Inkjet waterslides... seal the edges?

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Jul 14, 2015
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Northern NJ
This came up in my current build. It's my second time doing self-printed inkjet waterslides, but the first time using white-backed (rather than clear.)

So I printed and clear-coated the sheet, then cut out the first one and went to apply it... and the ink started to run. It was mostly at the edges, but to be completely honest, I didn't get a good analysis before I pulled it off and chucked it.

These decals are all cut out right through the ink at the edges, else there would be unwanted white borders. In this case, is it necessary to seal the edges of the decals? If so, what is the best way to do it? My theory is that water was getting in a bit at the edges; that seems logical, but I don't recall anyone discussing this issue before.

I've now cut out all the decals in preparation for sealing the edges, and then realized I'm not sure what's the best way to do it. Just double-stick tape them all down to a sheet and give another good clear coat?

I'm kinda making it up as I go here. Anyone dealt with this before?
I use the Krylon UV clear. The question at hand is whether the edges need to be explicitly sealed, meaning cut the decals and then clear coat around them.
Ah, now I see. I thought you were using clear paper, not white on the other thread. I'm concerned that if you seal the edges the decal won't slide off the paper. I've had that happen to me with white decal paper where the background color around the decal bleeds at the edges. Only solution I could come up with was to Sharpie the white spots. Not bad if the background is black. If another color you would have to match it. Let us know if sealing the edges works for you.
Also, keep in mind that home printed decals, while better than nothing, is not a perfect solution. Inferior to screen printed decals. On clear decal paper the lighter colors may show some color from what's beneath, i.e. a degree of transparency. Some colors virtually disappear on a black background. With white decal paper there is the problem you have experienced, as well as matching the background color of the decal with the paint color on the rocket. But at least you have access to a color laser printer. I wish I did.:(