Show me your multi-tools!

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Jan 17, 2009
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SW Michigan
I have a little bit of Xmas money to spend and I was thinking today rocketry is a good excuse to buy a Leatherman (or another brand) multi-tool. I was out at the pad today and was thinking it'd sure be nice to have a pair of pliers and maybe a screw driver for screw switches, etc. So let me see what you folks have. Recommend a brand or a particular model that's good for rocketry. Thanks!
I have a little bit of Xmas money to spend and I was thinking today rocketry is a good excuse to buy a Leatherman (or another brand) multi-tool. I was out at the pad today and was thinking it'd sure be nice to have a pair of pliers and maybe a screw driver for screw switches, etc. So let me see what you folks have. Recommend a brand or a particular model that's good for rocketry. Thanks!
It's pricey but I just got the Leatherman arc and it's fantastic. The big draw is the magnacut knife blade, which is razor sharp, but my favorite part of it is the bit driver. With the optional (and incredibly hard to find) Leatherman ratchet, it turns the arc into a true toolbox. I also have a mini socket set (makita) that comes with it's own adapter in a nice little rubber holder that works great with it. The holster that comes with it holds the ratchet and a 4" extension, although there is a 711L pass through ratchet wrench that will take its place once prices come down on those again. Basically never leave home without it.
I have a Victorinox. Will snap a pic later. Very happy with it. Had it for over 30 years.

[Edit] This one

Make sure you have a go at squeezing something tightly with the pliers. Some models will really dig into your hand. Some Leatherman models were bad for this. The SOG brand used to be very good in this regard. I would have got that brand but it was hard to find at the time so got the Victorinox instead. Happy with that too.
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I like my Victorinox Cyber Tool Lite a lot. And the Leatherman Crunch locking pliers, which I was sorry to see was dropped off the product list.
I've been carrying the same Leatherman Micra for about 30 years now. I've picked up a second one somewhere along the line. It's a rare day when I don't pull it out at least once for something. I think it's the best everyday tool you can have. You don't even notice it in your pocket.
I still have my original Leatherman. Bought a Kick at the BX on a whim and carried it for years until it came up missing.

Naturally they discontinued the Kick so I replaced it with the Bond (currently around $60) and it's great for what I need.

Never tried a different brand, but I'm really happy with Leatherman.

(I realize that this is a "show me thread", but it's just above freezing and my Leatherman is out in the car.)
I picked up a Gerber Crucial at a black Friday sale at Home Depot 10 or more years ago.
It has a good combination of tools, I carry it on Saturdays when I am working around the house, never needed it at a LPR launch. The only disappointment is that the knife blade does not hold an edge very well, other than that I have been happy with it. Of course, it appears that the price has tripled since I bought mine.
I carry a leatherman wave + it's been sharpened a lot but still has plenty of life left. Doesn't hurt to use the pliers aggressively. My only complaint is that I'm on my third leather holster - I've tried and not liked others.... but to be honest I got mine when they first came out in 1998, so 3 in 26 years isn't bad.
I have a Gerber Suspension NXT in my truck, and its come in handy when preparing rockets. I picked it up without really doing much research because I saw it on sale at Lowes', but its got really good pliers and the locking mechanism for the other tools has been very solid. Slightly bulky but in general it works great and has helped at the field.

Its on sale at REI for $35
I have been carrying the same original Leatherman tool for at least 25 years. I got it as an "attaboy" at work and it's been hanging on my belt pretty much ever since (and thereby hang at least two airport tales - one in Shannon Ireland/Newark, and once in Santa Fe, NM). That said, the wire cutters are lousy and the knife is dull and I'm on the point of ordering a Wave+ from Leatherman to replace it. Even so, there is seldom a day where it hasn't been pulled out to help me do something (and this includes at the rocket range).

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This is a bit of a hobby for me.... Like flashlights, I own a lot more of them than I can use.

Can't go wrong with a Gerber or Leatherman, but tech has moved on. Two interesting one's I'd recommend you take a look at.

First is Goat Tools -

What makes them interesting is it's modular so you can design your own EDC tool and only purchase the tools you want for it. Even more interesting for this crowd is they provide templates for you to make your own to add to the multitool.


My favorite however made by nextool. They make classic multitools you can find here: , but they made a new one called the Gemini which includes an electric screwdriver that takes universal bits. This has turned into my EDC.


Needs to be charged periodically via usb-c, but even if it's dead, it still works as a screwdriver.


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How is that #11 blade held in the Goat tool? Having one of those in a robust handle along with the scissors, pliers and the screwdrivers would make a great on-the-range tool.
One other note on the leatherman is that they have a tremendous warranty, and offer an extremely generous 30% discount for active or former military, police, fire, medical personnel, and teachers/students.

