Watch out for donation scams to politicians

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Nov 25, 2009
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Central Illinois
For what is worth I want to caution folks who want to donate money to a particular political candidate. I did a modest donation to a state candidate several years ago and now I get so much freaking junk mail from candidates from the party "I'm in" asking for money. Worst mistake I ever made!!! I didn't need anything from them mind you!
Presidential campaigns I don't get harassed as such but local politicians, it all goes into the shredder when I get their mail. Oh, I may read the local newsletter put out by my local State Representative but most goes into the trash.
Pretty much the name of the game...
Yeah, I learned the hard way. Donate to a politician you like and the bastids circulate your name on a mailing list. I will NEVER EVER donate to a politician again in my life. I think it's as bad for the democrats too. Admit I'm on the Conservative/ Republican side and will never donate again.

Shoot, if it was a local politician running for office! I liked'em and donated to my adverse affect.
I get stuff from states I've never lived in asking for money from the party I identify myself in. Kurt
if political donations were put to health research, we could cure cancer tomorrow!!

Either that, or cancer is a fundamental artifact of our evolutionary development, exacerbated by environmental factors we generate ourselves, and it's going to stay on the list of things that will eventually catch up to people who live long enough as long as there are people who live.
Either that, or cancer is a fundamental artifact of our evolutionary development, exacerbated by environmental factors we generate ourselves, and it's going to stay on the list of things that will eventually catch up to people who live long enough as long as there are people who live.
way to shoot down a comment!! :D ya haft be practical eh?!?!

I do agree though :D :D
Not just political donations... I used to make donations to (international charity). But they spent it all trying to get more from me! And, as noted, now I'm on the sucker list for all kinds of charities, some worthy, some are obvious scams.
We donate to the American Cancer Society, the American Heart And Lung Association, the policemen's fund, the firemen's fund and the Humane Society. Screw politicians.
I've had to write my own name into the ballot of several elections in recent years for want of a candidate I could support. So technically I'm a politician. Naturally therefore I give myself copious campaign donations which I then mispurpose to feed my rocketry addiction (and the remainder I blow on fine meals and leisure travel). I of course am open to anyone willing to donate to my campaign. PM me for my Paypal address. 🤣
Not just political donations... I used to make donations to (international charity). But they spent it all trying to get more from me! And, as noted, now I'm on the sucker list for all kinds of charities, some worthy, some are obvious scams.
Yeah, It sucks. My mother had a good deal when I was a kid. My dad attended a college for a time where he had a friendship with a seminarian. Fellow became a priest and my mom would send him money. He'd come up to visit family in Chicago and would stop by Wheaton to say hello. He worked in South America. I remember it well. That's the way to do it. Give money to someone you know who's doing good work for humanity.
For greater objectivity and information such as percentage that goes to admin fees/salaries and to actual people in need; both of these are recommended by Consumer Reports (descriptions are from their webpages):

"CharityWatch, founded in 1992 as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog. CharityWatch does not merely repeat what a charity reports using simplistic or automated formulas. We dive deep to let you know how efficiently a charity will use your donation to fund the programs you want to support. CharityWatch exposes nonprofit abuses and advocates for your interests as a donor."

"You can use Charity Navigator to find and support thousands of charities that align with your passions and values. We use data from the IRS, partners, and the charities themselves to power our unbiased ratings so that you can give with confidence."
if political donations were put to health research, we could cure cancer tomorrow!!

Always amazed at how much $$$ rolls in for campaigns!! and how quickly it comes in!!
The global investment in cancer research is substantial. Between 2016 and 2020, public and charitable organizations invested approximately $24.5 billion across 66,388 research grants This funding is critical for advancing our understanding of cancer and developing new treatments. It’s important to note that this figure only covers a five-year period and the actual total investment over time is likely much higher, as ongoing and new research projects continue to be funded each year.
For what is worth I want to caution folks who want to donate money to a particular political candidate. I did a modest donation to a state candidate several years ago and now I get so much freaking junk mail from candidates from the party "I'm in" asking for money. Worst mistake I ever made!!! I didn't need anything from them mind you!
Presidential campaigns I don't get harassed as such but local politicians, it all goes into the shredder when I get their mail. Oh, I may read the local newsletter put out by my local State Representative but most goes into the trash.

