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I'm surprised you can get a waiver there.
What's the expected max AGL? 5k?
From the Website:


We have a FAA Waiver to launch rockets to 16,800 feet above ground at our site. Any rocket that could reach a higher altitude will not be allowed to launch.
Cool - and surprised.
Also didn't know the name of the club (TCC) so wasn't able to look it up.
Just googled the town and noted the location.
Amazing waiver for there.
I'm assuming since it's CA, there will be a max single motor limit of M class, with a max cluster limit of 20kN-s? Also, no EX?

I know way back when, ROC was able to get a limited lift on those restrictions for LDRS in Lucerne, but there was a lot of red tape involved.
I would suggest asking if others in your area are driving and if they could haul your stuff.
Everyone has a little room and appreciates a bit of green for gas.
EDIT: I changed the order of the airport locations to move Fresno to the top.

The city of Fresno is only about a half hour from the site, and it has an airport, so maybe that’s an option, depending on where you are coming from. I know nothing about flying into Fresno, but it is the closest airport to the site.

If Fresno doesn’t work for you, I imagine the Bay Area airports would be the next best — San Francisco, Oakland, or San Jose. Sacramento is also an option. The drive from any of those to the launch site is going to be in the range of 3 hours, more or less.

And then there are the SoCal airports, like LAX, Orange County, etc. Those would probably all involve a longer drive of at least 4 hours, maybe more.

Most likely the club will include recommendations for how to fly in on the website as things shape up.
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If you are flying in, I imagine the Bay Area airports would be best — San Francisco, Oakland, or San Jose. Sacramento is also an option. The drive from any of those to the launch site is going to be in the range of 3 hours, more or less.

The city of Fresno is only about a half hour from the site, and it apparently has an airport as well, so maybe that’s an option, depending on where you are coming from. I know nothing about flying into Fresno.

And then there are the SoCal airports, like LAX, Orange County, etc. Those would probably all involve a longer drive.

Most likely the club will include recommendations for how to fly in on the website as things shape up.
I can get a round trip flight to Fresno for under $400. I like the idea of flying in and out close to the launch site.
Any advice on flying to LDRS. Driving is not an option as it's a 3 day drive each way for me. I'd have to ship my rockets and motors and buy my reloads on site. Am I missing anything?
Get a large box or plastic bin, or even an old suitcase. Line it with foam or bubble wrap. Pack your sturdy rockets, broken down into sections, surrounded by more foam or Bubble wrap. Take it to the airport and check it as a second checked "bag". Likely cheaper and safer than mailing it.

You could also get crazy and use golf bag travel cases for longer parts, but those things aren't low cost.

You have time. Build a couple of sturdy, modular rockets with removable fins.

As for motors, yeah. Buy from the attending vendors for delivery there. If you don't fly them all, I'm sure you could find someone to buy it from you at a similar price than you paid. Might even be able to identify someone in advance through a forum like this.