3D Printing RunCam Split 4 Sled

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Oct 8, 2016
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I received my Split 4 on Father's Day 21' and finally started working on the sled design last Monday... Yeah, for me these things take time....

RunCam Split 4 Carrier-1.Base-Small.jpg
RunCam Split 4 Carrier-2.Shroud-Small.jpg
RunCam Split 4 Carrier-3.Airframe-Small.jpg

This sled is designed for a 4" airframe and consists of two 3D printed parts, the Carrier (Red) and the Shroud (Black), both in PETG. After the shroud is printed, it will get two layers of 6 oz S Glass (US Composites - Style 6533).

Overall dimensions: 125mm x 50.8mm x 31mm

The design is still a work in progress. After I get around to printing and test fitting, I will post the STL files if anyone is interested.
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Okay, carrier & camera mount prints went well.

RunCam Split 4 Sled-5.Carrier Printed [Top]-Small.jpg

RunCam Split 4 Sled-5.Carrier Printed [Bottom]-Small.jpg

While I was finishing up the design of the camera shroud, I noticed a clearance issue with the camera lens and the reference airframe. The fix required a little rework of the shroud, camera mount and carrier.

Anyhoot, here is a render of the shroud

RunCam Split 4 Sled-4.Shroud v2-Small.jpg

The design includes a recess for a 14mm x 1mm glass window made of Flat Round Mineral Glass (Link).
Interested in the STL as well. The Split 4 runs pretty hot and I read that it is prone to thermal shut down. I had planned to use a heat sink on mine. Any thoughts on this?
Interested in the STL as well. The Split 4 runs pretty hot and I read that it is prone to thermal shut down. I had planned to use a heat sink on mine. Any thoughts on this?
Hmmm, I seem to have totally forgotten that I wanted to include some form of heatsink for that very issue.. Drats......

Thanks for the reminder.

Note that I will be adding an EggTimer Mini WiFi Switch and a Pololu 5v regulator (Link) to this setup. My plan is to configure the Split 4 to begin recording on power up. This will help keep the Split 4 cooler before liftoff.
Today I worked on a couple of ideas for heatsinks.

The first design will remain inside the shroud, though I will need to drop the idea of using a protective lens (and it's associated mount) and leave the business end of the shroud open for venting.

RunCam Split 4 Sled-Short HS-Small.jpg

The second design has the heatsink's fins protruding from the top of the shroud for heat dissipation which will allow me to retain the protective lens on the shroud.

RunCam Split 4 Sled-Tall HS-Small.jpg

As the Split 4's main processor measures approx 13x13 mm, 1/2" square bar stock is perfect for my heatsink needs. I wanted to use copper bar stock, but at a hair under $20 for a 12" length, I've changed my tune and will use 6061 Aluminum @$4.93 for a 12" length of stock.

I will employ two methods to fix the heatsink to the Slpit 4's proc. First, after removing the conformal coating from the top of the processor, I will use Arctic Silver's Thermal Adhesive (Link) to bind the heatsink to it. Secondly, I will fabricate a retention bar out of spring steel strapping, like the stuff used to tie down large/heavy items onto shipping skids.

The bar will look something like this (but smaller)

Today I worked on the Lipo Battery holder, sized for a Turnigy Nano-Tech 460 mAh pack. I also added mount locations for my EggTimer Mini Switch & Pololu 5V regulator. The holder will attach to the sled using 3 stainless steel screws.

RunCam Split 4 Sled-7.Lipo Holder-Small.jpg

I still have some more work to do on it, but it is close to being finished. I will print it this weekend in Black PETG.
Well, I believe I have finished the design. But, family stuff will keep me from printing anything until the middle of the week. Keep your fingers crossed...

RunCam Split 4 Sled-8.Complete-Small.jpg
So, mid week turned into the weekend but the progress continues.

Last evening - LiPo Holder and Pololu mount

RunCam Split 4 Sled-Lipo Holder-Small.jpg

And currently in production - Camera Shroud


Other items printed but not photographed, EggTimer mount and airframe cutout guide.
Wow, not sure how I missed this but it looks great and is exactly what I have been hoping to find. Any chance the external portion is less than 3in tall? I'm trying to do something similar but the vent band is only 3" tall. I have lots of heigh internally as the whole AV bay is something like 11 inches tall.
Wow, not sure how I missed this but it looks great and is exactly what I have been hoping to find. Any chance the external portion is less than 3in tall? I'm trying to do something similar but the vent band is only 3" tall. I have lots of heigh internally as the whole AV bay is something like 11 inches tall.
Hey OhioFlyer,
Unfortunately, the portion of the shroud that sits proud of the airframe is 3.75" long, and the overall length at the base being 4.875".
Gotcha, would you be open to sharing the source files when done? It would certainly be a great jumping off point for a design that would work within my dimensional constraints. If not, totally understand!
Gotcha, would you be open to sharing the source files when done? It would certainly be a great jumping off point for a design that would work within my dimensional constraints. If not, totally understand!
Sure thing. My evenings are tied up for the next few days, so posting will have to wait until Saturday.
Apologies for not keeping this thread up to date.

Shroud after clearing off support material (03.13.22)

RunCam Split 4 Sled,Camera Shroud v2-Printed-Small.jpg

It took me until last Friday to work up the nerve to glass the shroud

RunCam Split 4 Sled,Camera Shroud v2-Glassed-Small.jpg

And with the weather being so nice today I finished cleaning up the FG and sanding for first coat of primer

RunCam Split 4 Sled,Camera Shroud v2-1st Prime-Small.jpg

Next, sand, bondo, sand, spray, sand, bondo, sand, spray..... you get the picture

Edit: I forgot to mention that I did not use 6oz FG cloth on the shroud. I found some 1.5oz (?) stuff I had stashed in my modeling supplies box. I think it is from my R/C plane days, circa 1990.
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Hey @Tobor Is there any chance I can get the source file for that project? I'm wanting to modify it to fit a 3" diameter Rocket.
Tobor, have you done any flights with this setup yet? Very interested in any progress you’ve made.
I think I've decided to build that rocket this winter. It's an older version of a Madcow PAC 3. I might do a casual build thread for it. We'll see.
Cool. I am especially interested in how you will set up the camera.