Crazy prices on eBay that make me frustrated.

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I’m pretty sure it will work…
Jun 14, 2023
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A mega der red max is out of production and sort of rare, but it is NOT 350 bucks! You can still buy the tube AND nose from Estes and the fins and motor mount from rocketry works. You can make a scratch build MDRM for less than $100. When I first saw this they had it priced a 500 bucks. At least they lowered the price a little.

Look at this!
Overpriced MDRM

Next to his $1600 baseball caps, that’s almost reasonable.

You can name any price for your item on eBay, the market will decide if you sell it.

If that was Estes selling, I’d be annoyed with them. But just a person selling collectible stuff? Nah, his only guide is his feel for the market. “Watch” it and wait for 6 months until he decides he needs to go ahead and move it for whatever he can get.
Yes, I understand that, but as a rocketeer myself if I was him I would sell it for a reasonable price. Even if I could get someone to buy it for that price, I wouldn't feel good about knowing that I kind of tricked someone into thinking it was worth that much.
I just had a similar problems with a Craigslist seller: A guy near me was selling a Phantom 4000 rocket, already assembled, for $125.
Figuring I could get a cheap-ish 4" diameter rocket for no shipping, I offered the guy $100.
He turned me down, saying he wanted $125 FIRM.
I walked away. I could get a LOC IV for less than that, brand new and build it to my specs, with shipping. Not worth it.
When someone asks for too much money, for something they want to get out of the house, it's just not worth the hassle. Move on.

And yes, I got the 4" tube and nosecone from Estes. I can build my own motor mount. The only Question is if I'm building a Red Max or something original.
I may use the Max NC on my LOC IV, and just use the tube to build something original. I've got a lot of 4" parts at this point.
Hey, there are some pretty good deals that show up some times on eBay that people like you miss because your too busy not looking at eBay. :p
I’m occasionally shocked by the folks who get caught up in a bidding frenzy, driving prices up.

Just the other day I watched a kit (non-rocketry) sell for more than MSRP. Not an OOP item, I can buy one today from the manufacturer for less than the one on eBay sold for (and parts will be laser cut as opposed to die cut like the first generation kit that was auctioned off).

I’m occasionally shocked by the folks who get caught up in a bidding frenzy, driving prices up.

Just the other day I watched a kit (non-rocketry) sell for more than MSRP. Not an OOP item, I can buy one today from the manufacturer for less than the one on eBay sold for (and parts will be laser cut as opposed to die cut like the first generation kit that was auctioned off).

Man that is very interesting. I don't know why anyone would keep bidding like that. Very odd.
I have gotten stuff from ebay for reasonable prices but my last purchase was just sent back awaiting a refund for a bad hand cut tube in the kit. I think I’m going to give up on eBay items
People list things for excessive pricese for several reasons. In my opinion, here are some of them.

1. They don't really want to sell it, but if they got a "huge" amount of money, they'll be willing to sell it.

2. They don't actually have the item, and instead of taking down the listing (they might have originally made the listing with multiple items, but are now sold out and waiting for more), they just put in a price that they feel is too high for anyone to bid on it or buy it. And if they're wrong, the price will be high enough so either cancel the sale without angering the buyer too much or bend over backwards to find the item quickly and sell it.

3. Something illegal or improper is taking place, like shilling bidding or money laundering.

4. The person is basing their selling price not on what it's worth, but what they paid for it. Many sellers feel that what they should sell an item for is based on what they paid for it. This makes sense if they're in the business of flipping, but if they're just trying to get rid of items, I find it annoying. Usually this is present with buyers who don't really know the market for an item they're selling because they buy into marketing hype.

5. They know the listed price is way too high, but they're hoping there's at least one sucker out here.

6. They're not sure how much the item is actually worth and aren't in a rush to sell it. So they put an extra high price and figure they'll take a "wait and see" approach to the sale.
A ‘collectible’ is worth what someone will pay when you want to sell it. For example, someone may decide to buy their spouse the MDRM for their birthday or some other event. They look on EBay and see that one listed, and since time is of the essence, they buy it. In that moment, it’s worth that price. I’ve seen that happen many times with other categories of collectibles. Both the buyer and seller got lucky – the seller got their price and the buyer got the item they were looking for.

But yes, it is frustrating seeing an item you want at what seems to be an unreasonable price. Time is a great arbitrator of prices though, and patience is a virtue, on both sides of that equation.

