"We don't know...yet" Science in action

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May 7, 2017
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Murray, KY
Some have undoubtedly seen this image of the moon, taken by NASA's lunar orbiter:

Immediate wild speculation online about space aliens. Probably speculation on Bigfoot, Loch Nessie, space lasers, hollow moon, etc.

In science, when we don't know...we say so. What we don't do is indulge in fantasy merely because it's satisfying. Instead of "Proof of Space Aliens!", NASA asked "What could possibly have caused this phenomenon?" And it didn't take long to find that Korea Aerospace Research Institute's Danuri lunar orbiter was paralleling the LRO's orbit. And at the speed it was going, it would have been a blur, just as seen in the image.

To some, the explanation won't make any difference. Supporting facts and results are ignored. "Space Aliens!! NASA is lying!!! etc. ad nauseum". So it goes. You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think. :)
To some, the explanation won't make any difference. Supporting facts and results are ignored. "Space Aliens!! NASA is lying!!! etc. ad nauseum". So it goes. You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think. :)
I wish I didn't know this as well and as personally as I do.
Some have undoubtedly seen this image of the moon, taken by NASA's lunar orbiter:
View attachment 639787

Immediate wild speculation online about space aliens. Probably speculation on Bigfoot, Loch Nessie, space lasers, hollow moon, etc.

In science, when we don't know...we say so. What we don't do is indulge in fantasy merely because it's satisfying. Instead of "Proof of Space Aliens!", NASA asked "What could possibly have caused this phenomenon?" And it didn't take long to find that Korea Aerospace Research Institute's Danuri lunar orbiter was paralleling the LRO's orbit. And at the speed it was going, it would have been a blur, just as seen in the image.

To some, the explanation won't make any difference. Supporting facts and results are ignored. "Space Aliens!! NASA is lying!!! etc. ad nauseum". So it goes. You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think. :)
That’s a pretty crazy, I guess that poler orbits are popular.
It's obviously an encoded message buried in the raster image by highly advanced beings. The top steganography experts in the NSA have been diligently analyzing the sophisticated encryption. After weeks of dedicated processing using the World's most sophisticated massively-parallel computing platforms, the coded message has finally been deciphered:

⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⌿⏃☊⟒☊⍀⏃⎎⏁ ⟟⋏⌇⎍⍀⏃⋏☊⟒ ⟟⌇ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⍜ ⟒⌖⌿⟟⍀⟒.

I am not at liberty to divulge the plain-text version due to intergalactic ITAR limitation and the risk of being abducted and probed (again). Although I will deny any knowledge of the source of the underlying translation table, the final solution may be decoded here using a simple copy and paste.
I always think it's pretty cool when one spacecraft (or lander) can get a photo of another. In science fiction, craft are always doing things near each other, but in the real world space is too big and it usually only happens when craft are specifically meeting up or separating from each other. (Pretty neat even in those cases.)
I always think it's pretty cool when one spacecraft (or lander) can get a photo of another. In science fiction, craft are always doing things near each other, but in the real world space is too big and it usually only happens when craft are specifically meeting up or separating from each other. (Pretty neat even in those cases.)
Yup if conspiracy theorists didn’t exist it’d be viral because of that.
I always think it's pretty cool when one spacecraft (or lander) can get a photo of another. In science fiction, craft are always doing things near each other, but in the real world space is too big and it usually only happens when craft are specifically meeting up or separating from each other. (Pretty neat even in those cases.)

Cool indeed! Like when MRO captured Curiosity under parachute:

It's obviously an encoded message buried in the raster image by highly advanced beings. The top steganography experts in the NSA have been diligently analyzing the sophisticated encryption. After weeks of dedicated processing using the World's most sophisticated massively-parallel computing platforms, the coded message has finally been deciphered:

⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⌿⏃☊⟒☊⍀⏃⎎⏁ ⟟⋏⌇⎍⍀⏃⋏☊⟒ ⟟⌇ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⍜ ⟒⌖⌿⟟⍀⟒.

I am not at liberty to divulge the plain-text version due to intergalactic ITAR limitation and the risk of being abducted and probed (again). Although I will deny any knowledge of the source of the underlying translation table, the final solution may be decoded here using a simple copy and paste.
Its a mathematical equation that adds up to 42.
Scientists: "There's still a lot we don't know, but the evidence is clear that climate is changing in significant ways because of human activity."

Media/political personality: "X is going to happen!"

(X doesn't happen.)

Science deniers: "See? The scientists were wrong!"


  • In 2002, scientists predicted the ice fields on Kilimanjaro would disappear between 2015 and 2020 “if current climatological conditions” persisted.
  • The ice fields on Kilimanjaro haven’t completely disappeared, which has drawn the attention of climate change skeptics.
  • Climate change’s effect on glaciers is seen in other ways on Kilimanjaro — and in a variety of other ways around the world.

So we redefine the scenario as we go along... and yet we mandate that you all follow our "science" or you are "science deniers".​
Meanwhile, Billions of tax dollars are spent and careers are ruined, based on your "science".​
Ugh :facepalm:
Meanwhile, Billions of tax dollars are spent and careers are ruined, based on your "science".
I'm not a scientist, so it's not "my" science.
But I'm smart enough to know that there are thousands of real scientists that have done studies that support their conclusions.
I'll believe that before I believe some meme.
I'm not a scientist, so it's not "my" science.
But I'm smart enough to know that there are thousands of real scientists that have done studies that support their conclusions.
I'll believe that before I believe some meme.
And there are thousands of real scientists that have done studies that don't support their conclusions, independent scientists.​
That's the point. Show me the money, and I'll show you the conclusion.​
And there are thousands of real scientists that have done studies that don't support their conclusions, independent scientists.​
That's the point. Show me the money, and I'll show you the conclusion.​
I respect your right to your opinion.
And I respect your talent as a model rocketeer.
But show me peer reviewed studies that verify that climate change is NOT happening.
Bonafide studies done by real scientists.
In the meantime, while you're looking for that, here's something unequivocal:
I respect your right to your opinion.
And I respect your talent as a model rocketeer.
But show me peer reviewed studies that verify that climate change is NOT happening.
Bonafide studies done by real scientists.
In the meantime, while you're looking for that, here's something unequivocal:
With all due respect, I doubt that anything I can post here will change your opinion on this issue. Nonetheless, a quick search yields this:​
“Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming,” adding that warming is even far slower than what was predicted on the basis of modeled anthropogenic or human activity forcing."
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I doubt that anything I can post here will change your opinion on this issue. Nonetheless, a quick search yields this:​
“Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming,” adding that warming is even far slower than what was predicted on the basis of modeled anthropogenic or human activity forcing."
Yeah, and these arguments have been discussed before on other threads in this forum.
Not gonna rehash them here.
I guess we just have to agree to disagree.
BTW, if you think the scientific conclusions are based on the funding source, does that mean that the scientific community has no integrity?
Are the NASA scientists on the take?
https://climate.nasa.gov/  /
But show me peer reviewed studies that verify that climate change is NOT happening.
Bonafide studies done by real scientists.
That's not how science works in the real world. There's no money there. On the other hand, there are billions available to confirm the current belief that there *is* global cooling/warming/climate change. When there is a great deal of societal pressure, sometimes an idea becomes the truth.