Return of the Estes Pro Series II Nike Smoke

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Note they say using F15 and F16 engines? How did they reduce the weight to get these motors to lift it?
Seems they did not, you just have to built light.

Weight 17.5oz they say well I had to look. It is a good figure. I just weighed one in sealed bag, A little over 18.5 oz.
I weighed one that is built with rail buttons and has chute and shock cord installed, just a hair over 16oz , but I build light and strong not heavy gluing at all.

I even paint the body and fins before gluing them in. Yes the way I do it is still strong.

Here is the recovery cord in a "typical" motor mount, fin can center [This one is for an Estes Asender]

And here are the fins painted just before gluing in, testing the fit before commit to the glue.

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Seems people have built these with too much glue?

Here is the Rocksim file found on RocketsReview loaded into OpenRocket; 30.7 oz with No Motor :oops:
Optimum delay, 1.6 secs



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Now I overrode the weight with their 17.5oz, as mine I built is under it so it is easy to be done if you don't try to built it using glue for K motors. [Several of my PSIIs have flown on H motors with no added weight from over gluing, Partizon on an I205]


Ops , no 3-1/2 foot launch rails, so I put in 8 feet. This seems what you would at least need to use on an F15

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Yup, it's true.

The inside front cover of the July/August 2024 issue of Sport Rocketry features an Estes ad for this model.
No price is mentioned.
The 18mm motor version is noted as returning at a later time.
Wow! I was hoping this would happen but doubted it. A very pleasant surprise! Well done Estes!
As Art Upton said, the key to flying these PSII builder kits on Estes BP motors is to build light - I’ve flown my built by the instructions Ventris (trifold shock cord and all) on an F15 a couple of times on low to no wind days and it worked perfectly.

I’ve resisted the reissue PSII kits, mostly because I already had several stashed and because I have plenty of kits/built rockets in the size range, but the Nike Smoke is one of my favorites so this time resistance is futile…👽
Dang, I'm in for this one. I do also wonder though if they made the kit lighter to fly on an F15.

Their published weight is almost 1 oz more then the original I have built but not flown. I will get the one I have flown later today and weigh it also. I have a new old one in a bag that weighs just 1oz more then they published.
I guess Estes saw these things going for $150+ on eBay. My guess $99.99 to $119.99. Great flyer on a G40-7! This was the best of the PSII bunch (well maybe the MDRM).

I sold some on ebay for $99, $119 and $129 even in 2021. But not many purchase them at $150.
Look at the Little Joe 2 that sold on Ebay just two days ago by a member here. Only 2 people were willing to duke it out when it went over the reasonable cost when you look at the list of bidding wars.

Selling them not on Ebay for no fees $89 was a nice sweet spot.

Your guess is pretty good, put one of them in the betting pool :D

Edit: Nike Smoke trumps Red Max anyday in my humble opinion. And I have many of both in several sizes.

I still have a Curtis 5.5" Smoke I flew many times still in my shed. Thinking about selling the nose cone. The booster needs some repairs and I'm not going to be able or want to do them now.
YES! Now I can get one for a backup to the one I fly. " Don't need more rocket kits", ugh.....

Same here! Love this bird.
I was really hoping we'd have seen this one go up at LDRS, but delays and weather prevented it from going. Neil (the owner) is hoping for next year at URRF. Meanwhile, he might get one of these smaller versions that he can launch on our home field. 😂 But Estes has to price it reasonably. $100+ is probably too high.
I don't think it is going to end up at online discounters.

My Guess, please put on the bet sheet please; $89 MSRP*

* Like the Price is Right; closest without going over.

I think you'll be right on, given the prior large kit re-releases.

In the spirit of Bob Barker, I'll one-up you and guess $89.99 😁
I have his 4" Nike Smoke HEDD kit. Hoping to get it ready for an L2 try this fall.

Very Nice !

