Gifts that make you go meh

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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We got another box of Ferroro Rocher candies this year. Meh. My wife and I don't understand the appeal of these. At best I rate them OK. There so many better alternatives to these. Anyway, we got the sampler box, so 25% of them have coconut which she won't eat, and I barely tolerate. MEH!

What is the gift that makes you go Meh?
Necktie. Fortunately I haven't received one in decades. I work in operations, so even a polo isn't super common.
We got another box of Ferroro Rocher candies this year. Meh. My wife and I don't understand the appeal of these. At best I rate them OK. There so many better alternatives to these. Anyway, we got the sampler box, so 25% of them have coconut which she won't eat, and I barely tolerate. MEH!

What is the gift that makes you go Meh?
I'm OK with the Ferroro Rocher stuff, but wouldn't pay full price for it myself. I love Sarris chocolates and had a vendor who used to send us a box each year. I acted like Golem with that one.

A funny one is the year my wife asked me to buy her lint balls for Christmas. She preferred the blue ones, but was OK with the orange and didn't like the yellow. I'm scratching my head for sure until I figured out they were the Lindt Truffle Balls. I really like all of those, but again will only buy if on sale, as I don't need to eat them and surely don't need to waste money on getting fatter with junk food.

Back on question, though: Pretty much any tool that I didn't pick out myself. I am very particular about tools and will pay crazy money for the perfect tool and on (very rare) occasions will pay next to nothing for a single use tool. In general, though, I want specific things and the 'for only 3 easy payments of $19.95' 'fit any bolt wrench-o-matic 5000', I'm just bummed. That means some (likely distant relative or casual acquaintance) felt the need to buy something and did and I don't ever want to try to use it or even let it take up space in a toolbox. I guess that might be a little meh++, so for a nominal meh, I'd say generic puzzles. I like doing puzzles, but I also like doing puzzles that are unique. I bet I get a puzzle or two every year and I'm just not that into 'lighthouses of eastern bla-dref-onesia', compared to some sci-fi thing or a place I've been or want to go.

Feel free to send the coconut chocolates, though. I've got a lighthouse puzzle or two I'll trade!
Yeah, good chocolate over the crap stuff. We usually get a few boxes of the 'wax type alcohol' chocolates.. Toss, or take to work to give away (lunchroom surprise)..

Lindt all the way! their large fruit & nut milk chocolate!! Toblerone too.. Or even a proper English Cadbury bar (from England, not N. America.. they use cream instead of milk, super creamy chocolate!!)

And gift cards.. hate them. "Here's $25 for that one particular store.. assuming you remember to bring it with you..." At least they no longer expire or self-drain.. And, to me shows laziness.. just give me cold hard cash instead..

On teh Victoria secrets topic: (sorry for eh segway..)
Where i worked about 25 years ago, I sometimes helped the receptionist with her mail duties. We were about 250 people in the company.. and the mail was usually a crate-full.. So, I'd help her pop the letters & such into the various pigeon holes. I was amazed at how many V.S. catalogs some got at work.. at least 20 or so!
My ex Mrs aunt used to give all of the guys socks. Over the calf Gold Toe. Every one of us expected to get 3 pair, and eagerly awaited them.
Once Macy’s stopped stocking them I had to adjust, but was never happy with alternative socks.
I finally contacted the mill that manufactured them, and purchased 24 pair direct.
I‘ve done that for a good many years. I am finally finding them occasionally stocked at high end stores.
My meh gift…..hmmmmm. That would have to be PJ’s or underwear.
Yeah, any of the wax type chocolates (esp Godiva, bleah) get tossed.

Too many shortbread tins are just stale. Toss. The tins make nice keepers, for something, I'm not sure what yet.

Clothes are not a present for a guy. Girls love it, so keep that option in mind.
My wife keeps receiving throw blankets/comforters. I swear we must have 15 of the darn things now. She is FINALLY starting to regift them, but we are simply overrun.
The ubiquitous tin of Danish butter cookies.
For those who are too lazy to actually PERSONALIZE a gift.
A tin of Papa Elf's cookies perhaps a better choice? :p

When I was a kid, socks and underwear were our meh gifts. Now that we are older... And now know how much they charge for those.... We are kinda disappointed when we don't get them.

A tin of Papa Elf's cookies perhaps a better choice? :p

When I was a kid, socks and underwear were our meh gifts. Now that we are older... And now know how much they charge for those.... We are kinda disappointed when we don't get them.

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I am getting socks this year and quite happy about it. I wear out the heels, not the toes.

And Lindt is some of the best chocolate. Mmmmm. European chocolate in general is so much better than the US stuff.
Anything from anyone that just grabs something and puts it in a box, if you don’t know me well enough to know what I like then you probably shouldn’t give me a present anyway. But if you really want to anyway I accept cash…
Back on question, though: Pretty much any tool that I didn't pick out myself. I am very particular about tools

I'm on the fence. I'm the same way, but "it's the thought that counts" and a cheap and useless tool shows at least they know I like and use tools.

One year we visited my brother in law and his family overseas for Christmas. They had a bunch of thoughtful gifts for my wife. For me, they had one pair of ordinary socks. It was completely bizarre. I get along fine with them so I have no idea what that was about. 🤷‍♂️
Underwear from my mother, but since she passed I would love to whine meh again.
Mom gave me a man's thong. She was assuming my love life needed a little kick. Of course I was a bit chagrined. She passed away in 2006 and yeah seeing her again would be the greatest Christmas present ever.
If you are given lotto tickets, and you happen to win big.. are you obliged to give the giver a cut / percentage?!
Ha, I give Lotto tickets!!! We always joke that I should get a cut if they win the big one but nobody has ever won more than $10. Still its fun to watch everyone scratch the tickets, its an activity everyone like to participate in.
I'm on the fence. I'm the same way, but "it's the thought that counts" and a cheap and useless tool shows at least they know I like and use tools.

One year we visited my brother in law and his family overseas for Christmas. They had a bunch of thoughtful gifts for my wife. For me, they had one pair of ordinary socks. It was completely bizarre. I get along fine with them so I have no idea what that was about. 🤷‍♂️
Hey, for my 40th birthday, my mother, that paragon of manipulative behavior, gave me a Slinky toy.
Mom gave me a man's thong. She was assuming my love life needed a little kick. Of course I was a bit chagrined. She passed away in 2006 and yeah seeing her again would be the greatest Christmas present ever.
I concur my friend. You often take people for granted till they are gone.
I'm somewhat hard to please so my wife and I typically would give each other a list of potential gifts. This year she said we would only give one gift each. I feel like this is reducing the fun of Christmas but it is also a bit of a relief because I don't have to make up a list and I don't have to do any shopping. Anything that I would put on a list that I really want I can just buy myself later.
As for chocolates, "I never met a chocolate I didn't like", but typically I will go for quantity over quality. I am fine with ordinary Hershey's or M&Ms.
Funny about socks. My wife's sister sent us socks this year. Neither of us would wear them. They are way to colorful. Going straight to Goodwill. My mom made killer fruit cake. I still like fruit cake as long as it isn't dry. Don't like eggnog. Two of our neighbors gave us chocolates. My wife and I stopped giving each other presents 20 years ago. Saved a lot of grief. We buy what we want through out the year. I did get my wife a card and chocolates though.