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Jan 18, 2009
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This is the 24mm version of the kit from Aerospace Specialty Products (ASP). I won 2nd place in a EMRR best paint job contest with this rocket.



ASP_V2_b Cropped.jpg
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Here's my Estes Maxi V2


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Seen here are the Semroc V2 shown in the earlier post, a Mini V2 from plans in an old issue of American Space Modeling (precursor to Sport Rocketry), an Apogee V2 with the 'Blitzkrieg Booster', and a MicroMaxx V2. The 'Blitzkrieg Booster' was added to let the 10.5 mm Apogee kit fly on 13mm motors.


v2 fleet.jpg
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My Grand Whazoo was designed in real-time and ended up looking kinda like a V2. It used poster board and foam board construction so it could fly on a G80. RIP.


mdra esl 147 016 (Large).jpg

mdra esl 147 001 (Large).jpg
Does anyone know if there are plans out there (or even a kit) for a V-2 that is approx 4 ft. tall and flies on a 38mm motor? Thanks, Bill
This is my A4, alias V2, although that name had not been invented when the rocket depicted here flew in reality. Based on the full scale reproduction on display at Peenemünde, it shows the markings of the fourth prototype which, on 3rd October 1942, made the first successful flight into space.

The model is scratch-built, based on BT-60 equivalent. For a small model of a V2 or variant this is a rather nice size of tube; the real thing had a diameter of about 1.6m, BT-60 has a diameter of about 1.6", so get metric plans and read the dimensions in inches. :)


Estes V2 G53J:
This is an old Estes kit I had hanging around for years. Had nothing better to do one day so I Glassed the BT with 2Oz FG, Made new fins out of 1/8" Baltic birch and replaced the MM with a 29mm MM and Slimline retainer. Added a bit of nose weight and it flies great!.

CV2-29 G53J.jpg
This is my A4, alias V2, although that name had not been invented when the rocket depicted here flew in reality. Based on the full scale reproduction on display at Peenemünde, it shows the markings of the fourth prototype which, on 3rd October 1942, made the first successful flight into space.

The model is scratch-built, based on BT-60 equivalent. For a small model of a V2 or variant this is a rather nice size of tube; the real thing had a diameter of about 1.6m, BT-60 has a diameter of about 1.6", so get metric plans and read the dimensions in inches. :)

Was that at Snow Ranch?
I have an OLD 2.6" estes V-2 from the 80's Signed by both G.Harry Stine & Vern Estes so it's doesn't fly anymore.

a scratch built V2-#2 Micro powered Scale.

and several PMC V-2 in various scales just for fun.


026-c03_V2  2pic Signed fins_.JPG
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Was that at Snow Ranch?
The original was at Peenemünde. The model was at Fairlie Moor, near Largs, Scotland.

To a similar scale, here's my V-2-A, alias R-2A, a Russian sounding rocket derived from the German V2. The name is coincidental; I don't know exactly what in Russian the "V" stands for but it's nothing to do with the German designation because they had a V-1-A as well, which was also derived from the V2. The source this time was Pete Alway's In the Shadow of the V2.


The large one is a scratch build used two Launch pad BT-80 nose cones. (One for the tailcone). The small one is an ASP kit.v2 003.jpg
I built this back in 1974. This was my first camouflage paint job and it came out very well. I modified the build to power it with three D engines which did cause some erosion of the hollow plastic fins due to the proximity of the motor exhausts. It flew great though! After all these years I still have it retired on my shelf. Here's a shot of it flying in the late seventies on three D12-3 motors.

V2 launch.jpg

Estes V2.JPG

V2 rear.JPG
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I built this back in 1974. This was my first camouflage paint job and it came out very well. I modified the build to power it with three D engines. Flew great! I still have it on my shelf. Here's a shot of it flying in the late seventies.


Looks cool!!
This is kit-bashed from the Estes Silve Comet. I didn't even bother to sand down the cockpit lines in the nose cone. It flies great. This is a fairly new build for me, probably a little over 10 years old.


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Another derivative: my BT-55 based A9. The first time I launched this, it was marginally stable; it took off, tipped over, became stable as it lost propellant and gained speed, and went into cruise missile mode. With additional nose weight it has flown perfectly every time since, many times, in various weather.


Here is my Centuri V-2 Clone, part of my "original fleet" building effort. NC and tailcone are from BMS, and painted it as the White Sands V-2 Number 2, originally launched on April 16, 1946! Building thread here.

Good flyer, with many launches "on its belt". It even survived a landing via "tumble recovery" after I forgot to install a parachute... it landed on a soft hay field recently covered in poo. :eek:


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Your Wac Corporal looks much better! I would be embarrassed to show a close-up. My Bumper Wac was launched at Hellfire-14 in August 2009. It later crashed, but I re-built it. I am ready to try it again.

Your Wac Corporal looks much better! I would be embarrassed to show a close-up. My Bumper Wac was launched at Hellfire-14 in August 2009. It later crashed, but I re-built it. I am ready to try it again.

Mine didn't crash but it was stepped on! (not by me!)

It's beet repaired. no permanent damage.
This is my LOC 4" V2. I went with the Camo paint scheme thinking that it would be easier than the black/white or black/yellow test pattern but it was not. V2 004.jpg

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