Return of the Estes Pro Series II Nike Smoke

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I am happy that Estes has finally decided to start using some plywood rings with some of their larger rockets!
I believe the previous version also had ply rings.

It does, here is an original in a bag. All the non-E2X PSIIs back then used plywood rings, except the Star Orbiter.
The E2X PSII used Plastic Rings and they take H power in my tests with the Ascender.
Anyone know what the new SO-Long uses?

All the PSII builders kits had plywood rings. I dont know about the PSII kits like the Ascender that were basically big E2X kits.

They used plastic rings like this on the motor mount that the fins locked into, good for H flights so far in my tests at Jean dry lake 8 years ago. Their elastic shock cord was to mount in a plastic hood on the side of the body tube by the nose. That would rip out.

Here is what I did to them to make them last for recovery that is replaceable

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It does, here is an original in a bag. All the non-E2X PSIIs back then used plywood rings, except the Star Orbiter.
The E2X PSII used Plastic Rings and they take H power in my tests with the Ascender.
Anyone know what the new SO-Long uses?
The "So Long" is minimum diameter, so has no centering rings. Balsa surface mount fins, FWIW.
I missed most of this thread as I have been heads-down working on a scratch 3in 3D printed version (build thread here). I published a BT60 version on Printables and have flown it a few times. It can take up to a 29mm motor. I've flown it on F44 to 1300ft and E16 to ~ 700ft.

If you have a printer, it's free. Go tear a hole in the sky.

Nike Smoke Extreme Builder's Kit
I believe the previous version also had ply rings.

All the PSII builders kits had plywood rings. I dont know about the PSII kits like the Ascender that were basically big E2X kits.

It does, here is an original in a bag. All the non-E2X PSIIs back then used plywood rings, except the Star Orbiter.
The E2X PSII used Plastic Rings and they take H power in my tests with the Ascender.
Anyone know what the new SO-Long uses?

View attachment 653624

They used plastic rings like this on the motor mount that the fins locked into, good for H flights so far in my tests at Jean dry lake 8 years ago. Their elastic shock cord was to mount in a plastic hood on the side of the body tube by the nose. That would rip out.

Here is what I did to them to make them last for recovery that is replaceable

View attachment 653625
I know that the old kit had them, so did the other old PSII kits, or at least plastic ones, like the trajector. But lately Estes has been using cardstock ones in a lot of their PSII rockets (Black Brant, Der Big Red Max, Doorknob, etc.). I am glad they brought this one back with centering rings that will stand up to big motors.
I know that the old kit had them, so did the other old PSII kits, or at least plastic ones, like the trajector. But lately Estes has been using cardstock ones in a lot of their PSII rockets (Black Brant, Der Big Red Max, Doorknob, etc.). I am glad they brought this one back with centering rings that will stand up to big motors.

It was already made with those, they didn't have to change anything.

The Big Red Max and DoorKnob really need the cardboard ones to fly OK with no worries on F15/E16 BP motors.
The 'Smoke on an F15 is really iffy, needs no wind, longer rail that most people won't find except at a club.

The Black Brant I have not looked into how close it is on weight drag with a BP E/F Estes motor.
I too got my kit over the weekend. After checking it out, I immediately realized this needs to fly on high power motors.

Possible mods include glassing the tube and adding rail buttons. Anyone else considering this? I’ll never fly it on BP motors.
I too got my kit over the weekend. After checking it out, I immediately realized this needs to fly on high power motors.

Possible mods include glassing the tube and adding rail buttons. Anyone else considering this? I’ll never fly it on BP motors.
One of our club members glassed his original PS II version, and used a 38mm mount (I think). The space in the nose cone was set up for a tracker. The rail buttons area good idea, just remember to use spacers to clear the edge of the nose cone. And don't forget to balance properly. Since the CP won't change, the CG has to be tested for the weight of the motors you want to use. Also, Dragon Rocketry has a nice 4 inch diameter carbboard version set up for 38mm.
I too got my kit over the weekend. After checking it out, I immediately realized this needs to fly on high power motors.

Possible mods include glassing the tube and adding rail buttons. Anyone else considering this? I’ll never fly it on BP motors.
Yes on buttons. Be sure to stack them to clear the nosecone shoulder. No glass really needed. I fly my 1st run kit on F-G motors all the time and.
I too got my kit over the weekend. After checking it out, I immediately realized this needs to fly on high power motors.

Possible mods include glassing the tube and adding rail buttons. Anyone else considering this? I’ll never fly it on BP motors.

CA the fins together with Binder Clips. When dry fill in any gap in the fin edges with thin CA.
When that is Dry wet sand with 400 wet paper in the sink with water running. This is very easy and not messy like Balsa sanding.

When that is dry paint the fins with the fin tabs masked off.

No need to glass the tube. I've flown 2.5" Estes Ascender on an I205 twice. No outside fillets as well. The body tubes were friction fitted for take down so I could ship it back from the dry lake as well.

Yes Rail Buttons are a must on anything larger then BT-55 :)
I originally installed the launch lugs that came with my BRM. I got a lot of rod whip, and, on the advice of my LSO, I added rail guides. I have never looked back. Some fields still ask me to launch from the rod and after I ask them if they really want me launching the BRM on a G80 from the rods, they usually (all but one time) assign me to a rail.
I originally installed the launch lugs that came with my BRM. I got a lot of rod whip, and, on the advice of my LSO, I added rail guides. I have never looked back. Some fields still ask me to launch from the rod and after I ask them if they really want me launching the BRM on a G80 from the rods, they usually (all but one time) assign me to a rail.
I have had a similar experience.
I too got my kit over the weekend. After checking it out, I immediately realized this needs to fly on high power motors.

Possible mods include glassing the tube and adding rail buttons. Anyone else considering this? I’ll never fly it on BP motors.
I've flown mine on G-H motors, all composite. No glassing, tape over the fin leading edges, nose cone modified to allow weighting for larger motors.

Oh, and I 3D printed rail guides that look more like the scale lugs.

Pete builds really nice rockets - his LOC Cyclotron that was destroyed by an epic CATO was a near work of art - so a glassed PSII NS will probably look about as good. Better than the full-size prototypes!

Next club launch, if the LSO/LCO doesn’t down check it and the winds are light enough, mine will fly at least once on an Estes BP F15. I’ve flown my PSII Ventris a couple of times on F15s at Grove City and the flights were perfect - it weighs about the same as the NS and is probably a bit draggier. But after that it’s stronger motors from then on - the Ventris went up on an Aerotech F last launch (I forget which one) and it was an even prettier flight than the Estes powered ones.
I have had a similar experience.

I have my own Mini Pad that takes my micro, mini, and reg rail buttons and put it by the last pad on the "LPR Rack" for say BT-60 models I run off on Mini Buttons. I even have a Cherokee - E and the Generic E2X on micro buttons. I just move the launch leads to my pad from the rack and when I am done move them back for others.
Mine just arrived!! Actually, it is a lot lighter than expected, especially the nose cone...