Another ACME Spitfire build thread?

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So just before I left on Wednesday, I saw that Spiff's canopy had come loose on the sides. This is .010" clear polystyrene glued with a white glue that bills itself as "canopy glue". Adheres plastic to most anything and dries clear, thus sayeth the bottle. Well, most glues are not as good in tension as shear, so it's been clamped this way since Wednesday about 11:30 AM. I'll let it go until I can work on it again.


Those little astronauts on the right are to give visual scale to my 1:100 static Saturn V model. I have a Warhammer Insane Detail brush to help me with that...
So just before I left on Wednesday, I saw that Spiff's canopy had come loose on the sides. This is .010" clear polystyrene glued with a white glue that bills itself as "canopy glue". Adheres plastic to most anything and dries clear, thus sayeth the bottle. Well, most glues are not as good in tension as shear, so it's been clamped this way since Wednesday about 11:30 AM. I'll let it go until I can work on it again.

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Those little astronauts on the right are to give visual scale to my 1:100 static Saturn V model. I have a Warhammer Insane Detail brush to help me with that...
Although I haven’t done what you did on rockets…yet I have on RC airplanes. I had to work with the same thing on a recent RC plane project. While I had the piece gluing and taped I hit it with as much heat as I dared with my heat gun to change its “memory” to the position I had it taped to. Seems to have worked so far!


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RC airplanes?!?! You're a busy man! Yes I wondered about using heat as well. I think the stress relief temperature of polystyrene is near the boiling temperature of water, so if I can verify that, I may try it. Even if it dissolved the glue, the shape would be better.
So I ended up using epoxy to adhere the marvelous trim ring provided by @bravto the nose cone. And I knew I'd have to use a very thin layer to avoid squeeze-out and also place it quite precisely. And it didn't go as well as hoped, but not unfixable..
So here's a question for those who may also do some plastic scale modeling. I've heard of using Future acrylic floor wax on clear polystyrene to give it a nice glass look. I can't screw this up, once I glue Spiff in, I'll have no access to the inside surface of the canopy forever. I wonder if gloss acrylic lacquer or whatever is in gloss acrylic would work the same way, to get rid of the surface hazing and make a clearer, more durable surface (on both sides). Anyone have any experience that way?
I've got extensive experience using FFW on plastic and vacuum-formed canopies. I will tell you it is not worth the effort at this point as there is no guarantee the plastic will remain as clear as it is now. Usually the FFW is used in a "dipping" fashion and allowed to sheet off and leave a thin film. That works the best. When you spray or brush it on, you introduce air to the process and that can cause problems. Spraying is better than flooding it on with a brush. BUT...since you are so far along, I'd go without and just clean it really well before gluing in the bulkhead.

FWIW, using FFW was a way to "seal" the plastic from superglue fumes that would cloud the clarity when gassing off. It turned out to make a nice finish and although it yellows over time, it looks great. Just looking at your picture, I'd say the canopy looks fine and with a little cleaning will look awesome from 10 inches away...certainly closer then the leads on the launch controllers! ;)

This rocket is turning out awesome! Can't wait to see it fly!
I've got extensive experience using FFW on plastic and vacuum-formed canopies. I will tell you it is not worth the effort at this point as there is no guarantee the plastic will remain as clear as it is now. Usually the FFW is used in a "dipping" fashion and allowed to sheet off and leave a thin film. That works the best. When you spray or brush it on, you introduce air to the process and that can cause problems. Spraying is better than flooding it on with a brush. BUT...since you are so far along, I'd go without and just clean it really well before gluing in the bulkhead.

FWIW, using FFW was a way to "seal" the plastic from superglue fumes that would cloud the clarity when gassing off. It turned out to make a nice finish and although it yellows over time, it looks great. Just looking at your picture, I'd say the canopy looks fine and with a little cleaning will look awesome from 10 inches away...certainly closer then the leads on the launch controllers! ;)

This rocket is turning out awesome! Can't wait to see it fly!
Much, much thanks! Will proceed as directed, sir! I wondered about possible yellowing, that would be "sub-optimal."

Yeah, I have a bunch of decals to design and print. And painting, yow! Last night I masked the bottom and sealed the edges with the red, plus chromed the bars on Hobbes' hatched and flat steel on the handle. Bur I have to haul to get ready to launch by PSC' next launch on 5/19. Here's the stack now. I gotta do something to set the edge of the nose cone off, maybe a line of rivets or something.
Onward and upward!
Well, I did just one more cockpit detail, adding an antenna to the control panel.
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Then I had to go back to being a rocket builder. I got the screw eye installed in the nose block and added a heavy coat of Titebond 3 to the nose block to help with durability.
Finally, I added a "cone of shame" to complete the masking of the rocket. It rained a lot today, hopefully tomorrow will work out better for spraying.
I also but some base coat on two other rockets, my Odd'l Cyclone and Breakaway.


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I also but some base coat on two other rockets, my Odd'l Cyclone and Breakaway.
suggestion on BreakAway. Mine flew well for a while, but eventually succumbed to E.D.

May want to store it in the deployed position rather than boost mode. Not sure if it will help. Anyway, hope there are no performance issues with your rocket.
suggestion on BreakAway. Mine flew well for a while, but eventually succumbed to E.D.

