Project Sasquatch (24" diameter Madcow Squat)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2010
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Renton, Washington

Nine years ago (2014), I earned my Level 3 certification on a 5x upscale Madcow Rocketry Squat. Since witnessing my first Squat fly at LDRS 29 (infamously), I've been enamored by their goofy aspect ratio. Over the last 15 years, I've built big ones, little ones, grass-covered ones, and carbon fiber ones. And I just love them! We can all relate to our desire to take our favorite design and dream of making it bigger. My hope is that this thread act as a place for curious rocketeers to ask tons of questions and learn as much as possible about building and flying the largest rockets our hobby offers. Ask away!

Introducing the build log for my LDRS 41 and BALLS 31 project:

Project SaSQUATch



  • Diameter: 24 inches (610mm)
  • Height: 14.5 feet (4.4m)
  • Dry Weight: 180 pounds (82kg)
  • Motor mounts: 1x Pro150, 6x 98mm
  • Recovery: 1x 28 ft diameter C-9 parachute or 1x QS-550 toroidal tandem reserve chute

This project started last year when a friend joked online about me rebuilding my L3 for its 10-year anniversary. After a big family move from AZ to WA, I thought I might finally have the space to rebuild. I spent countless hours in CAD testing out designs for the fin construction and the nosecone design. After 6 months of thinking about it, it became time to give it a go. But rebuilding my L3 as is didn't feel like that much fun for some reason, so why not bigger? My L3 was 20", so this time, let's go for 24"!

After LDRS was announced last year, I knew that I would aim to fly this project at Bong. This presented some unique challenges and opportunities. The main challenge was to keep to the Complex N motor limit for commercial motors. I wanted to do EX, but the 10,240N-sec limit with no clusters would make that extremely tricky at best. So, commercial motors up to 20,480N-sec it is. How heavy could this thing be?

Pre-build mass budget: <200 pounds (dry)

- Fins: 30 pounds
- Body Tube: 40 pounds
- Recovery: 20 pounds
- Motor Mount: 20 pounds
- Paint: 5 pounds
- Nosecone: 50 pounds

Total: 165 pounds

This gave me roughly 35 pounds of wiggle room for the inevitable mass growth. Based on my CAD predictions, I suspected that most of the unknown mass would be in the nosecone construction, and therefore, the added mass moves the CG farther forward.

Documenting the Process:

One of my main goals for this project was to document my thought process, my design process, and my build process. I want this thread to serve as an example of one way to build a project like this. Everyone has their own ways of doing things, and their own personal (and professional) experiences. A lot of my construction ideas come from an amalgam of other projects I've seen, my own rocketry experience, and my woodworking/mechanical background. I want to always learn new techniques and try something new, but with many of the techniques I showcase for this build, I test them out on a much smaller scale before trying it here. No project this scale can have assured success, but you can test and calculate the scenarios that are the most risky and use your experience to do the best you can. Always solicit advice from others you trust. Especially with projects of this scale, remember to test safely and fly safely.

So let's dive into the design! Off to OpenRocket

OpenRocket is king for playing with a rocket concept. This gave me easy tools to scale up the model and mess with the overall vehicle layout. I can mess with the materials and thicknesses to start getting a very rough idea for weights and where I will need to balance this thing. I can, of course, play around with motor combinations, but at this point, that is more for fun than progress. But once I started getting the size of the rocket where I wanted it, it was time to CAD! Note: because this is a short and squat rocket, the use of the imaginary drag cone is needed to more accurately portray the vehicle's actual CP.

OpenRocket Screengrab.PNG

I use Fusion 360 as my CAD package. Its ability to export .dxf files of sketch planes and .stl files of solid objects fulfill my needs. I started with a rough 3D model that basically reflects the OML (outer mold line, meaning the outside shape) of the project. Here I can gently tweak dimensions, adjust sizes, and overall get a feel for the scale of the project. For a long time, this image was the face of the project. It was the inspiration as well as the nightmare.


The most time-consuming step was the detailed CAD design. I rarely find it valuable to model every nut and bolt, but depending on the concept, nuts and bolts were painstakingly added to convey design intent and visual concepts.

FinSection CAD Detail.PNG

In CAD, I can develop and understand various requirements for the rocket and how they interact with one another. For instance, the fins for this project NEED to be removable to allow for storage and transport. The body is huge, the fins are huge. Even with my trailer, this rocket won't fit in the trailer with its launch pad if it has the fins on.

