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When I was in high school a friend of mine lived on a dairy farm. I have washed utters, connected the cows to the milking machine and cleaned up after the cows. The cows had to be milked before we went out at night. My dad worked for Wilson Dairy in Detroit. He was in sales and had 7.11's and Quick Pic stores in Detroit as customers. We had two commercial freezers at home and he brought home all the out of date ice cream. We would have 20 or 30 half gallons of ice cream in them almost all the time. During the summer, spring break and the holidays I worked there too. This was in the middle 70's. Driving into Detroit to work was always dangerous.
I really don’t know why I’m versing my opinion on this but this has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read. Eating an animal is not eating a corpse unless in your deranged mind it is. God gave us the animals to survive and our body that God created requires protein. The animals eat greenery like grass and such. I can’t see myself on my hands and knees eating grass. To anyone that is a vegan that’s your preference eating grass. Just let me know if you’re interested on coming over and eating my lawn. I could save on gasoline for my mower!
I really don’t know why I’m versing my opinion on this but this has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read. Eating an animal is not eating a corpse unless in your deranged mind it is. God gave us the animals to survive and our body that God created requires protein. The animals eat greenery like grass and such. I can’t see myself on my hands and knees eating grass. To anyone that is a vegan that’s your preference eating grass. Just let me know if you’re interested on coming over and eating my lawn. I could save on gasoline for my mower!
I’ll just say that vegetables are by definition, not grass. That is grain.
I really don’t know why I’m versing my opinion on this but this has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read. Eating an animal is not eating a corpse unless in your deranged mind it is. God gave us the animals to survive and our body that God created requires protein. The animals eat greenery like grass and such. I can’t see myself on my hands and knees eating grass. To anyone that is a vegan that’s your preference eating grass. Just let me know if you’re interested on coming over and eating my lawn. I could save on gasoline for my mower!
I once read somewhere that 96% of the plants on the planet cannot be consumed/metabolized by humans, yet 96% of the animals (who CAN eat the other 96% of plants that we can't).....CAN be metabolized! Coincidence? I think not (even if the numbers are somewhat simplified)!

And I can tell you with great depth and scope of experience from eating vast quantities of local cuisine from every single continent (except Antarctica) in my 36+ years of affiliation with the DOD.......not every animal (mammal, avian, reptiles, invertebrates, fish, amphibians) has a flavor profile or texture that one would call 'normal' (and in many cases, even 'acceptable) to an industrialized Western palette! But when in Rome.......!
And I can tell you with great depth and scope of experience from eating vast quantities of local cuisine from every single continent (except Antarctica) in my 36+ years of affiliation with the DOD.......not every animal (mammal, avian, reptiles, invertebrates, fish, amphibians) has a flavor profile or texture that one would call 'normal' (and in many cases, even 'acceptable) to an industrialized Western palette!
And, except for chickens, they do not taste like chicken.

My family used to have a practice of picking a "foreign" cuisine every Thursday for dinner, and repeating places as little as possible. So we would look up and cook recipes from all over the world, every populated continent and regions of continents. There is one ingredient that is found in recipes from damn near everywhere. Is it chicken? No. Is it pork? Closer, but no. Is it rice? Also close, but still no. It's onions.

Humans are evolved to digest meat and derive a lot of nutritional value from it. We are evolved to hunt for meat efficiently. That said, in the evolutionary state, meat was probably harder to come by, and many people in the modern world (myself included) eat a lot more of it than we likely are evolved to, and would probably be healthier if we ate less. Less, though, is not none.
I’ll just say that vegetables are by definition, not grass. That is grain.
Grain is the seeds of a subclass of grasses. "Vegetable" means one thing to a botanist and another to a chef, and the leaves (also called blades) of grass are vegetables by either definition. But they are useless garbage vegetables to the chef.

On the other hand, of course no human is eating it, let alone grazing, and snide comments don't help anything. If one wants to save on gas money for the mower, one should get either an electric mower or a goat.
Humans are evolved to digest meat and derive a lot of nutritional value from it. We are evolved to hunt for meat efficiently. That said, in the evolutionary state, meat was probably harder to come by, and many people in the modern world (myself included) eat a lot more of it than we likely are evolved to, and would probably be healthier if we ate less. Less, though, is not none.
I agree 1000%, and it’s what I do, i try to only have meat on the weekends but I won’t say no to a burger if you hand me one.
Humans are evolved to digest meat and derive a lot of nutritional value from it. We are evolved to hunt for meat efficiently. That said, in the evolutionary state, meat was probably harder to come by, and many people in the modern world (myself included) eat a lot more of it than we likely are evolved to, and would probably be healthier if we ate less. Less, though, is not none.

Same with sweet stuff. Sugar is a bonus where calories are scarce. It's poison when you get too much.