Star Wars - Force Awakens (NO SPOILERS)

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I didn't like it all that much, as a Star Wars movie it kinda sucked. Once again you really don't care for most of the characters. You are never drawn into a story no real reason for any of the why things are, and what they do explain is meh. Lucas was too much Drama and JJ is to much gratuitous action.

I would like to see comments like this removed. Not a spoiler outright but it does give away something.

Not cool.
Not a spoiler. Any true fan has already seen it, twice.

So you're taking it upon yourself to add a little too much to a discussion, based on the fact that anyone that doesn't like it should have seen the movie by now anyway?

Yep, you're THAT guy. And refusing to change it when asked to do so makes you seem childish. I reported the post, but being an Admin you're able to ignore that too.

So I'm done trying to ask you to change it.
Not a spoiler. Any true fan has already seen it, twice.

Not to beat up on you Chuck, but I consider myself a true Star Wars fan however I have not seen it yet simply due to other priorities, family and business. I am taking my son to see it tomorrow and I am very excited, but seeing it twice will likely not be in the cards...I think I have been to 12 movies theaters in the last 12 years.
No. My point is my statement was not a spoiler. Star Wars is a space version a greek tragedy. It is about war and tragic things happen.

The folks on this forum constantly like to try and chase folks away.

It is not like I gave specifics. No one would have known what i was talking about unless you saw the movie.

I took out the word that offended you. It was not spoiler but I am tired of the whining.
I just saw the movie today. I am a true Star Wars fan (saw Jedi at age 4 in theaters and haven't looked back) but I don't care to stand in line any more than I have to or share a theater with a bunch of punks with no respect for the movie or other moviegoers. I waited for a weekday and we (myself and my two brothers) caught a matinee. The theater wasn't even half full. Some of the folks that were there knew Star Wars and a few scenes got some remarks, but most were probably from us.

Great movie. It FELT like Star Wars. Not like the Ep 1-3 trash. This had the right feel. The music, the sounds, visuals... old stuff and new stuff. Loved it. Looking forward to the next one. I didn't click on this thread until after I saw the movie and still don't know what the fuss is about cwbullet's comment. Maybe it was changed before I read it because I don't know what it was referring to.

I didn't click on this thread until after I saw the movie and still don't know what the fuss is about cwbullet's comment. Maybe it was changed before I read it because I don't know what it was referring to.

It wasn't a spoiler, it just seemed like it would have changed the experience for someone that hadn't seen it yet. They'd be expecting something that maybe they wouldn't be looking for, and I just asked that it be removed. It's a shame I had to ask multiple times.
Do I have to wait until May for Blu-Ray/DVD release? I may have to schedule a "Dr. appointment" to sneak out and see it again. (cough-cough)

How many of us watched as many teasers/trailers as possible? Is there anyone out there that hasn't even seen a single trailer yet?

Thank God for real stormtroopers this time. I was so dissapointed at the CG clone troopers in the prequels. Every last one was CGI. Good f-ing grief.

When I heard Disney was going to make more Star Wars, I wasn't worried much at all. Look what they did with Tron.
No. My point is my statement was not a spoiler. Star Wars is a space version a greek tragedy. It is about war and tragic things happen.

The folks on this forum constantly like to try and chase folks away.

It is not like I gave specifics. No one would have known what i was talking about unless you saw the movie.

I took out the word that offended you. It was not spoiler but I am tired of the whining.

I agree with you . . . there's entirely too much whining and usually by one.
Regarding the edited post, I'm glad it was changed. It wasn't a true spoiler, but it created an expectation for the outcome of certain scenes, and that's enough to ruin it for some people, myself included. I have to admit that I'm kind of hypersensitive to any hints at all, so I typically avoid any information at all about movies that I really want to see, even threads like this one. Not everyone is so diligent, so if a thread is labeled NO SPOLIERS, it should have no hints whatsoever. It's easy enough to start your own spoilers thread for that kind of thing.
Took the kids today, and all but my daughter loved the movie... She loved and hated it for good reason... My son and I loved Episode VII 100%
Took my two boys on Christmas Eve morning. I have completely stayed away from this thread in fear of any spoilers. I wouldn't even watch TV clips. Just my way. I was so relieved that it was, IMHO an excellent Star Wars film again, not like those last three films. My little boy was so hyped up for this. It was a great experience. It reminded me of the anticipation of seeing the original the first time; I'm not sure any of those last episodes (I-III) even came close to that excitement. I do hope they keep it up and don't fall back.
I didn't like it all that much, as a Star Wars movie it kinda sucked. Once again you really don't care for most of the characters. You are never drawn into a story no real reason for any of the why things are, and what they do explain is meh. Lucas was too much Drama and JJ is to much gratuitous action.