I thought it would look nice to not have too much exposed hardware around the fins, and the riveted solution from my L3 Squat build I found not to be as secure as I would have liked. I really liked the internal channel using angle aluminum extrusion. So I doubled down on that and bolted 8" pieces of angle aluminum to the forward and aft centerings. (4 total pieces per fin, 12 total amongst the 3 fins)


The two centering rings were cut out of 3/4" plywood on my Maslow CNC machine (a pretty cool machine for cutting wood with low accuracy, speed, and cost). I went ahead and made the center hole ready to take a Pro150 ~6.33" motor tube and then six 98mm holes for motor tubes if I choose to install them in the future. (Let's pretend they are just "lightening holes" for now)

Video of Maslow CNC machine in action!

Body Tube:

The body tube is the most straightforward part of this build. The tube is 24" concrete form from a local store.

The concrete form is just basic cardboard, and I've learned from other projects that if you just start applying fiberglass, the tube soaks up so much epoxy that your fiberglass gets dry. To combat this, I apply a coat of epoxy directly to the body tube before

fiberglass, let it cure, and then apply fiberglass.


Because these tubes are designed to have a good internal finish and not a smooth exterior, the grooves need to be sanded down prior to adding fiberglass. So the raised spiral was sanded down, and then I can start on the fiberglass layers.

The fiberglass is more to protect the rocket during transport than actually needed for flight, so a single layer of 6oz glass with US Composites epoxy is all I did. (I use different colors of epoxy to denote which batch it is from)


A little bit of trimming and sanding later, and the body tube was complete.
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The fins were fun to make.

Basically they foam core, solid wood edged, then 1/4” plywood skin is glued and nailed.

To make them, I first cut a template on the CNC from 3/4” MDF. The 1” wide solid wood pieces were mitered glued and nailed together while being clamped to the template.


Pink foam was cut to fit by tracing the inside of the wood edge.


A rough cut piece of 1/4” plywood skin was glued and nailed to the wood edge.

The skin can be cut flush on a router with a flush trim bit.



The foam was then epoxied in place and before the top skin was added, a couple holes and corresponding T-nuts were added. Note: These T-nuts were planned to be the main attachment point for the fins, but I ended up not using them on the aft ring because lining them up was annoying and I figured out a different way to do it.

Once the fins were constructed I quickly sanded any rough spots, pulled any rogue nails, and filled major divots with wood filler. I considered running a 1/8” round over, but didn’t.

That wraps up the first fin construction.


Just needed to copy and paste to make 2 more.

But before I could do that, I wanted to be pretty confident that the fins would withstand the flight forces. While I honestly think the most stressing flight environment is actually the landing loads on the fins, I did some basic math with some assumptions to determine some fin loads.

WARNING: I am not an aerodynamicist.

I decided to bound the problem by picking a velocity and angle of attack. To me it seems like the likelihood of higher angles of attack goes down as the velocity increases, so I picked a velocity of 200mph and an angle of attack of 5deg. Lift is dependent on the shape of the fin, so I used the following equation to get a Clalpha for my fin shape (or approximately my fin shape).


For the Squat fins with an aspect ratio of 1 and quarter-chord sweep angle of 45deg, I get a Clalpha of 0.0274. That means for a 5deg I get a Cl of 0.137.

Using the drag force equation, I get a force of 106 pounds of lift.

In order to put these fins to the test (before flight of course), I went ahead and clamped the through-the-wall portion of the fin to my workbench, and added 1.5x the 106pound load.


Said another way, I sat on the fin to see if it broke.

And it didn’t!

So it was good to go. I quickly made 2 more fins and got ready for fin slotting.

Fin Slotting:

To slot the fins I just marked out the rectangles in the body tube, drilled a starting hole, then cut the slots out with a jigsaw.


Now we can slide the fins the slots, through the centering ring aluminum angle channels, and then start to look at the booster taking shape.


The nosecone design and construction was absolutely the most complicated and difficult section of the build.

Because I knew it was going to be complicated and I need to CAD the parts anyway, I went ahead and started there.

Here are some of the main things that the nosecone has to do:
  1. The nosecone must rigidly attach to the bodytube while being removeable for transport
  2. The nosecone must house the electronics bay and allow for them to be loaded, plugged in, and turned on.
  3. The nosecone must break down into pieces that can be transported and carried by a single person
  4. The nosecone must house the recovery system including anchors, shear pins, parachute, and deployment charges
  5. The nosecone must have provisions for adding noseweight if needed to be stable, this includes volume for a 5 gallon corny keg of beer
This is the design I came up with.


In a nutshell, I built the rocket around 11.7in PML tubing. The exoskeleton is just a fancy fasade around a 12" rocket. The upper half of the nosecone contains 4in of coupler with 4x 4-40 shear pins and an inner 10" tube to hold the keg of beer.

The bottom half of the nosecone has the parachute recovery bay and electronics sled.

