To my fellow Veterans on Veteran's Day

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Roanoke Rapids NC
If this open letter helps one veteran it will have been worth it.

Ante Up​

This is an open letter to all veterans contemplating ending their lives.

We have seen horrible things experienced by friend and foe during battle and during times of peace.
When we enlist there is a contract we assume to protect our country up to and including the sacrifice of our lives if the need be.

But there is another contract we assume and that is to fight side by side with our military buddies and not let them down. And to share in the experience of military life whether it is good or bad.

When we lose a fellow veteran no matter the circumstance it hurts but we being a military family we carry on to complete the mission. After coming back home the loss of a buddy haunts us and we ask the question why did I survive and he did not. The guilt eats at us like a cancer and we try to bury it deep inside ourselves.

Sometime the guilt is so bad we contempt at taking our own lives to end the pain and memories we suffer. It is said the only fate worse than death is to be forgotten.

I offer you this question, if you end your life who will remember the military buddies we lost?

It is a hell of a contract but one that is assumed by all veterans. It is an ongoing conflict that some of we veterans will bear the rest of our lives. If this is to much to bear I offer this suggestion, Talk to a stranger, friend or fellow veteran and tell them about the buddy you lost. The more people you tell about your buddy is more ways of keeping his memory alive.

As long as you live their memories live inside of you!

From a fellow veteran.
Guilt is a terrible thing. Guilt mixed with alcohol is not a mixed drink you should serve on a regular basis especially if you can't stop at one.
I feel for all vets going through this. They've taken on an extreme burden during war time and experience conditions us civvies will never even comprehend. Thank you for your selflessness and courage to fight even the enemy within.