29mm motor - actual outer diameter?

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It's thinking it is the 3/4" one they sell at home depot even. You need room for the sand paper.

I misplaced my set of "motor pokin' tools" which we called these Dowels when I traded my truck in for another in 2018. 'Cause if you get a motor stuck in the motor mount tube you need a motor pokin' tool to push it out from the other end; using a rubber mallet gently.
I think it may be closer to 1", since the inside diameter of that tube right now is about 28.5mm, which equates to 1.12". I think a 7/8" dowel would be just perfect to allow for the thickness of the sandpaper. I know I'll find something, as I have a Menards, Home Depot and Hobby Lobby right here in town. Thanks!