Guess I need to introduce myself.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Pasco, WA
Never realized there was a etiquette on forums for intros. So a few weeks late but here goes:

My name is Rich, I am a BAR last summer I decided to get my fleet back in repair to start flying with the local club which I have since joined. I will be joining NAR in January.

I am the father of 2 soon to be 3 children (2 daughter and a son stuck between them) ages 5, 3, and one due mid January. We enjoy camping, fishing, and hunting (me, when I can).

I live in Richland, WA and work currently for one of the Hanford contractors transporting Radioactive/Hazardous Waste from the demolition/remediation sites to the disposal facility. This is part of the clean-up process from our nations nuclear weapons programs. Over the years I have worked on the side with my father building residential homes (its his hobby), and working with him when he had his fiberglass and cultured marble shop (so I have some background with fiberglass composites). I also have experience in all facets of residential construction (we do all except drywall and vertical concrete), and a fair knowledge of metal working from my gunsmithing experience, and working for a metal supplier, plus studying mechanical engineering many years ago, before enlisting in the US Army (no degree)

Rocketry started for me in the mid 80s until the early 90s, then it was off for a bit until early 2002-ish and lasted about 2 years. Now that I have kids I'm back and looking for more fun for us as a family and personally to get at least my L1 and L2 certs.

My current rocket fleet is mostly Estes products: Arv Condor, Sentinel, Courier, Gaurdian, Bullpup 12D, Cobra (mini brute 2 stage), Alpha (red/black stripe), Estes Menace, and a Quest Tomahawk. I also have cloned the Mean Machine (double tubed,TTW) for use with 29mm motors(29/40-120 type loads), and a Blue Bird Zero (same treatment as the MM only 24mm reloads). And a scratch built SA-3 Goa clustered setup, build thread here:

In the build pile currently (not in any particular order) are a Nike-Cajun scale scratch, SM1 scale scratch, another SA-3 (for Giant Sport Scale), a Nike Hercules, a Big Daddy modded to improve ejection reliability and 29mm motors aka Big Daddy-G, and a downscaled for 18mm motors Big Daddy for my daughter, and several V2s scratches (one BT-60 based and one 3"). I also have not yet decided on kit for my L1 and L2 cert attempts but am leaning heavily toward a Binder Designs Tyrannosaur or Velociraptor, MadCow Frenzy 3xl, or a Wildman BlackHawk 38 (cuz I love teleportations), then again I may just go with a scratch.

My 5 year old daughters fleet so far is a Semroc Skyhook clone of the Estes kit and a Semroc Snipe Hunter clone of the Centuri kit (iirc), she has flown the Skyhook successfully so far 6 times, and Snipe Hunter will hopefully be flown at the next club launch in December.
Hi Rich - not sure where you got the impression that an intro was proper etiquette - but Welcome! anyway

P.S. I never intro'd myself, I just lurked in the weeds, and then started posting...
He has probably been lurking other forums - I have been on a few where an introduction is mandatory else they ignore your posts.
Welcome to TRF RB! Thanks for your intro and thoughtfulness. It always helps to have a bit of background to go on. We do get some random visitors whose first post reads something like "Hi, my name is Mike and I was looking for some help. (So far-so good) Then it goes downhill from there: "My Uncle gave me a G-80 and I want to land something on the moon. What is the best kit for that and what colour should I paint it?" Then we find out he's 11 years old and lives in Pavement Ends, Utah and he's just bored. So Thanks again for that sterling bio! Sounds like you have a great start in the hangar and I have to admit, the Skyhook is a sentimental favourite. I had a (very) short-lived alt record back in the mid 60's with one! Welcome back to the hobby, brother! Straight smoke and good chutes!
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Never realized there was a etiquette on forums for intros. So a few weeks late but here goes:

Hey Rich. If it's any consolation, I dove into this forum posting a scratch build with photos saying, "Hey. New to the forum. Thought since I'm a scratch builder / designer, I'd throw out a build in progress." That got immediate attention I wasn't expecting, because these folks like pictures! Wasn't long after this post came into play. "Whoa!!! Looks like the gauntlet has been laid down with a glove across the face. You girls gonna settle this at Thunder Road?" This was referencing Scotty Dog who is also a very imaginative scratch builder that I have a lot of respect for these days. Etiquette? I really think it's all about your modeling and enthusiasm coupled with nice pics of your builds that get these powderheads rocking.