The shear pins and av-bay are accessed through small panels cut in the fiberglass shell. But hey, I didn't talk yet about how it was actually constructed. Photo time!

The ribs and stringers are cut on the CNC machine out of 1/4" plywood


The parts were painstakingly sanded to fix imperfections, fitted, up and then 1,000 miles of epoxy fillets were added. (the secret I learned half way through was to buy large syringes and use them to accurately apply loads of epoxy in all the nooks and crannies)


Photo op with the structure complete and the shop doggos.


In order to prepare for fiberglassing, I needed to create a surface for the fiberglass to bond onto. I chose to fill all of the areas with styrofoam that I found available for free from a neighbor. They were glued in place with hot glue and then hot wire cut to shape.


And then fiberglassed (with colored epoxy)


After that everything was trimmed and the 3D printed nosetip was added.


Finally we are in the home stretch! Time for deployment testing, paint, and then flying!


Deployment testing went as normally as it could. I started with some undersized charges, that didn't work. Kept increasing till a sufficient separation was met. For flight a 15g charge was used for primary and 25g was used for backup.
Usually I remind people that this project was a one-man show and was not a group project. But that leaves out the tremendous role my wife played in this project. In addition to financially and emotionally helping me out, she is the sole artistic vision for this project! Not just coming up with the design, but executing it as well. This post is a thank you to all the hard work she put in making this the visual icon that it is. I pass on all the positive feedback on the pain to her. I had nothing to do with it.

She started by sketching out the design on a 4in (standard size) squat that I had in the shop and haven't flown.

Then it was on to painting the monster!


And then it was done!

And with a few days to spare before LDRS, we had to get it out in the rare Seattle sun with its mini-me!


Time to rock and roll!

Off to LDRS!

The drive to Wisconsin was a killer. But we got the beast loaded up and into the trailer.

A couple huge thank yous ahead of the next few photos.

First, Tripoli Wisconsin and everyone who made LDRS happen this year. It was my first time out at Bong for a launch and it was a great time!

Second, @Loki Research for willing to jump onboard when I suggested the idea of doing this flight to demonstrate the Loki N5500 White that loads directly into a CTI Pro98 6XL case. The flight kicked butt! The motor had absolutely no issues kicking this heavy rocket at over 8Gs and I can't wait to see what some people do with this motor in the future. Couldn't have done this flight without Loki's support.

Third, the next three photos and the video are courtesy of Chuck McNeice II. Thank you so much for these!

Fourth, to the people that helped me out on recovery. That's probably a story that is better in person.

Let's get this thing loaded on the pad.


Liftoff on the mighty Loki N5500 on its way to 3,961ft!

The moment I could start breathing again!

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Awesome project man! I'm so happy to have heard all the progress updates and see it fly. I'm lucky to have had the opportunity to help get it on the pad and share a ride with it back to camp after a successful recovery. That landing was one of the coolest I've ever seen. One of my favorite flights of all time for sure. I'm excited to see what the next rung on the ladder is in your squat project adventure!
After a very successful flight at LDRS, it was time for the flight that it was made for! With a 5 gallon keg of beer! :cheers:

Since this project was conceived, the dream was always to go to BALLS, fly a keg, and spend the night drinking beer from the rocket that flew it.

First, I got it out under the beautiful sunset and stars. I captured these epic shots of the project.



Let's go fly this thing.

For this flight it flew on a Cesaroni Pro150 O5100 White Thunder. This motor provides just enough thrust to get this 320 pound flight off the ground.

I had lots of help getting this on the pad and a huge thanks to the Sasquatch crew!
A friend helped me get my camera set up with an audio trigger (MIOPS) to capture this epic photo from liftoff!


The best part of any flight is when the parachute comes out, with 5 gallons of beer cargo onboard. (Photo from Wedge Oldham)

In the most remarkable landing ever! The nosecone is seen standing up the booster. This is how it landed. Your disbelief is shared with everyone who saw it happen.


Time to get the rocket back to camp and tapped. We found this awesome beer tap online and had to get it!

Thanks Jim Wilkerson for capturing this moment. I was so happy to get to share this experience with everyone out there.
2023-09-17 XPRS Day 3-5539.jpg

Oh, did I mention that @DabCat made these EPIC custom engraved beer glasses! So awesome!

Finally it was time to go. Here was the last shot before heading home. Pro150, corny keg, Sasquatch.

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Congrats to you and your wife.

beautiful rocket and flight.

wow, zero rotation! Fin alignment doesn’t get any better than that!
Great project - should have come over and had a beer.
Love the star trails - perfect pointer for Polaris.
Thanks for posting.
Bryce, this has got to be the coolest all-around rocket project EVER! Congrats on a fantastically executed project, two great flights, and an awesome time and memories surrounding the flights!

