Looks like Tesla is now distributing their Cybertrucks--- thoughts?

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I’m pretty sure it will work…
Jun 14, 2023
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Looks like tesla is finally distributing their cybertrucks, as I have been seeing a few lately. I like the look of them, but some think they are too blocky looking. I got a few pictures of one I saw:

Saw my first one in person in a parking lot last week. Got to walk around it and peek inside. It was larger than I thought it would be but still for me just way too ugly. I was also surprised at how inconsistent and wide the door gaps were. Not the best craftsmanship for that part of the build.
Yes, it is a little too blocky for me. I don't absolutely hate it, though. I don't like it enough to buy one.
I have seen a few on the road.
Even uglier in person. But people were horrified by the Gremlin's chopped off look and now half the cars on the road look like that. AMC was right. Maybe it will be seen Tesla was right.

I believe a TRF member who posts often has one.
I've seen several around town. Ugly, yeah. All of them had the dreaded orange rust spots, all over, like teen acne.
I’ve had the misfortune of seeing 2 Cybertrucks on the road, one silver, one white. Paint doesn’t help out the appearance. I was driving both times, so I can’t comment on the interior.

Seeing them on the road is jarring - it’s like a 3D render of a car, but with one hundred thousandth of the number polygons needed. Good on Elon for giving the designer of the Pontiac Aztek a second chance, even if he used it predictably. If an article came out saying that half the team wanted the Cybertruck to fail, the only surprising thing would be that it was only half.

Full disclosure, I work for a Big Three OEM. That hasn’t made me a Tesla hater, the cockpit design and giant annoying touchscreen have made me a Tesla hater.
Good on Elon for giving the designer of the Pontiac Aztek a second chance,

The Aztek gets a bad rap. It was one of the pioneering "crossover" models that changed the industry towards everything SUV.

As for the CyberTruck, the aerodynamics are not as bad as one might think. The airflow does not separate over the peaked roof.
The Aztek gets a bad rap. It was one of the pioneering "crossover" models that changed the industry towards everything SUV.
The Aztek gets a bad rap because it is ugly as sin. And it hasn’t aged gracefully either.

But your point on driving the crossover trend makes the comparison even more apt. Potential trend setting design that needs a metric ton of touch up work to make it something other than an enormous eyesore.
It looks like something out of the Nintendo 64 era, but the look may grow on me or it may not. Either way, I won't be buying one. Really not in the market for a new car right now, especially one that expensive.
The Aztek gets a bad rap because it is ugly as sin. And it hasn’t aged gracefully either.

But your point on driving the crossover trend makes the comparison even more apt. Potential trend setting design that needs a metric ton of touch up work to make it something other than an enormous eyesore.

I was thinking of buying one when they came out; but I didn't trust any new Pontiac for bugs , reliability issues.
It looks like something out of the Nintendo 64 era, but the look may grow on me or it may not. Either way, I won't be buying one. Really not in the market for a new car right now, especially one that expensive.

Me neither, but I was in the truck market in 2018, and bought my Tundra. Toyota only gives price discounts at the end of September and I got a 44K one for 38K. Traded my Old 2008 Silverado and my 2013 Mustang GT show car for it mostly with some cash.

The Trades and discounts is what allowed me to buy it, I would not buy a 44K truck. Tacos cost 44K now even.
They gave me more for my trades than I had calculated as well.

*Tacos are Tacoma's street name.
Ugliest vehicle ever, hands down. Looks like it was designed by a six year old with construction paper, scissors, and tape.

There are lots of Tesla dealers around here. The difference is that Tesla owns them, they are not independent businesses like most traditional car dealers.