Wildman 4" 54mm Eagle Claw build

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Jul 5, 2020
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I've liked the looks of this kit since I first saw GL's Talon years ago thinking that would be a rocket I'd love to bring to the range. Decided last year to get it done. Would have considered the GL but last year the 4 inch didn't look like it was available. Happened to see the Eagle Claw on the Wildman site last July and decided to make the dream a reality.
A design change at Wildman gave me the chance to see how well Tim will takes care of his customers - he does. In October I had a new longer MMT in hand. I prepped, located and attached the boat tail centering rings to the MMT and attached the motor retainer. November the boat tail slots were tuned up for the fins and added internal fillet injection holes in the boat tail. Anything attaching to the MMT gets JB Weld. Unfortunately reality has been slow to show up, this kit has been sitting mostly idle since November 2020 - lots of other urgent/ important issues came up between then and now but tonight I was able to get something that looked like a little more progress attaching the boat tail fins.
As progress is made I'll add some pics - my hope is to have it in air yet this year but, at this rate, the Eagle Claw may be ready by the time I retire...
I do appreciate the many build projects I've scanned and enjoyed in the mean time - there are some very talented builders that will challenge and illuminate the
way for me to up my skill level a bit. Thanks!


It's been a while - finally made time to get back into the shop this weekend.
Using the Wildman shock cord mount method, that's a lot of JB Weld to embed 2) 1inch kevlar straps! Anything on the motor mount get JB Weld.


Boat tail and all the fins, man those forward fins look big. I find the fin attachment/alignment process somewhat nerve racking, a final commit to it might not be right - especially aligning two sets of fins. Hope she files straight and true!

From the motor mount looking down on 6 fins. Once this is set up I'll put the JB weld away and mix up some West Systems for an injection poor to make sure those fins are stuck to the motor mount.

And there is still the e-bay/coupler, forward body tube and a big long nose code to assemble. This eagle will be an arm full on the way to the launch pad and off the field!