As for the ARC, it's built on the "Free" technology, which uses magnets to keep the tool closed, so when you open it it opens more like a butterfly knife rather than a stiff multitool. They have a lineup of MT's that use this design, it's just that the ARC is the top of the heap. They also have the Free P4, and Free P2. giving up the interchangeable bit driver would be a dealbreaker for me though.
My general purpose go-to is the Leatherman Bolster. It's nothing special, just basic functions. But it's compact, comes with a sheath and Costco has them at a reasonable enough price that I could buy a stack of them. I put one in every vehicle., always have one sitting by the door ready to grab and there's one in the dresser drawer with the CHARGE+ and Victorinox.

Come to think of it, I should probably pick up another one for the kitchen drawer.
Wow, I never knew there was such a market for these gadgets. I have a 25 year old knock off model in my range box, but I rarely use it. I always reach for the "proper" and "dedicated" tool from the toolbox. I am not a belt holster guy, and these things are way too bulky/heavy to carry in your pocket. That's why I carry a moderate Swiss Army Knife, instead.

However, I have some property now and often find myself far away from the toolbox. A multi-tool would certainly help in those instances.
Wow, I never knew there was such a market for these gadgets. I have a 25 year old knock off model in my range box, but I rarely use it. I always reach for the "proper" and "dedicated" tool from the toolbox. I am not a belt holster guy, and these things are way too bulky/heavy to carry in your pocket. That's why I carry a moderate Swiss Army Knife, instead.

However, I have some property now and often find myself far away from the toolbox. A multi-tool would certainly help in those instances.

Hah! Neither did I. Glad i started this thread and am a little surprised at the variety out in the wild. I just ordered itty bitty Gerber and then I am thinking of getting a bigger Gerber to compliment it. The only thing I don't like about some of the multi tools is the short and stubby nature of the phillips screw drivers. So thats become a criteria that the phillips be longer so I can get it all the way down to turn on/off screw switches that I bury in the ebay sometimes. I am loving the recommendations and thanks to all who have posted - keep 'em coming.
Leatherman Supertool.
Look at a pair of normal pliers. The handle does not close completely flat. Same as the Leatherman Supertool. So when you use it in anger and squeeze really tight and it slips, there is a gap for the palm of your hand to get squeezed in but not crushed flat. Any plier type multi-tool that closes completely flat will give you a blood blister when you slip. I won't use an old type gerber where the pliers slide up and the handle closes flat.
Buy them used in good condition on EBay.
I use a Leatherman Juice (OOP) for my small range box, Leatherman Wave for the car, and a Style PS (OOP) for my air travel carry-on (TSA approved). The newest one, the Wave, is the one I attach to my belt for those all day launches. Once you hear the story of Leatherman, you won't look at other brands! Made in the USA (83%).

Made of Mettle: The Leatherman Documentary

NPR Interview:
Leatherman Tool Group: Tim Leatherman
I use a Leatherman Juice (OOP) for my small range box, Leatherman Wave for the car, and a Style PS (OOP) for my air travel carry-on (TSA approved). The newest one, the Wave, is the one I attach to my belt for those all day launches. Once you hear the story of Leatherman, you won't look at other brands! Made in the USA (83%).

Made of Mettle: The Leatherman Documentary

NPR Interview:
Leatherman Tool Group: Tim Leatherman
A great American story. I am sold.
My Original Leatherman went missing and I moved on to the Wave as that's what Costco was selling at the time. I’m mostly happy with it, just wish the Phillips screwdriver was as good as the Original. Own a Gerber, but just haven't warmed up to it. While not a multi tool, I swear by the Swiss Army Rambler. Bought perhaps five of them, the last one two years ago in Interlaken, Switzerland. I keep this puppy in my pocket and have found it invaluable for its small Phillips head. They do go missing due to its small size though.

So here's what I ended up getting based on all the advice here. While I would LOVE to buy a Leatherman they are generally kinda expensive. So I thought to myself, "Myself, it would be super cool to have a matching itty bitty multi and a regular sized multi." So I got a Gerber Micro and Gerber NXT both finished in black. Real happy with that purchase. Probably one of the key features of the big-un is the phillips screw driver. Need something that has some length to it so I can arm buried screw switches. Some of the phillips on other multi's are very stubby and I am not sure they'd work.
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In Australia, the servicing agent for Leatherman and Victorinox (Same) was in the next street to the workshop I was working in. Their service is second to none and it's a no questions asked on how you broke it. All fixed, all blades sharpened before you leave.