CATS! Post a cat pic that makes you LOL

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cat with the drums is great. I had a cat, long hair black tom cat, every time I played an Allman Brothers record, either Eat A Peach, or Brothers and Sisters, he'd come running in my room, jump on the bed, curl up, and tap his tail, mostly to the beat. I swear he'd smile and purr for a Dickey Betts solo. 50 years ago.
In Ukraine. I've seen a lot of dogs and cats in videos from there. Both Ukrainian and Russians have them. I worry more about the animals than the Russians. I hope the animals in the Ukrainian trenches survive. I know soldiers have been bringing animals to war zones forever but it bothers me that they do. I didn't like horses being killed either.
Cat grass works as advertised.

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Just buy half a pound of wheat kernels. Hard winter red wheat is what my girl prefers. Add a hand full to a small dish add just enough water to cover and soak the kernels. Cover with a paper towel and keep moist. A few days later it will be high enough to remove the towel. 5 days in it should be long enough for kitty to enjoy.
I always have one in “sprout” and one in “consume” to keep my female kitty happy.
Much cheaper than $6 or $7 dollars (at least in my area) for what amounts to the very same thing.
In Ukraine. I've seen a lot of dogs and cats in videos from there. Both Ukrainian and Russians have them. I worry more about the animals than the Russians. I hope the animals in the Ukrainian trenches survive. I know soldiers have been bringing animals to war zones forever but it bothers me that they do. I didn't like horses being killed either.

What about ancient War Elephants ?

In more modern times like early 1900s, I am sure you know what a Howdah Gun was used for while on an Elephant??
I don't think its only me, but when you see cat in pic #1, you ask "What are you doing?". Second and third pic, same question. Last pic, "Who's a good girl (possibly boy)?

I probably need psychiatric help, but I absolutely, out loud, literally (and any other terms used by modern generations) did ask those questions when I looked at each picture.

Probably the most common question asked in this house is "Are you being crazy?". I think my wife and I might be giving our cat a complex. . .
What about ancient War Elephants ?

In more modern times like early 1900s, I am sure you know what a Howdah Gun was used for while on an Elephant??
I feel bad for any animal that gets used in war. I don't understand the mind set of someone that kills an animal for it's antlers or horns or hide. Unfortunately it still happens. I'd like to go to Africa and hunt poachers. They are plain evil. If you hunt because you want the meat that I can understand. I also understand population control. As I approach my expiration date I have tried not to kill anything. If I catch a spider in the house I put it outside. There are a few exceptions though. Black Widows are one. Lion and Tiger hunting depresses me. To me they are just big kitties. I think Fox hunting in the UK is cruel and should be abolished. Zombies on the other hand are fair game.
“I'd like to go to Africa and hunt poachers.”
Agree 1000%
Since it seems most of the poaching is to satisfy some obscure asian myth about virility or some such I think we just need to get it out there that the myths have been all wrong.
Then make the statement that it has been discovered that the #1 item to improve skin, hair, life span, sexual satisfaction and so on is the gonads of poachers.
“I'd like to go to Africa and hunt poachers.”
Africa has a lot of problems- cultures that want animal products for superstitions, poor people who try to kill animals for food, governments who kill animals for the meat to feed soldiers. Sport hunting is a drop in the bucket, maybe less than that. A lot of countries have calmed down some and governments have figured out that selling hunting licenses provides a lot more money than anything else they have done with the animals so they are protecting them and in some areas the animal populations are doing a lot better.

I've read some books on safaris and a safari is one of the last big adventures a person can have whether you are carrying a rifle or a camera. And a real safari is not for the lightweight, it is very strenuous and very dangerous. Even if you are out there with a camera, the animals don't care and they will still try to kill you. I have my own types of adventure. I would like to go on a safari but will never do that for many reasons one of which is I'm not physically up to the task and I have no desire to shoot anything (except with a camera). I drive my Jeep to remote areas as much as 100 miles from pavement and I do some backpacking, that is the limit of my adventure. But it's still interesting to read about some of it.