Wildman Dink Build Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2023
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This will be my first attempt at a build thread... Haven't found much on the Dink so thought it'd be a good candidate to try and tackle a thread on. This kit was given to me second hand and I ended up having to order fins for it as the originals were missing. Looks like a pretty straight forward kit - so I'm sure I can over-complicate this one pretty easily. I like that it comes with aluminum bulk plates for the electronics bay... My plan for this rocket is to not worry about weight as this will be my short fat low and slow style rocket.

So I started by squaring up the ends of the fiberglass body tube and coupler. I've seen a few methods for this, but my go to is a 3D printed sleeve that matches the OD of the tube, and a sanding disc stuck to the floor. I basically put the tube into the sleeve, stand on the flanges to keep it flat, and twist the tube back and forth. I sometimes mark the edge with a sharpie to make sure it's flat before moving on to the other end.




Looks flat to me!!
Little sanding today... the fin slots were pretty tight so I sanded them smooth, and dry fit the fins. Went ahead and 3D printed the alignment jig I've always used. If able I use two of them, one in front of the fins and one behind... but due to the design of the Dink fins, I won't be able to get a jig onto the BT at the rear. Shouldn't be an issue though. Everything seems to fit well together. Went ahead and ordered a thrust plate only because I like they way they look. I've come to realize my build style tends to sacrifice performance for appearance. Yea, I'm that guy that spends a ton of time making a rocket look really nice before ever launching it. ;)



So I started by squaring up the ends of the fiberglass body tube and coupler. I've seen a few methods for this, but my go to is a 3D printed sleeve that matches the OD of the tube, and a sanding disc stuck to the floor. I basically put the tube into the sleeve, stand on the flanges to keep it flat, and twist the tube back and forth. I sometimes mark the edge with a sharpie to make sure it's flat before moving on to the other end.

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Looks flat to me!!
That's slick, I like it!
Parts came in so more dry fitting today. Got the forward centering ring positioned and slid the MMT in place


Then I put the rear CR on, but there is quite a gap between the CR and the end of the BT, which doesn't work well with the thrust plate. So I put a ply CR in there and it's going to work out well. It will leave me a 1.7mm gap between the rear fiberglass CR and the ply CR, so room for a fillet for sure.





Not shown, but I tried doing a little beveling on the rear of the BT to get it to blend into that thrust ring so it looks much better. I need to make a jig to mount the 4" BT into my wood lathe because it makes life so much easier. And yea yea yea, I know there is some sort of gunk on my aft closure. Can't seem to get it off. Got these cases 2nd hand, and I've tried simple green, but no bueno. I can scratch it off with a razor blade but don't want to do any damage to the anodizing.

Anyway, I need to get some hardware: Screws for the thrust plate and plate nuts and a recovery harness anchor so I can get started on the epoxy side of things. I'm going to re-use the nylon harness from my Apogee Zephyr build since it's pretty easy to get to things in this short BT, so changing it out in the future if needed should be pretty easy.
Small progress... I tend to drag the build process along, mainly because I don't like fixing mistakes from rushing. At any rate, got the holes drilled for the forward CR U-bolt, dry fit it all up, and tacked it in place.



Mixed up some West Systems, added in some filler to get it nice and thick, and went ahead and set the hardware and Fwd CR to the MMT.


Marked a centering line for the BT, drilled holes for the rail buttons and some injection holes for the fin fillets.


Used 5 min epoxy to set the nut plates for the rail buttons.

Then moved on to the rear CR. Drilled the holes for the SCP Thrust Plate, and used it to hold the plate nuts in place while I smeared some 5 min epoxy on them. Had to touch up the edges with a file a little where it protruded past the OD of the centering ring, but no big deal. Fits well. I do need to do some sanding on the fins, they stand a little proud out of the fin slot so I plan to work on that this weekend and might even get to the point where I can get the MMT epoxied in. We will see.

It's been a while since my last update. All I've done thus far is sand everything down and prime. I did cheat a little on the nose... Being a little OCD, I'm one of those that wants a perfect finish. Figured out a way to mount my nosecone in my wood lathe, which REALLY speeds up the sanding / wet sanding process! I'm still debating on color, but I'm really leaning towards pearl white... still undecided though.

Beautiful build so far! Everything looks very professional.:clapping:

I don't know if you're familiar with the story of the Dink. 🐉

From what I recall, it was a surprise Wildman holiday sale special and there was a ton of speculation as to what the kit would be (ex. something massive?). The reveal was funny with all sorts of silly remarks. It's actually a very nice little rocket and it's great to see such a well done build thread for it. :)
Managed to get the primary color (went with pearl white) down today. I still need a name for this rocket... and I'm trying to find something else to paint on it that looks cool. I have silver pearl for some accents but can't decide on what to do.

Name wise... my wife suggested "Pocket Rocket" but I don't think I'll get a warm welcome if I put that on a launch card and expect them to announce it over the PA system lol. I need something clever that plays on the short fat design. Would like to paint the name on the side in silver, then clearcoat the whole thing.



Chubby Bunny! 😆

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