When is the Starship orbital launch?

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For a amazing video of the launch go to YouTube, Every day Astronaut, 4k with unbelievable audio of the Starship 3 launch with slow-mo. Turn up the audio engage the subwoofers and it's as close as you can get to the actual launch without being on the SpaceX property .
For a amazing video of the launch go to YouTube, Every day Astronaut, 4k with unbelievable audio of the Starship 3 launch with slow-mo. Turn up the audio engage the subwoofers and it's as close as you can get to the actual launch without being on the SpaceX property .
Wow, that was great footage. But it was really disappointing to see all those tripods get blown over. You'd think by now they'd figure out they need to either need to be staked down with re-bar stakes or have a tripod head in a 5 gallon bucket filled with cement. It's not rocket science!

Wow, that was great footage. But it was really disappointing to see all those tripods get blown over. You'd think by now they'd figure out they need to either need to be staked down with re-bar stakes or have a tripod head in a 5 gallon bucket filled with cement. It's not rocket science!

Surely you mean Brain Surgery. :)
They also mentioned that they will be using Raptor 3 engines for the first time which provides an additional 17% more power. I would expect the flight profile to be slightly different with that much power. The early May timeline is just a target date, something to strive for, IMHO. I don't think it is realistic to complete the mishap investigation and get approval in time for that. However, SpaceX itself could be ready to launch IFT-4 by then.

One suspicion was that the Starship had a frozen over nose thruster which lead to issues with attitude control and frozen material being ejected which impacted and dislodged heat tiles. 2ndly, in the video where the booster came down through a high wind shear zone, it was apparent that they had lots of problems trying to maintain flight control. There was apparently even less damage to Stage 0 launch tower than the previous launch although they quickly had scaffolding in place and workers were busy examining various parts of the tower including the quick disconnect. Shotwell mentioned that they are not going to attempt satellite launches from the pez dispenser - at least not on this flight.

They are apparently preparing to expand southward (W-SW of current tower) to build the 2nd launch tower at the complex. I was watching video of geotech contractor/engineers installing prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) in this area to "wick" water out of the marshy area to establish a foundation. As well there was video of prepping the lower sections of the 2nd tower and video of ongoing construction of the Starship factory.
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Ship 29 is doing a second static fire today - I think this has never been done before? I wonder why.
The first was a 6 engine fire. They also wanted to test a single engine fire for re-obrbit burn as they were unable to do it on IFT-3. This is to simulate the restart of one engine in space.
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This link is to Elon Musk's latest visionary commentary and short term timelines to get there. Musk has this stuttering haltering speech that at times is very difficult to listen to - lets just say, he is no Steve Jobs in eloquence who inspired a mindless cult like devotion. But he has captured the people's imagination for the journey to Mars. There are some great nuggets of information in his speech.
Several years ago, my brother described him as Batman. A profoundly damaged human being who makes really cool stuff. Nothing I’ve seen since disproves that theory.
Damaged and unique but not broken. He is extremely driven, energetic, and passionate. He self diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and bi-polar but refuses medication as that might blunt his drive and inventiveness. His IQ is estimated at between 155-160. He was bullied as a kid. He would stare into space by himself and not even his mother could unlock him when he was in a trance. His father often stood him in the middle of the room and verbally berated him for hours, telling him he is stupid. He and his brother later cut off ties with his father after he (Errol) got his 17-yr old step daughter pregnant. He lost his first son to SIDS and went into a deep deep depression. He has had companies that he managed removed from under him (e.g. PayPal) and has been near bankruptcy a couple of times (e.g. as he was trying to get Tesla profitable). And now he is one of the richest people on earth and yet doesn't care about it.
Place Yer Bets, Place Your bets!!!
What goes up first???

Boeing StarLiner
SpaceX Starship IFT 4

We will see!
Earliest launch date for Starliner is May 25th if it isn't delayed again.
Edit: Suspended indefinitely.
Press Update from NASA:
"NASA, Boeing, and ULA are forgoing the Saturday, May 25 launch attempt for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test. The team has been in meetings for two consecutive days, assessing flight rationale, system performance, and redundancy. There is still forward work in these areas, and the next possible launch opportunity is still being discussed."

IFT-4 will be either the end of May or early June pending FAA approval.
Dream Chaser is slated for October...
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Damaged and unique but not broken. He is extremely driven, energetic, and passionate. He self diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and bi-polar but refuses medication as that might blunt his drive and inventiveness. His IQ is estimated at between 155-160. He was bullied as a kid. He would stare into space by himself and not even his mother could unlock him when he was in a trance. His father often stood him in the middle of the room and verbally berated him for hours, telling him he is stupid. He and his brother later cut off ties with his father after he (Errol) got his 17-yr old step daughter pregnant. He lost his first son to SIDS and went into a deep deep depression. He has had companies that he managed removed from under him (e.g. PayPal) and has been near bankruptcy a couple of times (e.g. as he was trying to get Tesla profitable). And now he is one of the richest people on earth and yet doesn't care about it.
Honestly I can relate to him a bit, I’m also on the spectrum (in a similar way to) I also get into those trances (although if you say my name I’ll wake up) and I don’t Imagine I’d care if I was wealthy. I can also be very obsessed with my interests, although my life has been a lot easier, I have had people try and bully me but it doesn’t work, and my parents are amazing ( bet you never heard a teen say that!).
And now he is one of the richest people on earth and yet doesn't care about it.
Beg to differ:
The comparison I'd make is to Wernher von Braun. And that's not a good thing.
Elon Musk Is Turning Twitter Into a Haven for Nazis
Musk has welcomed neo-Nazis back onto the platform, engaged with them on his timeline, and posted multiple tweets that appeal directly to them.
Double Header:

Both Starship IFT-4 and Starliner to lift off on June 1st. IFT-4 at 8:00 am CDT and Starliner at 12:25 p.m. EDT (1625 UTC)

Starship date corrected to June 5th. June 1st was the earliest date based on Musk but SpaceX corrected it to say the 5th. Starliner might be postponed again... 😱
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Beg to differ:

The comparison I'd make is to Wernher von Braun. And that's not a good thing.
I'd like to see how you feel about working under a contract for 5 years and exceeding all goals required to meet the contract and then having an activist judge say she is protecting the shareholders who voted on your compensation package by voiding it. There is more than just money, it is the ability to have more control of his baby (Tesla) and the AI that it is creating.

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