I just earned my level one... and now, THIS?!?

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The girandola videos circulate around here periodically. I agree that the length of burn on those motors is amazing.

Those are more of a giant tourbillon girandola hybrid. They usually have one motor with several nozzles and a hoop. There have been some excellent posts and pictures on some of the pyro forums about their construction. If I recall correctly, the fuel is a fairly weak BP and is packed damp.
It's a girandola, which is Italian for "Get the **** out of the way, it's going all the **** over the place!!"

Best -- Terry

Commercial girandolas from China come with a small metal launch platform with a pin. I tried aiming them once, but it was pointless. They still went where they wanted to go and it is important they are well away from your audience.

I've been fortunate enough to see some girandolas made by a few PGI grandmasters and they always went straight up and performed as intended. Of course, these devices have a steep learning curve. The open shoot lines where people perfect their craft can get rather interesting. I recommend wearing a welding jacket and hardhat.
If I ever get to Thailand it will be when they are flying telephone pole sized BP rockets. I remember one video I watched about this festival where their BP was discussed. Just KNO3 and charcoal. If you haven't watched some of these videos, you should. It's amazing the size of the telephone pole rockets. Every time I see those spinning rockets I think I should try that. Or something similar anyway.
Oh, c'mon! George Goeble (? spelling...) and his crew at Perdue used LOX and a lit cigarette and did it in 3 sec's! Probably only available on the wayback machine - Dave Barry did an excellent, hilarious article on it a LONG time ago!

That is one odd "rocket" though, I'll give them that. How in the world did they keep those motors bring for so long?
Please spel the name of my university rite: It's PURDUE :cool: ...but anyway, Prof. Goble was banned from using the grills in any park in the city or county after his last demonstration.
Please spel the name of my university rite: It's PURDUE :cool: ...but anyway, Prof. Goble was banned from using the grills in any park in the city or county after his last demonstration.
My apologies for the misspelling... Congratulations on graduating from a top-notch school! But... uh... "spel"... ? ;)
It's a yearly event. My understanding from watching documentaries is that it's a competition between villages. The village that can create the biggest rocket and successfully recover gets the most luck for the coming year. Unfortunately, the poor villages have limited resources and are less likely to be successful. It's the age old struggle between the haves and the have nots. Please let me know if I'm getting this wrong as I've never been to Thailand.

PS, don't post this to Facebook groups or you'll get banned.

It's a girandola, which is Italian for "Get the **** out of the way, it's going all the **** over the place!!"

Best -- Terry

Hey Prfesser, I didn't know you spoke Italian? Not bad on the translation. Italian does borrow a lot from the original Latin where the #### was replaced by the **** of modern spelling usage. LOL
