CFD Results From Ondsel Engineering Suite (Free and opensource)

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Sep 11, 2022
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I haev been using Ondsel Engineering Suite to test out the rocket workbench and the CFD openfoam GUI workbench. Ondsel is built on freecad BUT they pay their employees to develop Ondsel. It is free and local install and you do not need to save files to the cloud.

Anyway, here are my results. So far i am really pleased with how it does. This is one of the rockets i made for a flight a while back. this time i tested it at 420m/s

Thanks to buckeye for the help as well as others on CFD forums.

I would not choose this over openrocket nor would i choose openrocket over this. 2 different programs that do 2 different things, but both can calculate the Cd. Openrocket is CFD in a numerical way, but does not show you the visuals.

I haev been using Ondsel Engineering Suite to test out the rocket workbench and the CFD openfoam GUI workbench. Ondsel is built on freecad BUT they pay their employees to develop Ondsel. It is free and local install and you do not need to save files to the cloud.

Anyway, here are my results. So far i am really pleased with how it does. This is one of the rockets i made for a flight a while back. this time i tested it at 420m/s

Thanks to buckeye for the help as well as others on CFD forums.

I would not choose this over openrocket nor would i choose openrocket over this. 2 different programs that do 2 different things, but both can calculate the Cd. Openrocket is CFD in a numerical way, but does not show you the visuals.

View attachment 653720
Do one with and without a boatail ?
Do one with and without a boatail ?


Original post is without a boat tail, and this post is with a boat tail. pressure in the Fz direction is more prominate. At 210m/s force is 124 newtons.

Without boattail, its 128 newtons but pressure is more stable


again, a HUGE thanks to buckeye for the help
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