Video editing S/W

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Hi All,

I've got a Mobius camera, which records good quality video in 5 minute chunks, in AVI format.

My problem, and the help I'm looking for, is how to edit the resulting clips into a viable movie WITH SOUND. For some reason, every video editor that I've tried, aside from the old Windows Movie Maker software that was included in some previous version of windows (7? XP?), leaves the sound out, resulting in a beautiful, but very quiet, video. I'm currently using Lightworks, but have tried others that I've forgotten the names of... one had a traffic cone icon, if that helps.
  • Is there something about AVI files that causes the sound issue? I've read about MUX'ing and various CODECs, but haven't been able to put all that into use (not a software guy)
  • What software (preferably free) do/would you recommend for editing videos from a Mobius cam?
I'd appreciate any help, because I'm about at my video wit's end.

There are a few good ones. Alot of people use davinci, there is a free version. Also vegas is another one that has a free version.

I like to use adobe premier, but it cost money and if you dont already have a reason to have a paid adobe subsciption monthly, may not be worth it for you.

I made this video and a few other ones with premier.
It sounds like a driver issue on your computer. Send a file to someone else (using something like Dropbox or OneDrive) and see if they have the same issue. If it was a problem with the camera format there’d be a lot more reports about it. You don’t say if you there is sound when you play back the file using VLC (the traffic cone app) or something similar, that would be useful information.

My experience has been that if none of the video applications on a computer work with a file, it’s either a problem with the file format or the codecs as installed on that computer. Installing another editing tool does not fix the underlying issue.

The issue with your videos may be related to the audio codec used by the Mobius camera. Some video editors may have trouble recognizing or playing back certain audio codecs. Have you tried converting the AVI files to a different format before importing them into your video editor? This may help with the audio issue. As for free video editors, I would recommend trying out Movavi. This video editor have a good range of features for basic video editing. In order to edit video efficiently, there is no need to spend a lot of money.
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