My rocket has a rocket in it

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
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I was doing some ejection tests on a minimum diameter 54mm rocket that will be flown on an L1040 at NSL west when I saw this.

Ive got an A motor as an ejection charge!
My charge is a .25" brass tube that has a section of all thread epoxied into it so it screws into my bulkhead. It is 2.5" long and topped with a little dog barf and about .25" of some BSI 15 minute epoxy.
This particular test had 1.6 grams in it.


I think I might have packed it a little too hard into the charge well, but it was very powerfull and I think contained well enought to work at 35k+ feet.
Current sim puts this rocket to about 39,800 feet and mach 2.4, though that would require a perfect flight. I would love to break 30k at least. I will post a full build thread at some point, probably after the launch since I am scrambling to get everything done in time.
Picture of the rocket in the meantime:
View attachment 20240516_133332.mp4
The main ejection test done too. This was 1.6 grams as well just in a PVC end cap with masking tape over top. Main is at 1500ft so no need for special containment. I only had 8 loops of electrical tape and it pulled through 6 of them. The charge is big because that parachute is very tightly packed into that nosecone. It is a 36" fruity chutes iris ultra light and nomex blanket fit in a 54mm nosecone with about 10ft of shock cord and the charge well. I have it set up so the parachute being pulled out of the NC is the first thing that happens, then the tape loops can come into effect. It will be violent, but nothing it can't handle. I will probably do 10 tape loops for the flight though. I like how it perfectly lays out the parachute after everything settles.

I forgot to mention the drouge ejection broke 17/30 masking tape loops and not a single electrical tape loop pulled through. Some pulled half way through though. There were 10 electrical tape loops.

I only have 2 shear pins in the main and drouge sections so I need a good amount of shock absorbtion to prevent the main popping at apogee. There is 30ft of shock cord in the drouge section but I think I can drop that down a little bit to 25ft since so few of my loops are breaking. I've flown to 20k AGL (27k ASL) successfully but this will be quite a lot higher. I have wanted to break 30k AGL for a while now.
I have had one come in balistic from 27k and do not want to repeat that so I am probably overthinking the deployment.