Rocket glider plans posted

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Well-Known Member
TRF Supporter
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Here is the plans link for RC planes I've designed. At the top are the latest, AQM-37 Jayhawk, A-4B Winged V-2, Mach 10, Interceptor, X-20, lower down are others, Bomarc, X-15, X-1, XF-91 thunderceptor, ME-163, Natter...The link to the plans with a build thread and pdf plans. They are all made from depron foam and are normally profiles. They run from 39" long to 48" long, with 20 to 30 inch wingspans, are around 9-13 oz RTF and use the Aerotech E-6RC reload, or an electric pusher motor if desired. Most are three channel with full flying tail or elevons.

Most of the videos in the plans area are with a pusher electric motor, here is a video with four of them flyign on rocket, they are all very similar performing and you can build them either way.
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That is an amazing body of work. When do you sleep? BTW, do you make your own decals? If so, do you have them in vector graphics format for publishing with the plans?


DJ Miller
aka: FlyBack
DJ, thanks, when I can't sleep, I cut foam:)

All of my planes use a combination of:

Hand cut monokote self adhesive trim sheets,
sig stars and bars, and vinyl lettering,
and some sharpie pens for marking panel lines. I haven't gotten into doing graphics digitally, I'm pretty fast doing them this way, so haven't bothered, and most people want to do their own color schemes, anyway.

There are a lot of guys on rcgroups that are really good with graphics if there is enough interest I'm sure we could try to have one help out.



That is an amazing body of work. When do you sleep? BTW, do you make your own decals? If so, do you have them in vector graphics format for publishing with the plans?


DJ Miller
aka: FlyBack