AeroTech HQ Dedication and Grand Opening

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Here's a picture of Dane Boles and Gary Rosenfield before the beginning of the event.


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Dane served as Master of Ceremonies for the event.
He did an excellent job and kept things moving along.
Unbeknownst to most of the audience there was a traffic accident on the street outside the AeroTech building just minutes before the event was to begin.
Many of the invited audience and some of the presenters could not get to the facility as the police had the road blocked off.
Dane adjusted the presentation schedule and kept things going.


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Lee Piester of Centuri fame was attending and he would make a major presentation speech.

During his remarks, Gary Rosenfield made it a point to thank many of the folks who were involved in the early days of the hobby including G. Harry Stine, Vern & Gleda Estes, Lee & Betty Piester, Irv Waite and others.

We stand on the shoulders of giants.


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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 004 Lee Piester.jpg
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Here we have Dan Michael and his wife Amy along with Dane Boles' wife Ginny.

Every picture I have seen of Dan has him posing with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He looked a little scary.
In person Dan is a very friendly guy.
Funny story. After the event was over and most people had left, the remaining AeroTech staff and a some of us who were invited posed with the Giant Initiator.
The photographer was trying to get all of us closer together to fit in the picture. Dan moved to in front of the Initiator and asked if he should pose with his arms crossed.
Everyone yelled out, "YES!"
Dan started laughing.


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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 005 Dan and Amy Michael with Ginny Boles.jpg
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Lee Piester talking with Dan and Amy Michael.


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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 006 Lee Piester with Dan and Amy Michael.jpg
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Greetings Everyone!

I am typing this message from the meeting room in the new AeroTech Headquarters building.

The AeroTech folks are very busy here getting ready for the Grand Opening ceremony tomorrow, June 27th.

There will be multiple guest speakers (Local dignitaries, a representative for Ukraine, AeroTech principals, Lee Piester and Yours Truly).

The new building is really nice and the museum is great. Lots of things to buy in the Range Store (No HPR).

More to follow tomorrow.
Here's a look from the front of the warehouse to the back once most of the attendees had been seated.


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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 007 A look towards the back of the warehouse.jpg
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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 008 A growing audience.jpg
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The ceremony started about twenty minutes late.

It began with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

I think the video from the Governor of Utah came next.

Gary spoke and thanked many folks.

Candy Klaybourne (VP & CFO) spoke.

Then Dane called me up to speak...
Before the ceremony began Dane came up and asked me to talk about the serial number plates that were originally included with each AeroTech kit.
I said I would but wondered why as I scrambled to recall the history of those plates and the original kits.

When I was called to speak I took with me a 'item' wrapped in a opaque bag.

I was in luck as there was a built Initiator kit on display next to the podium. In fact, it turned out to be one I built over thirty years before.
Using the Initiator as a prop I made an effort to discuss the serial number plate and what the numbers on it represented.
Not sure that I gave an understandable explanation but nobody ran from the room so I figured I was off to a good start.

Then I discussed how the name 'Initiator' was chosen for the kit (I believe I posted the story a long time ago here on TRF. Search using the word 'Enertek').
Short answer: I was watching the movie Animal House one night in my apartment and saw that fraternities had initiations so let's name the rocket the Initiator.
My ending line was, "If it wasn't for John Belushi that rocket would have a different name".
That got a few laughs.

But wait, there was more...
I asked Gary to join me at the podium.

I then told the audience how back in the day at AeroTech if you designed a model that was put into production as a kit, the first one off the production line was given to the designer.

I then opened the bag and pulled out Initiator #1 still in the box.
I spoke of how it had been in my collection for over thirty-four years and now presented it to Gary and the AeroTech team with hope it would find a prominent display location in the museum.
I handed the box to Gary.

I figured that was that and got ready to sit back down.

But wait, there was more...


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Dane and Gary had a surprise for me.

Dane walked up to me with a picture frame.
Mounted inside the frame was a brass copy of the serial number plate displayed on the Giant Initiator outside the new HQ building.
It was pretty hefty.
The serial number was "8901100001", the first Initiator.
I was stunned. What an amazing and thoughtful gesture.
I held up the framed plate so everyone could see it.

I don't have a worthy place yet to display it in my home but it is out and I see it all the time.


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    AT Grand Opening Brass Enlarged Serial Number Plate 001.jpg
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After I sat down Lee Piester was called up to speak.

Lee recounted his early years building/launching 'amateur rockets'.
He knew how to use a lathe and other tools and sold custom parts to other amateur rocketeers.

He then went to an early NARAM, saw model rockets being flown and thought there might be something to this.
Lee and his wife Betty then set up Centuri Engineering in a garage.

Lee shifted his presentation to a discussion of how he/Centuri purchased both Coaster and RDC (Enerjet).
Many interesting details about the purchase of these two companies.

Overall, Lee said he was finally understanding just how much of an impact Centuri made on young people as he asked for a show of hands of those who had built/flown Centuri rockets. Quite a few hands went up.

When Lee finished he was given a standing ovation.


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    AT Grand Opeing Ceremony 009 Lee Piester making his presentation.jpg
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I asked Gary to join me at the podium.

I then told the audience how back in the day at AeroTech if you designed a model that was put into production as a kit, the first one off the production line was given to the designer.

I then opened the bag and pulled out Initiator #1 still in the box.
I spoke of how it had been in my collection for over thirty-four years and now presented it to Gary and the AeroTech team with hope it would find a prominent display location in the museum.
I handed the box to Gary.

I figured that was that and got ready to sit back down.

But wait, there was more...
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