Earning my L2 @ LDRS41!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
I just returned to MN from LDRS41 at Bong in Wisconsin, and it was a fantastic experience!!!

My first big meet outside of home clubs and it was overwhelming as you’ve probably read about in other threads already (the Jayhawk was a highlight)!

On Saturday the winds were favorable and it was a gorgeous day following a wet morning that had many people nervous.
I was nervous for another reason, I wanted to go for my L2 certification.

While the fields were drying and others were launching I went over the study guide again and then mustered the gumption to go sit for the written test.
My prep paid off and I only missed one question!

But the butterflies only intensified as now it got real and I returned to my tent to prep my rocket. I chose an Aerotech J270 with 700Ns total impulse as the motor for my eight pound (loaded) four inch Stingray rocket. 270 / 4.45 = 60.7 / 8.6 = 7:1 thrust to weight ratio.


Electronics are MissileWorks RRC3 for primary and a backup RRC2.


My charge wells are .44Mag cases for the main and .45ACP for the drogue, using about 1g and 0.75g FFFG respectively.
Topped with dog barf and then taped.

So now I waited in line about a half hour or hour, not sure, my heart was pounding, I was watching and fretting every shift in the wind on the flights before mine and eventually I got to go load my rocket on the rail, as pictured further above.

And here we go!!!!



Such a beautiful sight!
But, after the decent on a two foot Rocketman ProX drogue and a perfect main deployment of the Rocketman 4’ parabolic at 600’ it drifted south toward the rocket-eating trees. 😮


So I took a visual bearing and headed that way. The scrub grass was hell on my shins but once I got to the trees I found a little path and kept going toward where I thought it may have landed.

Oh hey, there’s a cornfield on my right.
Wait….. is that some orange?????

I don’t know how I spotted that but sure enough, it had missed the trees and I found my rocket!!!!

As the examiner instructed I scooped it all up and carried it back un-reassembled for inspection.

Back at the RSO area my rocket was inspected by Gary and was verified to be undamaged! I got signed off!


I have to thank my wife for her patience with me and her tolerance for the time and money I’ve invested in this and also thank the many other rocketeers that have shared their knowledge and put up with my questions along the way.

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Thanks everyone!!
Your support is awesome and NOT surprising, EVERYONE in high power rocketry has been so welcoming and supportive!
Congrats!!!!!!! Love the rocket choice.

Thank you! I used your tube and cone and the sled but I did end up using different innards and fins, and to stand up to the abuse I have three layers of fiberglass/epoxy over the tube and two layers on the fins.
As shipped the kit would certainly be fine for L1 but I knew I wanted to beef it up for full power K motors.
Thanks again!
Congratulations, its a little older post but I'm looking at L2 cert builds. Aweseome job! I may end up getting mine next year at LDRS 42 the way its looking. Very Nice!!