Papa Elf's Warlock Build

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Papa Elf
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Penns Creek, PA
Started my LOC Warlock tonight.

Fin Guide.jpg
First I designed and printed a Fin Guide to help align the fins on the motor tube.

Glassline Layer Removed.jpg
Removed the Glassine layer from the motor tube

Retainer Fitted.jpg
Dry fitted the retainer and aft centering ring on the motor tube. Marked the motor tube where the Aft ring will go.

First Glue Applied.jpg
First Glue applied. Blind nuts in place, seated with CA. Shock Cord Anchored and its hardware sealed with epoxy, Forward centering ring Glued in place with Gorilla wood Glue. Tomorrow will sand the fins and continue the build.
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Removed the aft centering ring and applies an internal fillet to the forward center ring's airframe joint.

Rounded Leading and Trailing Edges.jpg
Took the fins down to the belt sander to round off the leading and training edges.

Prepped for Fins.jpg
Marked the fins where to add glue and removed the glassine where the fins touch the airframe to improve bonding.

Fins Glued On and Guide in place.jpg Got all three fins glued in place. Alignment guide in place.

Aft ring temp in place.jpg
Aft ring temporarily put back in place to make sure everything stays nice and round.

Allowing to dry.jpg
After an hour or so passed I removed the aft centering ring and the fin guide. I set the assembly aside to allow it to completely dry.

Ordered the Aeropack 54/38mm Adapter
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Got the internal fillets done :).

My RMS case says it needs a J275 load.

Is it better to just rip the Glassine layer off? I've always just sanded them. I'll need to do the L/T edges on the Magnum 3E too when it gets here. I'll keep looking for updates, now to read your L2/L3 build threads. I'm really thinking about glassing the Magnum.Thanks nj3tjm!

Is it better to just rip the Glassine layer off? I've always just sanded them. I'll need to do the L/T edges on the Magnum 3E too when it gets here. I'll keep looking for updates, now to read your L2/L3 build threads. I'm really thinking about glassing the Magnum.Thanks nj3tjm!

Yes. Notice how easy it is to remove the Glassine Layer. I've seen fins rip off because the glassine layer just let go. Once the glassine layer is gone, the glue soaks into the fibrous paper underneath making a nice strong bond. It is best practice to remove the Glassine layer when fiber glassing paper tubes. I am not going to glass my Warlock so I am keeping the layer on for finishing purposes.
Yes. Notice how easy it is to remove the Glassine Layer. I've seen fins rip off because the glassine layer just let go. Once the glassine layer is gone, the glue soaks into the fibrous paper underneath making a nice strong bond. It is best practice to remove the Glassine layer when fiber glassing paper tubes. I am not going to glass my Warlock so I am keeping the layer on for finishing purposes.
10-4, I've seen a few guys do here too and some youtube build videos. I haven't built with those type of motor tubes yet, well this large. But understand the importance of the adhesive soaking into the material. I'll be mindful of that, it kind of got me thinking about preparing for the Magnum build. I was thinking about maybe using some fiberglass over the motor tube and fin tabs internally, that seems to help a little. It's amazing how those fins will rip off a chunk of body tube right around it. LOC has a few youtube tutorial videos too that have been very helpful as well I've been checking out lately with some builds videos.

