They Wouldn't Make The Meme, If It Wasn't The Truth...

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GIF by Tokkingheads
Any girl a rocket nerd boy can get is awesome. I watched The Big Bang Theory. They launched model rockets when they had no girlfriends, even rockets that broke mach. True, reality stuff there, no TV fantasy.

Both of the ladies pictured in the meme are dern Purdy. Look smart too! Lucky dudes! :)
Goblin: 3FNC with slightly odd fins.
Der Red Max: 4FNC with somewhat odder fins.

Potayto, tomahto. View attachment 646320
A Mustang with a Hemi. A Cobra Jet in a Charger. An LS powered Porsche. No big deal to the normie, but to the abomination!

For Lakeroadster: A '32 Ford hot rod powered by YUGO! NOW THOSE 'ER FIGHTIN' WORDS!

When I drink me whiskey, I drink me whiskey. When I drink me water, I drink me water!

CRIKEY. Keep the DRM and Goblins PURE!

For the hot rod power by a Yugo engine, now there I'm forced to agree. Anything powered by a Yugo engine. Even a Yugo powered by a Yugo engine. Especially a Yugo powered by a Yugo engine.

(Drop whatever you're doing and watch Drowning Mona.)
Leave it to flat Earthers to come up with the most idiotic memes on the internet.
View attachment 646346
That's the first time I've encountered flat Earth belief linked to Christian confirmation bias. But I can't say I'm surprised.

(No, I'm not saying that all Christians are that kind of whackadoodles.)
That's the first time I've encountered flat Earth belief linked to Christian confirmation bias. But I can't say I'm surprised.

(No, I'm not saying that all Christians are that kind of whackadoodles.)

I have Never heard of Christians talking or believing flat earth. And knowing the Bible, I see nothing in it that says we are flat and not round as we are; not even alluding to it.
I have Never heard of Christians talking or believing flat earth. And knowing the Bible, I see nothing in it that says we are flat and not round as we are; not even alluding to it.
Unfortunately, there is a growing cult that believes Earth is flat and the Bible says so (which it doesn't). They pop up in science channels on YouTube and accuse us with functioning brains of sun worship (believing the heliocentric model) and our religion is "scientism". Funny how they can never refute my mathematical debunks of their absurd claims. And, according to these Bozos, I'm a NAShole.
Unfortunately, there is a growing cult that believes Earth is flat and the Bible says so (which it doesn't). They pop up in science channels on YouTube and accuse us with functioning brains of sun worship (believing the heliocentric model) and our religion is "scientism". Funny how they can never refute my mathematical debunks of their absurd claims. And, according to these Bozos, I'm a NAShole.
I honestly think (or hope?) that the growing number who claim to be "flat earthers" are really just bored pimple faced youngsters trying to be funny or outrageous and they really don't believe it, but think its funny to repeat it or add to the rhetoric. I mean can people really be THAT dumb these days?? I hope not.
I honestly think (or hope?) that the growing number who claim to be "flat earthers" are really just bored pimple faced youngsters trying to be funny or outrageous and they really don't believe it, but think its funny to repeat it or add to the rhetoric. I mean can people really be THAT dumb these days?? I hope not.

I met one, in person while walking around the Pond that is in front of the Von Braun Center in Huntsville.
He had a telescope pointing at the sun and tracking it on paper.

I asked him what he was doing and he went into a Flat Earth Speech and handed me his website card.
Weird stuff, Sats are really balloons and such stuff; and this was in a main NASA town.
I met one, in person while walking around the Pond that is in front of the Von Braun Center in Huntsville.
He had a telescope pointing at the sun and tracking it on paper.

I asked him what he was doing and he went into a Flat Earth Speech and handed me his website card.
Weird stuff, Sats are really balloons and such stuff; and this was in a main NASA town.
I stand corrected!😂....😯
I have Never heard of Christians talking or believing flat earth. And knowing the Bible, I see nothing in it that says we are flat and not round as we are; not even alluding to it.
That's what led to the demise of that one steam rocket guy. The bible told him to get in a rocket and go to 5000' so he could see that the earth was flat.
Disclaimer: I am not a Christian in any way, shape, or form, and never have been.
I have Never heard of Christians talking or believing flat earth. And knowing the Bible, I see nothing in it that says we are flat and not round as we are; not even alluding to it.
There have always been people who believe that their religions' holy books say, or don't say, whatever it is they want the holy books to say, or not say. Here in the US, the Christians among those are the most numerous and loudest. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to whether they are growing more numerous or merely louder.

I honestly think (or hope?) that the growing number who claim to be "flat earthers" are really just bored pimple faced youngsters trying to be funny or outrageous and they really don't believe it, but think its funny to repeat it or add to the rhetoric. I mean can people really be THAT dumb these days?? I hope not.
I've long wondered how many flat Earthers see it as a lark, like the evangelists for the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I'm sure it's somewhere between none of them and all of them.
There are a few verses in the bible that could be interpreted as indicating the earth is flat, but it's definitely not explicit, and -

"The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false. If our interpretation of scripture seems to contradict an undeniable physical truth, we must reevaluate our interpretation of scripture."

-St. Thomas Aquinas (paraphrased)
That's what led to the demise of that one steam rocket guy. The bible told him to get in a rocket and go to 5000' so he could see that the earth was flat.
That was an avoidable tragedy. All he needed to do is charter a flight in a private airplane. He could have gone higher than his steam rocket and he'd still be alive today.
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