Where I used to work they would occasionally auction off old tools like battery powered drills. I went to watch once and two guys got into a bidding war over something. It was something common that they could go down the street and buy at Wal-Mart, but neither one wanted to lose. The price was soon more than a brand new one, but they kept bidding. People were openly laughing at them, but they kept bidding. Eventually common sense prevailed for one of them and he quit bidding. Some people HATE to lose.
Where I used to work they would occasionally auction off old tools like battery powered drills. I went to watch once and two guys got into a bidding war over something. It was something common that they could go down the street and buy at Wal-Mart, but neither one wanted to lose. The price was soon more than a brand new one, but they kept bidding. People were openly laughing at them, but they kept bidding. Eventually common sense prevailed for one of them and he quit bidding. Some people HATE to lose.

A lot of times when people get in a bidding war like that, at that point in the auction, their bidding for victory and not the item at all.
And on the other side of the coin, an occasional tremendous bargain. Here, have a happy story. :)

My rocketry mentor's real life was running a welding/machine shop. Much of the work was flattening cast-iron engine heads using special cubic boron nitride disc inserts in the surfacing machine. Inserts were hard to find, ran $200 a pop IF you bought from China. Be very careful; drop it on the concrete floor and it's toast.

Jim wasn't aware of eBay at the time, so I'd search occasionally when I was logged in. Saw a listing for a pack of five inserts. Plastic case was dirty and scratched but still sealed... $20. ("That canNOT be right! Either stolen or stupid." I thought.) Seller had four packs; I took a chance and bought them all.

Wild guess: seller didn't know what he had, maybe he thought they were ordinary carbide. But they were indeed CBN, unused, and the right size. Anyway, I've never seen someone's eyes actually bug out the way Jim's did when I handed one pack to him, told him what I'd paid...then pulled the other three out of my pocket and handed them over. He was literally speechless, mouth open and shaking his head for about a minute.
He never had to buy another insert, right up to retirement and closing the shop. Saved him about $4000.:dancingelephant:😊
Gemini titan
Boyce aerospace hobbies Gemini titan builders kit being sold on eBay to bidders that are actually willing to pay more than MSRP. You can get this kit for cheaper on there website!!
Gemini titan
Boyce aerospace hobbies Gemini titan builders kit being sold on eBay to bidders that are actually willing to pay more than MSRP. You can get this kit for cheaper on there website!!
There may be reasons to buy it from eBay, though, such as greater buyer protections, customer loyalty points (I assume eBay still has its eBay Bucks program, but maybe not) and alternative payment options, like an eBay gift card or credit card (I assume those things still exist).
Maybe, but I'd rather buy from the manufacturer any day, especially if it's cheaper.
Maybe, but I'd rather buy from the manufacturer any day, especially if it's cheaper.

Better for everyone.

$10 more on eBay may be to help cover the fees. I promise they’re receiving less money for the product through eBay than their website, despite the higher price.
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It doesn't matter who's selling it. I'm just saying I don't know why people are bidding over MSRP. I don't really care if they are getting less money out of it because if it costs me less to buy from the manufacturer, I am going to.
Honestly, the same can be said of Amazon for many items – there are often cheaper alternatives, even with the free shipping. But since it's such a s huge marketplace and so easy, many folks just don't really want to take the time to try and find a better deal. When we were remodeling our house, nearly everything I was going to buy from Amazon I ended up finding cheaper elsewhere. Or, I had to buy multiples to get the best price when I just wanted one.

It's kind of like free shipping – I can sell you a kit for $50 with free shipping, or the same kit for $40 with $8.95 in shipping. Guess which one most folks will buy? Based on many conversations with online sellers, many buyers seem incapable of seeing past the 'free shipping' label and doing a little math in their head. The most common complaint I heard from sellers was that if a competitor was selling the same item with free shipping for a higher price, they wanted free shipping 'as a price match', even though the total price was lower from the start. It was enough to make me lose faith in the math skills of most consumers in this country!

It's kind of like free shipping – I can sell you a kit for $50 with free shipping, or the same kit for $40 with $8.95 in shipping. Guess which one most folks will buy? Based on many conversations with online sellers, many buyers seem incapable of seeing past the 'free shipping' label and doing a little math in their head. The most common complaint I heard from sellers was that if a competitor was selling the same item with free shipping for a higher price, they wanted free shipping 'as a price match', even though the total price was lower from the start. It was enough to make me lose faith in the math skills of most consumers in this country!