SLRA Boy Scout launch

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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Heres the Info on it It will be a great time.

Boy Scout Rocket Derby 2006

Boy Scout and Cub Scout recruiting launch at Buder Park on May 6th is an opportunity for SLRA members to fly "Large Model Rockets".


The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from the Gravois Trail District of the St. Louis Area Council are holding a rocket launch at Buder Park on Saturday, May 6, 2006. The Scouts call this launch the “Rocket Derby” and use it to recruit new boys to their organization. This is the second year that they have held this event.

The Boy Scouts and GSLMA (the Greater St. Louis Modelers Association) have asked if the St. Louis Rocketry Association (SLRA) would be willing to help the Scouts with the Rocket Derby event again this year. At our March 14th meeting, the SLRA membership vote to change our scheduled park launch date for the month of May. It was decided to cancel the launch on May 20th and instead hold our monthly park launch on May 6th, so we could participate and support the Scouts at their 2006 Rocket Derby event.

The Rocket Derby event will be held at the radio controlled (RC) model airplane pavilion and on the RC airplane “Runways" in Buder Park between 8:30am and about 1:30pm. This will be a build and fly project. The Scouts are planning for as many as 200 participants including Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and prospective new Scouts. After the event is over at about 1:30pm, SLRA and our usual guest flyers can continue to fly rockets later into the afternoon.

The idea behind the Rocket Derby is to give an "easy to build" rocket kit to each Scout that brings a “prospective” new Scout to the launch. The prospective new Scout will also be given a rocket kit. The "easy to build" rocket kits will be assembled by the boys, on-site, at the RC pavilion. After the kits are built the participants will be given “A” or “B” class motors so they can fly their rockets that same day.

At last years event (April 16th, 2005) we helped about 175 Scouts fly their rocket at least one time. Several of the Scouts brought their own rockets and that added about 25 additional flights. I also made arrangements with the FAA to fly "Large Model Rocket Rules" at the park so our SLRA members would have a chance to “demo” some of their larger projects and let the boys see what we do. This added another 25 flights for a total of about 225 flights that day. Some of the GSLMA airplane people also did some “demo” flights for the Scouts with their RC airplanes during the afternoon.

In order to stimulate the Scouts interest in rocketry and to
encourage SLRA members to help with this effort, we are going to activate
the FAA's "Large Model Rocket Rules” again this year. Under these rules SLRA members and flyers will be able to fly rockets that weigh up to 3.3 pounds (a total lift-off weight of 1,500 grams) and use up to 125 grams of propellant. When we use the "Large Model Rocket Rules" in Buder Park, the FAA has requested that we fly no higher than 1,500 feet AGL (above ground level). NOTE: If you are planning on using the “Large Model Rocket Rules” at this launch, please see the Special Notes at the end of this text.

With potentially 200 young flyers and about the same number of rocket flights to be flown, they are going to need our help. Last year this event turned out to be a large project and we almost didn't have enough SLRA members to keep up with all of the activities before 1:00pm. We had seven members helping last year and we could have used more. As the afternoon went on, the activities slowed a bit and our members were able to get some additional model rocket and “Large Model Rocket” flights in. All of the SLRA members had a good time flying and helping the Scouts.

This year, if we get additional volunteers earlier in the morning it will give our members more of a chance to fly their best rockets for the Scouts to see. We have held this type of launch before, for the Scouts as well as other groups. Our equipment, safety procedures, organization and usual "park launch" set-up has always served us well when doing this type of a launch. The LCO will use two launch control units because of the high volume of flights. Some of the boys will also need help assembling and prepping their rockets. There are always a few details to "iron out" but it should be just like a regular Buder Park launch only with a higher volume of flyers.

I think participation in this event will be a fun for the SLRA membership. I hope you will consider helping us this year. If you have some time and would enjoy a little rocket flying while helping the Boy Scouts, please join us at Buder Park on Saturday morning, May 6th, for the 2006 Rocket Derby.

Thanks in advance for your participation and help.

.......Bruce Weidner.


Special Notes about “Large Model Rocket Rules”:

To make sure that we follow the FAA's rules and requests, please do the following:

Flyers that are planning to fly "Large Model Rockets", weighing between 1.0 pounds and 3.3 pounds and/or using between 62.5 grams and 125.0 grams of fuel should bring a printed altitude simulation (for each rocket) to the park with them. The simulation should have the flyers name and the event date written at the top. To insure the proper results, for most rockets, the simulation should use a Drag Coefficient (CD) of 0.55. If you feel that the CD of your rocket is something other than 0.55 then please call me so we can go over your proposed flight together.

The 125-gram propellant limit includes some of the smaller "H" class motors that we commonly use. You can find the propellant weights for most of these motors on the Internet.
just a bump to let ya know its getting closer everyone is welcome. Its gonna be a great time. hey Rob F. and OAR you guys gonna be there?
Just back off of vacation, literally, a few hours ago. I'm there . . .
Originally posted by akpilot
Just back off of vacation, literally, a few hours ago. I'm there . . .

GREAT!!!!! it going to be a great time
If the winds are right I might fly my small endevor and some other stuff. Ill be bringin my 5-24mm crayon and my lvl1 rocket and a bunch of other stuff
Sorry, Bow-I've got a mtn. biking event going on that day & can't make it. Have fun all!
Rob you suck!!!!!:D Have a good time but I was wanting to drag race ya
I'm sooo behind on my building.

I built seven LPR within a week or two, and then got sidetracked.

I'm hoping to finish up my Mighty Mouse by the launch. It's a BT-80 rocket. Two BT-80s with a baffle coupler, a PC-80 NC, three cluster mount - Ds.

But, as Rob's told me, I'm not going to stress to get things done. They'll come as they may.
Time to start crackin down and doing some fast building!!!!! AK what are ya gonna have there? I know I got a few things here Ive been saving for ya:D
I just got back from a business trip yesterday afternoon, so I'm going to dig some stuff out and see what I've got.

There'll be a few LPR surprises, some OOP stuff, I've collected . . . and a couple MPR as well.
ROB FISHER THE CALL OF BP IS CALLING YOU!!!!!!!!! I got another very large bp cluster Im gonna bring and I just might have to fly it :D
Gosh Dang It!!! I've just been diagnosed with Adult Chicken Pox!

Well, I guess I could show . . . and infect 50 Cub Scouts!
for who all will be there Ill see ya there we are gonna have a good time and help alot of kids
Come 'on . . . someone fill me in on how it went.

I'm sitting here all "spotty" just hankering for some news.
That looks like a fantastic turn out!!! I really wish I was there.

Anything exciting get launched?