A Firebat and a Vigilante..

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Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2009
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The latest work in progress, 31" long, 20" wingspan, BT-60 based. 6mm depron surfaces, 3.25oz as shown, 7.5 oz rtf with R/C gear and 24mm E-6 installed and balanced..

A simplified Mig 25 inspired model but with a single tail.

I designed a pretty simple construction for ease of cutting parts and assembly. Went with a single tail like a Vigilante but kept the Mig-25 wing and tail shapes, and kept the stab in line with the wing for simplicity. Simple side plates for intakes and the profile, and a 3mm bottom plate split to allow the rail buttons to be exposed and attached to the body tube and not attached to foam. I did not run the body tube full length, it's simply there to support the rail buttons and mount the nose cone. The motor tube glues directly to the foam wing. Individual tail surfaces for roll/pitch. I'll do some panel lines and hand cut some soviet style decals tomorrow then wait for radio gear to arrive and the snow to melt. Should really scoot, hopefully I didn't make it too light so it exceeds the speed of foam.


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Mama Vigilante decided she wanted to be reincarnated in foam, cardboard and plastic. I started with the Firebat templates, extended the wingtips, changed the tail shapes, modified the top view a bit and curved the bottom of the intake plates. Cockpit is changed and moved forward. Same basic dimensions and weights. Took me a few hours to draw and cut out parts and a few more to construct, she is already painted, just need to draw panel lines before I post photosIMG_20240117_133203282~2.jpgIMG_20240117_133139277~2.jpgIMG_20240117_133047733~2.jpgFB_IMG_1705507381582.jpgIMG_20240117_093517756.jpg
You've got a good eye for where to put the minimalist paint on. The curve at the bottom of the red intake and that little strake back into the white and all the other tiny details bring it to life. Lovely job. Any problems with the paint sticking to the taped foam?
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You've got a good eye for where to put the minimalist paint on. Lovely job. Any problems with the paint sticking to the taped foam?
I have not taped the foam on mine as I havent needed to so far, that was a recommendation from sr205347d who likes to push things faster..the only paint on my two models is the gray on the Vigilante, the rest is trim vinyl, even the white on the nose cones.
Tweaked my decals a bit, had some spare bunnies because the tail looked plain and some numbers for the nose and moved the star/bar since the nose looked plain. The advantage of not making a true scale model, I didn't want to spend any money on these so just used the vinyl, paint color, lettering and decals I had on hand and modified the paint and stab markings to make it easier to mask and apply...I'm so lazy it's sad, but it makes me happy😅IMG_20240118_115307423~2.jpgIMG_20240118_115250275~2.jpgIMG_20240118_115319676.jpg
. The advantage of not making a true scale model, I didn't want to spend any money on these so just used the vinyl, paint color, lettering and decals I had on hand and modified the paint and stab markings to make it easier to mask and apply...I'm so lazy it's sad, but it makes me hap
when I look at your creations, I think, “If that’s not scale, the originals were built wrong!”
I keep wishing that Frank would finish the joke that he started in this thread:

“A Firebat and a Vigilante walk into a bar…..