I'm with you on this one. These things would be more enjoyable if there was more dramatic arc in each movie. It just seems to go on and on for no reason. This one was old home week, with repeated references to (and rip-offs of) old events and old characters. And that's the whole thing - except for a kind of Arthurian element they injected.

That said, the visuals were well done. We saw it in 3D, and there were ads for other 3D movies. In all the other movies, the effect looked cheap - maybe two or three discrete layers creating what should have been an illusion. Star Wars 3D was more seamless. Also, Star Wars had a big enough budget that, if they could build something and actually put it on the set, they would. The other movies CGI'd everything. So Kudos to all that.

Visuals weren't enough to save it though. Frankly, I go to a Star Wars movie to feel young, and this one just made me feel old. No It must have been even worse than that. At the end of the movie, I found my 18-year-old kid waiting in the lobby. He couldn't watch it.
I thought it was fun, never boring, and it looked and sounded like Star Wars. I appreciated that the older actors actually took part in the story instead of making "Old Spock" cameos. It isn't the best of the Star Wars films, but is definitely worth seeing.

-- Roger
I found my 18-year-old kid waiting in the lobby. He couldn't watch it.

His choice, but there's a fine line between wanting a quality product and being a movie snob.
I saw it in 3D last Thursday (Dec 24th) and absolutely loved it! IMO it's the best Star Wars movie to date.

For the record; I also loved all the originals and the prequels (no shame :)).
Finally made it to the theater with my daughter last night and saw it. Completely enjoyed it.

Nits could be picked if nits are important to you, but I think it works well and it tons of fun.
I saw it last week and I think it was great!

Also I love that my local theater now has electric reclining seats and reservable seating...being short I always dread getting someone tall sitting smack in front of me (almost punishes you for showing up early to get good seats).

I liked that one of the main characters is almost a complete departure from main characters shown in previous movies and I found them very likable and endearing.

Background - I've watched the original trilogy enough times years ago (used to watch it on VHS anytime I was sick in bed) to have spotted some movie flubs no one else did earlier - to my surprise when I looked at SW flub sites back then (I did post my findings).

Also I have to admit that I'm a movie nit-picker. More about nit-picking stuff that doesn't make sense or really stupid things being why do fighter pilots always turn around after their wingmen are shot even though you can't see them and you should be focusing ahead or looking at your instruments for the enemy? Or why do people yell when one of their friends are shot rather than just shooting back? These are issues common in a lot of movies..."Hollywoodizing". However I felt this movie had less of this silly stuff than others.

Feel free to let me know if anything is "spoilering" here and I will gladly edit. :)
Finally saw it yesterday with my son who was in town for the holidays and we quite enjoyed it. I was a little concerned with J.J. Abrams being in charge of it, but it was very well done. I remember driving to Phoenix for the original release and standing in line for an hour and half to see it on the largest screen at the time in our region of the country. As with most others I hated the prequels, but enjoyed the animated series that were produced. It was very well done for the most part and I look forward to the continuation of the story line.
We then found the one theater still running the "The Martian" and went to see it to top off the day (my son had not seen it yet).
Perhaps it time to start a Star Wars spoiler thread for those who want to discuss more specific movie details.
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All I can say is that this movie has allowed me to forget the emotional betrayal of the silly children's antics that were eps 1-3. I feel okay about liking star wars again.

On a related note I rewatched eps 4-6 again and had totally forgotten about Leia's british accent for the first half of the first movie.

My wife told me that the accent was intentional. Apparently, when she is in regal mode she uses a high accent (aka British accent) to denote that she is royalty. Once she joins up with the rebels as a soldier she uses a common accent (aka American accent) to show that she is not in regal mode and is just a soldier like every one else.

If my wife heard this there must be something to it as she would never make this up. She knows the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, but she is not hard core about any of it.