Thanks, I'll keep looking for progress on this. I definitely have to fiberglass the Mega for sure, so I'll check out the other threads too. Thanks again.
Warlock and Arreaux.jpg
Got another Fin Fillet done, and cleaned up the flashing on the nose cone. Got a tub of Elmer's Wood FIller ordered to fill the spirals. I had a tube of "Plastic Wood" brand, but it was to dried out to really be usable (I tried it on the Arreaux) and adding water didn't seem to help (hard to mix when its in a tube). So right now I am waiting on the wood filler to arrive to continue. Now what colors should I paint my Warlock? Think I can paint it in 40 degree weather or should I wait for warmer weather to get paint on it.
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Got another Fin Fillet done, and cleaned up the flashing on the nose cone. Got a tub of Elmer's Wood FIller ordered to fill the spirals. I had a tube of "Plastic Wood" brand, but it was to dried out to really be usable (I tried it on the Arreaux) and adding water didn't seem to help (hard to mix when its in a tube). So right now I am waiting on the wood filler to arrive to continue. Now what colors should I paint my Warlock? Think I can paint it in 40 degree weather or should I wait for warmer weather to get paint on it.
If you can get some Montana paint where you live, you can paint in 20 degrees with snow on the ground (I did lol). Otherwise I'd wait and not risk it, although I have used Rustoleum filler primer with no issues at low temps.
Yeah Primer does not care about about 40 degree weather. I'm itching to fire this thing off with the 23 year old H268R I have :D. Might do it in primer.
Interesting that you went with Gorilla glue and not epoxy. Is this to keep it light weight for smaller motors? 7.5 ” in correct?
I was down in the basement looking for something and guess what I found? A brand new tub of Elmers Wood Filler I didn't even know I had... So guess I don't have to wait till Wednesday for the one I ordered to arrive.

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That’s not a tub, that’s a mixing container of CWF 😂🤪. This is a tub (snipped from Amazon since mine is down at the workbench right now):IMG_0588.jpeg
Got up this morning and got the hard part done. Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand more Sanding. nope. Not done. Sand Sand Sand. More Sanding. Cleaned up mess so I don't get into to much trouble.

Then I got the first coat of primer done. Now Mrs is bugging me to take a shower because she wants me to take her to town :p
Guess what came today? If you guess my Aeropack 38mm to 54mm adapter you would be correct!
3854 Adapter.jpg

I decided to get out everything needed for the possible first flight for the Warlock (minus the delay grain, the initial batches of Redline loads did not come with the delay grain). I have here my RMS 29/360 motor casing, and my Aeropack 29/38mm adapter, my new Aeropack 38/54mm adapter, and my 23 year old H268 Reload :D
Adapting Down.jpg

Just for fun, I installed my 29/360 motor into the 54mm tube of my Warlock.
RMS 29-360 in 54mm tube.jpg

Here is the date code for the H268 load. Aug 6 2001.
H268 Date.jpg

2001 was the year Redline loads were certified, and I played a part in that! Here is a picture me half my age (literally, I was 22 in this pic, I am currently 44) loading a H268R in the test stand at a NAR Standards and Testing Session.

And here is a pic of one of the H268 motors firing. I always thought it looked like a light saber flame :)
Yesterday was booked so I didn't have time to work on the Warlock. Giving the Primer an extra day to dry won't hurt anything. This morning after figuring out where the cat pee smell was coming from and cleaning it up (someone put something next to the litter box causing the elder cat to miss the box), I decided to take a moment to work on the Warlock. Got the first coat of primer sanded. Not perfect but I am quite impressed how well it came out with the first coat.

Second coat of primer applied. Nice thing about primer is it reveals places where more sanding is needed or more filler is needed. Got a couple spots that need more filler, and I see some high spots on the fillets that need some attention.

Weather is getting colder, with snow in the forecast. There was some good size flurries falling down as I was applying the primer. I probably will wait for warmer weather for paint. Gives me plenty of time to think about my vynal design.
Got our first major snow fall and now temps are officially to cold to paint. Waiting for warmer weather now :)
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Will be a while till I can get paint applied, but that doesn't stop me from doing some design work on the vynals.

Soo... this is what I am thinking. Still got some touchup to do on the Warlock lettering before I make the second set for the other side of the fin. Maybe I'll come up with some custom targets instead of the stock Der Red Max Kill Counts. Thoughts? Suggestions? Yay? Nay?
Are those from sticker shock?
No. I am going to cut these myself. Or at least try.

Stickershock didn't have Der Red Warlock theme. If he did I would of bought them from him.

So I downloaded a scan of the Der Red Max decals, and used Sign Master Pro to vectorize the image and started playing around with it