Estes D12 Recall

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I have two (2) D12-3 motors that have listed lot codes, so I filled out the form.

I went through some spent motors and have used with no adverse incidents four (4) D12-5 motors with listed lot codes!
unfortunately my last two D12 CATO's were in a range box that moved from CA to CO to AZ, and are over 15 years old.... my own fault there.
Local hobby shop has been telling me not to buy these, but I've already got a bunch.

Just filled out the form. Thanks!
Well, this is going to have to wait a day or two. I need to get to the boxes of BP motors Stashed
I will also repeat what was said above, What about the E12s?
Oh boy. Considering I bought 2 local Hobby Lobbies out of D12s when they were clearancing them out, I’ve got a few to check lot codes on.

And 120 days lead time on replacements, ouch. Good on them for being upfront about it.
They said this only affects D12-3&5's (and I have 2.5 packs listed). I also have a pack of D12-0 with one of the listed lot numbers. Why would those not be included?
No good place to add that question, but I put it in the "where did you buy them" box. No acknowledgment or answer yet.
Appreciate the heads up...had a Hi flier XL that cato'ed on this engine and code....destroyed the motor mount. Estes was great, sent new rocket and engines. Built second rocket, on second flight, WITH the replacement engines, cato !!! Sent pic's, details, weather, etc.....crickets.....heard NOTHING !!!!. Just filled out the recall form with the pics, data, etc....time will tell....rsbhunter
Sometime those great deals are not.

Or maybe there are 20 free launches of a spool or something else fun in my future. I knew the risk of the 0323 lot code and am planning a CATO-resistant rocket build anyway. So maybe it will be a build thread on CATO-resistant build concept and how many flights can I get out of it before it dies one way or another? I look to have 44 D12-3s total, for the pre-clearance price of 12.
Or maybe there are 20 free launches of a spool or something else fun in my future. I knew the risk of the 0323 lot code and am planning a CATO-resistant rocket build anyway. So maybe it will be a build thread on CATO-resistant build concept and how many flights can I get out of it before it dies one way or another? I look to have 44 D12-3s total, for the pre-clearance price of 12.
Yes, I was thinking of just that. Use them on some copters or tough saucers. Try a monocopter!
I had 8 of them, form says may take up to 120 days for replacements. I see there are twice as many E12 catos than D12 catos listed on the MESS site. Will they ever do anything about all the E12"s ? I just ordered $100 worth of composite motors, i also have that much in E motors in my range box.
I had 8 of them, form says may take up to 120 days for replacements. I see there are twice as many E12 catos than D12 catos listed on the MESS site. Will they ever do anything about all the E12"s ? I just ordered $100 worth of composite motors, i also have that much in E motors in my range box.
I've gone to composites also....using Aerotech 29/40-120 and going to buy 24mm case. Might also go to 38mm for G loads....BP engines are way more expensive when I have to replace rockets...rsbhunter
Pool noodle rockets! 24mm hole the length of the rocket; pre-vented and they bounce when they land!
However, if you get a cato that blows apart the bottom, you may end up with a lot of tiny pieces of foam to clean up, no?

Edit add: Years ago someone had a cato on his mid/high power styrofoam rocket and a bunch of us spent a LOT of time picking up all the little foam pieces. He never returned!
However, if you get a cato that blows apart the bottom, you may end up with a lot of tiny pieces of foam to clean up, no?

Edit add: Years ago someone had a cato on his mid/high power styrofoam rocket and a bunch of us spent a LOT of time picking up all the little foam pieces. He never returned!
Possibly. My experience with Estes Catos over the years is that it's usually flaming bits/chunks out of the ends of the case. Rarely (but occasionally) have I experienced black powder catos that rupture the side of the casing. With an open-ended rocket (holy foamy thing, Terraformer, Vortico, Monocopters, etc.) the damage is usually minimal when the flaming debris goes out the ends of the case in the direction of intended flight/thrust. Of course, your mileage may vary! ;) :dancingelephant:
I have had 2 E12 CATOs about 6-7 years ago take out the motor mounts and on one put 2 holes in the body tube.

An Executioner CATO took out the motor tube and made the cardboard ring in the rear larger. Good reason to replace them with ply.
I was able to rig a new motor tube but that failed on the next flight with it.

A Mega Alpha fared even worse. The motor tube CATO also put 2 hole in the body tube on "hinges" of paper. You could put glue on them and push them back in but it would not fully cover all the hole. The motor tube was cut in the middle of the two rings, so I can't shove a new one in there, and again the rear ring center is now oblong.

The Mega Alpha was a disposable rocket in my opinion anyway and why I tried another E12 in it after the E12 Executioner CATO some months before. I still have boxes of E12s (4 & 8s mostly**) from 6-7 years ago and two more packs of E12-6s still Stuck* on the way from a Hobby Lobby free shipping order order about 10 days ago.

*Stuck as in "your shipment is on the way to the next destination but will be late" last in Pontiac MI. It went from Oklahoma City to Denver for some reason on the start of the trip instead of heading to St. Louis first. I ordered these to see if they would CATO if never handled by the Store' HQ shipping to local stores and stocking.

** I would order E12-4,8s from AC Supply, as 6s where available in town at Hobby Lobby.