Puck, a midwinter afternoon’s build

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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Next project is going to be what kind of feisty Lil rocket can I make from this?


Going for a simple 3FNC design, inspired by Centuri Lil Ivan,
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but this guy will be the namesake, pilfered from some clip-art drawings here,

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which is also a minor moon in our Solar System that was discovered by Voyager 2 in a fly by around Uranus.
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Fins will be like built-up triangle airfoil fins, like the Centuri Two-Bitz cardstock model.

Hopfully, I won't make an ass of myself on this build, especially if Puck is up to his old tricks and in perpetual orbit, what a nightmare that would be.


  • Puck.pdf
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These are the jokes, folks! I’ll be here all week! You can’t make this stuff up, really. Someone decided to name all those outer planet moons after Shakespearean characters, so for this toilet paper roll rocket, I just happened upon that one.
Just wrapped the tube and printed the cardstock fins. I still have some work to do for the nose cone and engine mount. I will go for 18 mm power. You get a bit of base drag on these fins that helps pull Cp aft.

Well Puck me.
What is that, three rockets in just a few days?
You're on a roll, Glen.
You must be wiped out by now.
Ha! Good one!
Actually one was started in Nov, one in Dec, and this one in Jan.
Someone decided to name all those outer planet moons after Shakespearean characters...

I'm guessing this is because there wasn't a group of Greek mythology characters associated with the god Uranus to name them after. Jupiter's moons are named after his lovers, Saturn's moons are named after the titans, and Neptune's moons are named after other sea characters.
They should have named them after famous, deceased, science fiction authors.
Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein, Simak, Van Vogt etc.
I'm guessing this is because there wasn't a group of Greek mythology characters associated with the god Uranus to name them after. Jupiter's moons are named after his lovers, Saturn's moons are named after the titans, and Neptune's moons are named after other sea characters.
Uranus and Gaia produced numerous progeny, but Herschel, who discovered the first moon named it Titania after the god of the faeries in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Subsequent discoveries by Herschel and others followed the convention he started.
Interestingly, there is a moon named Juliet but wherefore art thou Romeo?
Also there are 27 known moons so they would have run out of Greek mythological names pretty quickly.
Actually one was started in Nov, one in Dec, and this one in Jan.

So now I have a purpose for the paper towel and TP tubes I kept on the side.
What about an aluminum foil tube?
Oh look. A 24 mm motor fits nicely inside!
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Uranus and Gaia produced numerous progeny...

Yes, they did - the Titans, whose names Saturn's moons have laid claim to, as they were Saturn's allies when he beheaded Uranus and took control of the world. Saturn and the titans controlled the world until Jupiter overthrew Saturn in turn.

Whether Herschel was thinking of that when he decided to start naming Uranus's moons after Shakespeare characters, I have no idea. Bear in mind though that Herschel was apparently quite the patriotic Englishman - if he had his way, Uranus would have been named "George's Star" after King George III. This didn't stick because it annoyed basically everyone who wasn't English, particularly the French. I imagine he might have just started naming the moons after English icons.
Simple cardstock nose, color matched to the head of hair with little horn details. The one black fin has the moon Puck on one side and Uranus on the other.

working on the motor mount, still trying to decide if this rocket should be rear eject.
First post was edited to attach the PDF template.
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