The Official TRF Cat Thread

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Our son (whom some of you have met) sent a snapchat of his cats testing out their new robot litter box. I asked him if they liked it. This was his reply:

Well, the cats love it. So much, in fact, that they both pooped 4 times in the last 10 minutes testing it out. I suppose they're wondering where their stool is disappearing to.
I have to say that if it weren't that being in the same room with a cat for more than a few minutes usually causes my lungs to tighten up and my eyes to water (not unlike what pollens are doing to me today) we'd have had a cat or two.

We had corgis instead, but since my wife is allergic to dogs, once the last two were gone, we have no plans to have any more pets. Still, cats can be cool and I will give them scratches if they allow it if I am visiting where they are.
I was overseas on business last week and my wife brought one of our cats in for a haircut….
I'd like Magic--longhair black cat--to get a haircut like that for the summer at least. She gets hairballs and throws up a lot, but can't always barf up the hairball. Unfortunately there's no place in PartsUnknown, or even nearby, that grooms cats. (Dogs, yes; cats, no)
He wasn't feral, but Big Boy was a "rescue." He was at the Newton County Animal shelter along with his "sister", Precious. He's over 10 years old, weighed 20 lbs. (9 Kg) when we got him. If we hadn't adopted him, he was on the euthanasia schedule for the next day.

Later, when I took him back to get his rabies shot, I found out that Precious was adopted the next day before she was euthanized.

(I say "sister" as they were both owned by the same person, who had passed away.)

Just adopted a new cat to be a playmate for Pixel, my existing cat. I lost two last year, one to a health issue and the other to old age, then this year lost Bonnie to old age as well. No photos yet, don't even have a good name for this new cat (The shelter name was Sassafrass, but that's too many syllables for me). She's about a year old and is a short hair black cat who is very friendly. Maybe overly friendly. Needy, actually.
Just adopted a new cat to be a playmate for Pixel, my existing cat. I lost two last year, one to a health issue and the other to old age, then this year lost Bonnie to old age as well. No photos yet, don't even have a good name for this new cat (The shelter name was Sassafrass, but that's too many syllables for me). She's about a year old and is a short hair black cat who is very friendly. Maybe overly friendly. Needy, actually.
Leave her name as Sassafras, but call her "Sassy" for short.