I also have a new Curtis 4" Nike Smoke Kit. With the Nike Formed Fins you put in the tube slots.

The originals like the 5.5" Smoke I have, had fully laid up fin cans. Was yours a laid up fin can or like my 4" Smoke with the formed fins that glued into the tube slots?
I still have a Curtis 5.5" Smoke I flew many times still in my shed. Thinking about selling the nose cone. The booster needs some repairs and I'm not going to be able or want to do them now.

I think I'd be interested in this nose cone if you want to clear out space. I've got a Madcow Nike-Tomahawk two stage kit, the Nike is 5.5". Assuming your nose cone fits than I could fly just the booster.

Cheers - mark
I am not too optimistic about a reasonable price point. I would hope so, as the cost of the nose cone and fin molds have long been absorbed.
I have flown my PSII MS almost two dozen times and it is showing a lot of wear and tear (and tree rash). It weighs in at 22 ounces mostly from a really beefed up recovery system and repairs over the years.
I have one more kit in my stash as I gave one to a friend. It will be nice to have this available again.

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Very Nice !

I also have a new Curtis 4" Nike Smoke Kit. With the Nike Formed Fins you put in the tube slots.

The originals like the 5.5" Smoke I have, had fully laid up fin cans. Was yours a laid up fin can or like my 4" Smoke with the formed fins that glued into the tube slots?
Mine just has the straight trapezoid G10 fins with full length root edge fin slots. I got it around 2018-2019, can't exactly remember. The nose cone is filament wound that transitions to the same diameter as the body tube. Nice and clean, but only the overall Nike Smoke shape, no detail. It's designed for HEDD.
Note they say using F15 and F16 engines? How did they reduce the weight to get these motors to lift it?
Seems they did not, you just have to built light.
Yes, it's become apparent Estes DGAF about thrust to weight as they release and rerelease ever-heavier rockets for their low-thrust 29mm motors.

If the listed weight is empty weight - as your figures indicate and as others have said Estes' weights are given (though Estes themselves never replied to my inquiry about it) - then the peak TTW on the F15 would be about 4.3:1. That's an RSO call at a Tripoli launch. Even if the given weight is loaded weight, TTW peaks at only 5.2:1, not confidence-inspiring for a half-kilogram rocket.

The F15 has a slow build to max thrust though - nearly half a second - and depending how you interpret the thrust curve, "initial thrust to weight" as mentioned in the Tripoli rules could easily be said to be below 3:1 and not allowed to fly at a Tripoli launch at all, regardless if the listed weight is empty or loaded. I'll be interested to see launch speed in sims.

I don't think NAR has hard and fast TTW rules like Tripoli, but I sure hope I don't see these flying anywhere on Estes 29mm motors in anything but deathly calm air, and pointed decidely down range. (A D12 in an adapter is a lot more reasonable.)

Looks like a great kit to fly on composites though. At the prices Estes sell most of their bigger kits nowadays, they probably don't mind too much if they fly on the competitors' motors.
The F15 has a slow build to max thrust though - nearly half a second - and depending how you interpret the thrust curve, "initial thrust to weight" as mentioned in the Tripoli rules could easily be said to be below 3:1 and not allowed to fly at a Tripoli launch at all, regardless if the listed weight is empty or loaded. I'll be interested to see launch speed in sims.
Your quote is only in relation to rockets with an active stability system. Otherwise, the word "initial" is not included in the code regarding T/W ratios. As I am sure you know, there are many variables other then the T/W ratio influencing an appropriate rail exit speed. We have discussed this before and the topic has been discussed in several threads.
Your quote is only in relation to rockets with an active stability system. Otherwise, the word "initial" is not included in the code regarding T/W ratios. As I am sure you know, there are many variables other then the T/W ratio influencing an appropriate rail exit speed. We have discussed this before and the topic has been discussed in several threads.
Yesss. For example using a longer rail to compensate for lower thrust to weight.