May want to store it in the deployed position rather than boost mode. Not sure if it will help. Anyway, hope there are no performance issues with your rocket.
Thanks, I recall seeing your post about that and have resolved to always storing it vertically!
Oh glory, have I been busy! I wish I had more intermediate pictures. But I did cut out the parachute gores for a 15" semi-elliptical 'chute:

Then somewhere ruefully, I took some last cockpit pictures and epoxied Spiff into his ship.
I think I'll put the rocket into the next post. Too many pictures seems to make the software ill.
Painting the tail cone was done with Testor's flat steel, highlighted around the edges with Testor's flat gunmetal, which perhaps could have been a bit heavier. A separate making was needed to chrome the fins. This also didn't come out quite as well as I'd hoped, and I'm waiting for advice from Alclad. But here's a couple of shots:

And so I'm substantially done. On to decals and other highlights, and installing the recovery (after my dear beloved sews up the parachute!).
Fantastic build, I love it!
Flying Calvin And Hobbes GIF
Thanks to you both! But I hope the decals (if I can get them done anytime this year...) really make it pop!
Looks great so far, looking forward to see it decalled, but if that’s a word.

Noticed something interesting on the design. The asymmetric “edge” of the nose cone simulates the tilt on the FarSide cartoon, but I suspect keeps the aim of the tip in line with the direction of flight. Brilliant design by @jflis . Sort of a Kobayashi Maru by Jim (aka per McCoy on STII Wrath of Khan, “he cheated.”). @lakeroadster points this out in HIS model which is indeed truer to the original cartoon dimensions and angles and truly has the cone angled off away from centerline, AND swing tested (hopefully soon to be flown.) Lake may not have needed nose weight, then again not too many models out there with solid non-balsa custom lathed cones.

Good luck on the flight! Hope it isn’t Hobbled too much. (Sorry, I haven’t taken my meds yet today.)
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Painting the tail cone was done with Testor's flat steel, highlighted around the edges with Testor's flat gunmetal, which perhaps could have been a bit heavier. A separate making was needed to chrome the fins. This also didn't come out quite as well as I'd hoped, and I'm waiting for advice from Alclad. But here's a couple of shots:

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View attachment 644617
And so I'm substantially done. On to decals and other highlights, and installing the recovery (after my dear beloved sews up the parachute!).
Awesome work Tom! I love it! 🥰🚀🚀🚀
Looks great so far, looking forward to see it decalled, but if that’s a word.

Noticed something interesting on the design. The asymmetric “edge” of the nose cone simulates the tilt on the FarSide cartoon, but I suspect keeps the aim of the tip in line with the direction of flight. Brilliant design by @jflis . Sort of a Kobayashi Maru by Jim (aka per McCoy on STII Wrath of Khan, “he cheated.”). @lakeroadster points this out in HIS model which is indeed truer to the original cartoon dimensions and angles and truly has the cone angled off away from centerline, AND swing tested (hopefully soon to be flown.) Lake may not have needed nose weight, then again not too many models out there with solid non-balsa custom lathed cones.

Good luck on the flight! Hope it isn’t Hobbled too much. (Sorry, I haven’t taken my meds yet today.)

Oh, to be sure @jflis out-did himself on this one. I'm not sure about his aerodynamic model. The actual rocket inside this stack of cockeyed tubes is a BT-50 that is centered on the base cone. The tip of the nose cone is nowhere close to centered on that. But like you, I wondered.... will the riveted ring around Spiff's canopy throw off a delicate balance of drag-induced pitch moments? I guess we'll see. I also have the Odd'l Pigasus, a.k.a. "Beloved Pigasus" and it seems to me that the off-axis center of mass and "Pig wing" fins contribute to an almost unavoidable arch-over in flight - not serious, it's a real good flyer - but it does it every time.

I took my son's tablet and drew up some decals today. I have to spray them and maybe tonight or tomorrow start putting them on. But I'm really not sure if I can make it for the May 19 PSC launch. I still have my Redstone, Odd'l Cylcone, and Odd'l Breakaway to finish up and the honey-do list in May is nuts. Then the company I retired from (and still consult for) decided they want me to renew my PE license, so... 🤪
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Just for @BABAR ...

the nose block for the BT-50 body tube is right behind Spiff's head.
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View attachment 645636
So yeah, the point of the nose cone is well off of the thrust vector and axial center of the inner body tube.
True. I wasn’t very clear (and also wasn’t sure.). I am not surprised the LOCATION is off axis. But can you confirm (or show not true) that the AXIS of the nose cone is PARALLEL to the axis of motor mount?

Whereas @lakeroadster ‘s version has EVERYTHING a bit catywampus.
True. I wasn’t very clear (and also wasn’t sure.). I am not surprised the LOCATION is off axis. But can you confirm (or show not true) that the AXIS of the nose cone is PARALLEL to the axis of motor mount?

Whereas @lakeroadster ‘s version has EVERYTHING a bit catywampus.
No, the axis of the cone is not parallel to the axis of the motor mount. I did a pretty careful analysis of the pattern using Solidworks, and it's about as cattywumpus as it can be. Except for @lakeroadster's build. He's a couple classes above me in both skill and volume of output!

But yeah, it's a skew cone with the base at some whacked angle, too.
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Well, I'm going round-robin on several rockets today, but I finally started some detailing. I had used some archival ink pens to cartoon some sheet metal lines and rivets, but that stuff needed some time to be dry. Meanwhile, Spaceman Spiff posted a warning about his tiger... but the tiger had other ideas and "spiffed" up his compartment with genuine hardwood moldings and an appropriate appelation for a tiger of his position:
That self-ahesive veneer may need some help from CA glue to stay put permanently...
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Well, I'm going round-robin on several rockets today, but I finally started some detailing. I had used some archival ink pens to cartoon some sheet metal lines and rivets, but that stuff needed some time to be dry. Meanwhile, Spaceman Spiff posted a warning about his tiger... but the tiger had other ideas and "spiffed" up his compartment with genuine hardwood moldings and an appropriate appelation for a tiger of his position:
View attachment 648500
That self-ahesive veneer may need some help from CA glue to stay put permanently...