Happy I was able to witness one of the flights... and I feel your pain regarding the LDRS recovery. I was in that field 3 times in 2 days...ugh!

Cheers you and the Sasquatch!!!
What size rail buttons are those? Thanks for sharing this build and flight.
That’s a good question. They are bigger than 1515 and smaller than unistrut. They work with the rail attached to the Gates Brothers launch pad I use. I’ve had some people mention that it is “blacksky rail”. But I don’t really know.
Last week I got some really exciting news regarding this project.

Project Sasquatch is a Tripoli Altitude Record Holder!!!

View attachment 611292

Project Sasquatch now holds the Tripoli O Handicapped altitude record!

The official record submission is here

What is a "handicapped" altitude record?
I signed that!
I am a big fan of the handicap altitude, have a couple of the smaller ones.
This record will likely stand a long time because of requirements of a BIG airframe and motor$$
Bryce, this has got to be the coolest all-around rocket project EVER! Congrats on a fantastically executed project, two great flights, and an awesome time and memories surrounding the flights!

Happy I was able to witness one of the flights... and I feel your pain regarding the LDRS recovery. I was in that field 3 times in 2 days...ugh!

Cheers you and the Sasquatch!!!
Thanks for the kind words.

The corn fields near Bong this year were no joke!

I look forward to flying this Friday of BALLS every year for years to come!
Great fight! Kinda hard to lose even in cornfield. It would have been interesting getting it out of some of the trees it overflew getting to the cornfield.
Bryce, this is an awesome beast. I remember the day you flew your L3 out at ROC and nearly landed right back on the pad. That is still legendary in our house.

Congratulations on a successful flight and the tall mug of beer prize at the end. Your builds always inspire us to go bigger or be more creative. The world needs more builds that allow person (or keg) to climb inside.

That’s a good question. They are bigger than 1515 and smaller than unistrut. They work with the rail attached to the Gates Brothers launch pad I use. I’ve had some people mention that it is “blacksky rail”. But I don’t really know.
Thanks. They sure looked that way.
Nice to meet you on the playa, glad i could be part of "the crew"

only one comment: Next time let's try to have more then 18 minutes to get it on the rail!

congrats on the record!
Nice to meet you on the playa, glad i could be part of "the crew"

only one comment: Next time let's try to have more then 18 minutes to get it on the rail!

congrats on the record!
Yeah…sorry. I clearly dropped the ball on timing. Glad we got it off safely and didn’t cut any corners. Thanks for your help!
Hmmm ... Let's see here ...

Mass = 320 Lb = 145 Kg ( from one of your posts above -- is 320 Lbs correct ? )
Height = 3920 ft = 1195 m

Potential Energy = 145 Kg * 1195 m * 9.8 m/sec^2 = 571,175 Joules

And that's a lotta Potential Energy, @bandman444 !

Your record is well deserved !!

Congratulations on an two amazing flights on a great rocket !!!

-- kjh

EDIT: an amazing flight -> two amazing flights
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Nice job not only on building but also documenting it. For a rocket of its size, it really is amazingly light.

Regarding those concrete tubes and their absorption of epoxy, we learned the same lesson - they soak up a lot. Our approach has been to paint on epoxy, then let it set to a tacky stage and then fiberglass over that. That way, we get a chemical bond to what has soaked in. The reality is that unless you're hitting it hard (and who does on these big fat projects?) it doesn't matter, and either approach is a good one.

Nice job not only on building but also documenting it. For a rocket of its size, it really is amazingly light.

Regarding those concrete tubes and their absorption of epoxy, we learned the same lesson - they soak up a lot. Our approach has been to paint on epoxy, then let it set to a tacky stage and then fiberglass over that.

Great point Kevin, I could have swapped the epoxy coat, spiral sanding, fiberglassing process around. I wasn’t sure how fuzzy the paper would be if I tried sanding it before the epoxy coat.

Thanks for the parachute packing advice and support at LDRS. I learned a lot and hope to share that going forward.
Thanks for the parachute packing advice and support at LDRS. I learned a lot and hope to share that going forward.

Happy to help, and if we're ever at a launch together again, I'm more than happy to help out again!

Art and I have had some further discussions on how to further share info.

I've got a custom bag being made for a C-9; once that's done, I should try to get video of the packing process.

it just goes to show that a bunch of experienced rocketeers do not need all day to set up a big rocket....

it was truly epic! (never forget, "just climb the ladder I've got it")
it just goes to show that a bunch of experienced rocketeers do not need all day to set up a big rocket....

it was truly epic! (never forget, "just climb the ladder I've got it")
Just the opposite - too many rocketeers putz around at the pad.

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