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Err, that's for HOMES, not cars.

I.e. load on the electrical grid.
Errrrr, load on the electrical grid is not constant.
People are not going to be charging their EVs all during peak demand times.
AND utilities will adapt just like the oil industry adapted when people started driving ICEs.
If certain states are having shortfalls in electrical supply that would suggest to me poor planning and forecasting by the PUC.
But back to LOL.
I do think it’s interesting that people focus on EVs but totally ignore bitcoin mining and data centers. I don’t know what the relative contributions of either are, but they’re not small.

Back to LOL
I replied with a rather mild meme, but a melting snowflake deleted it.

But you're correct. Data centres are allowed to suck up the grid. They have backups, but still aren't generating their own.

They have diesel generators, like a lot of charging stations in the US and Europe.

Go figure.
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I got 45 seconds in, and he claimed "hottest year in history".

Err, nope. Not even close. Getting sick of hearing "unprecedented" and other BS when it's not real, or supported by any historical data that anybody can look up.

But yeah, the grid is not up to what's being asked of it.

Yes, I watched the whole video.
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LOL. NO. "On record" from NOAA.

Earth’s average land and ocean surface temperature in 2023 was 2.12 degrees F (1.18 degrees C) above the 20th century — the highest global temperature among all years in NOAA’s 1850-2023 climate record. It also beats the next warmest year, 2016, by a record-setting margin of 0.27 of a degree F (0.15 of a degree C).

A WHOLE 1.18C warmer! We're ALL gonna DIE!

Forget that other planets in our Solar system warmed up more than this, over the last years.


Back to the fun....
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