Junk physical mail, junk emails, invitations to political social events, AGMs, volunteer requests, telephone marketing, membership drives, yada yada yada. Donate once and you are their "friend" for life. LOL 🤣 Yes, I have donated in the past. How can you tell?
Donations to politicians?...............nope, uh uh, nada, ain't gonna do it, screw that.
That said, I DO absolutely believe in supporting good candidates (if you can find any) and helping them "win" elections......just not with cash. How then? - community outreach, political speech/conversation (in the appropriate places), showing up physically to support causes, etc. Lots of ways to help that aren't sending dollars, which - A) I don't have, B) they can get elsewhere, C) gets you on endless call/mailing lists, and D) they do stupid and wasteful things with.

Donations to causes/charities/etc.?................this one is tricky.
As has been noted, an enormous amount of donated money is often wasted.......often on efforts to continue hounding anyone who has given something in the past. I've actually worked for a few non-profits throughout my life....causes that I very much believed in and cared about deeply. It was always disheartening to see how much money/effort went down the drain simply on fundraising itself, not to mention a lot of those pesky "administrative expenses" (which btw ARE real and necessary and unavoidable much of the time). I remember particularly a mail campaign (back in the days before the internet, cell phones, etc.) wherein the organization mailed out obscene amounts of mailers and were absolutely thrilled if they got any kind of response to as little as half a percent of them. And these were not "blind/cold" mailings, but were in fact very specifically targeted ones.
That said, I do still give money to a few "causes" and such. I generally send it as anonymously as possible, and try very hard NOT to get added to ANY kind of mailing or call list. If I do ever get calls or mail from them, I never donate again and let them know why. I also try (though it's difficult) to search out groups/organizations that have good track records, or at the very least reputations, for spending their money wisely and efficiently. Better yet, instead of helping with cash, I try to get involved more directly (there are lots of ways to do so).

Yeah, I learned the hard way. Donate to a politician you like and the bastids circulate your name on a mailing list. I will NEVER EVER donate to a politician again in my life. I think it's as bad for the democrats too. Admit I'm on the Conservative/ Republican side and will never donate again.

Shoot, if it was a local politician running for office! I liked'em and donated to my adverse affect.
I get stuff from states I've never lived in asking for money from the party I identify myself in. Kurt
Always use a burner email account and don't give them your cell phone number. I've donated to just enough local campaigns that I'm on the sucker's list.
I've had to write my own name into the ballot of several elections in recent years for want of a candidate I could support. So technically I'm a politician. Naturally therefore I give myself copious campaign donations which I then mispurpose to feed my rocketry addiction (and the remainder I blow on fine meals and leisure travel). I of course am open to anyone willing to donate to my campaign. PM me for my Paypal address. 🤣
Sure, but the campaign finance reporting requirements are a pain in the butt. :D
How do you know that? How much free stuff have you gotten?
I've gotten all kinds of free stuff. Mortgage interest tax deduction, child tax credit, all kinds of stimulus payments, the list goes on.

The definition of what's free stuff from the government almost invariably depends on who's complaining about it. 😁
PAC's are the ruination of honest campaigning. No single entity should be able to give away $50M to a candidate... you think that money isn't going to come back to them somehow? It will... guaranteed.

If you're looking for corruption, follow the money.
Yeah, I learned the hard way. Donate to a politician you like and the bastids circulate your name on a mailing list. I will NEVER EVER donate to a politician again in my life. I think it's as bad for the democrats too. Admit I'm on the Conservative/ Republican side and will never donate again.

Shoot, if it was a local politician running for office! I liked'em and donated to my adverse affect.
I get stuff from states I've never lived in asking for money from the party I identify myself in. Kurt
Me too.
I won't even do surveys anymore.
If you put a gun to everybody's head as they exited the voting booth, and asked them the question if they could answer, what the candidates viewpoints on three major issues are, if they got it wrong, you would shoot them.... There would be nothing but dead people laying around. Most people have no idea what their candidates are for, or against. They tend to vote on who did the most advertising, or just vote on which party they represent. It reminds me of when Bill Clinton was running for president, and they asked a lady why she voted for him in an exit poll, and she said because he was better looking.
Polling after the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate showed that people that listened to it on the radio (yes, that was still a thing back then) thought that Nixon won because he presented his points better, and people that watched it on TV (in grainy black and white...) thought that Kennedy won... because he looked better. Appearance matters. You can be sure that in the upcoming debate every eye will be on both of them, looking for one little slip that shows that they are "too old". Of course, they BOTH are... :)