... Maybe it's because I've just switched from Google to Duck Duck Go. I MUST have something to hide......
FWIW DuckDuckGo now has a beta-version browser. Tried it, works ok sometimes but the lag between 'click' and 'here's what you wanted' is too long, and sometimes it's forever. Waiting for an updated version.
Damn....:mad: I had to replace a garbage disposer in the kitchen. The old one was 15 yrs old so it was well worth it. Went to Lowes and picked out a newer model of the same disposer and thought; "this will be a piece of cake!" Nope. First, everything is plastic now so I had to make another trip to Lowes to get a new tail piece connecting the disposer to the sink. It cracked when I tried to cut it with my PVC cutter...it's not PVC. :mad: Then I had to go back to Lowes to get the right one as opposed to the one someone stuck in the wrong bin and I grabbed. (I call that my "stupid tax" for not looking closer). :mad: Then I had to go back to Lowes to get a gear clamp because the kit of assorted parts I have in the garage was missing the one size I needed and I never got a new stock. :mad:

The good news is on this trip I got to witness a tussle at the self check out between security and a guy trying to steal some merch...fun times. :angiefavorite: At least there were no leaks when I was done...🥳
Donald Trump for president. It's too easy..... Never had a gun. All Australians have a criminal past, it's part of the citizenship requirements..... And Linked In has just sent me another ping from them...... Maybe it's because I've just switched from Google to Duck Duck Go. I MUST have something to hide......
Someone's thinking about recruiting you. Would you like to become a CIA covert asset?
Ok I see, you are talking about the name of the file and I was talking about the file system, if you look at a file explorer you see one big master folder and it has everything you need to build, then smaller folders for each major part, then finally you get the actual CAD file of a specific part, that parts name is what you where complaining about? If so then I just call it what it is eg a engine block is named engine block, but I’ve only CADed something as complex as an compressed air engine and only I need to work on it so I can see that becoming a problem.
What @boatgeek didn't say (he probably thought it was obvious, and maybe it is) is that every part has a unique part number. Every subassembly and assembly has its unique part number. The number goes in the title block of the drawing, and its supposed to also appear in the file names for all files associated with it. There might be 10 items called "ENGINE BLOCK", but there's only one called "124896 - ENGINE BLOCK".
What @boatgeek didn't say (he probably thought it was obvious, and maybe it is) is that every part has a unique part number. Every subassembly and assembly has its unique part number. The number goes in the title block of the drawing, and its supposed to also appear in the file names for all files associated with it. There might be 10 items called "ENGINE BLOCK", but there's only one called "124896 - ENGINE BLOCK".
Ah, that’s one step past where we usually go in our design effort. But it is real for the shipyards.
I started going through 250 cassette tapes that I have and I'm going to send to another trumpet collector, as they've been sitting here for 6 years not being played, and I have a serious problem with having things that are not being used,,,, anything that's not being used is worthless to society.
I went to a couple of stores looking for replacement batteries for my wife's scooter. There is nothing in Pahrump. Looks like I'm going to Vegas soon. Yesterday and today I looked at the temperature in awe. I thought its not to be this hot already. This is supposed to happen in July. Yesterday it was 111 degrees. I have a laser temperature gauge. I checked the west side of the house, 139. Today was 108. The 10 day forecast is for highs over 100. Once this happens it will be over a hundred almost every day until September. Oh, and yesterday it was hot enough to melt the black top in parking lots. Don't step in the tar that fills cracks. You'll never get it off your shoes.