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OK, some fresh information. For those thinking about flying high and getting their rocket back, we put together a handout with recovery information. This will be included in the event program as an insert supplement. This and the program will be in the packets that you'll receive at Registration when you arrive. I will post the rest of the program later this month.

By putting it here, hopefully folks will get familiar with it in advance. The Torrey Farm where the event will take place is large, but sometimes things still leave the property. But also, a lot of rockets may wind up landing in the area around the Away Cells, so people need to understand that those might be active when maybe the Left Bank isn't, and they can't just walk out there if that's the case. So this is intended to make everyone aware of what needs to happen to recover your rockets. If you have any questions, I'm sure Larry will answer... ;)
Also, putting this out there. If your rocket lands off site... across the stream and on another farm for example. The club has a map of the local farms and their property boundaries. I landed on another farm last year and walked up to the house and asked for permission. They thanked me for asking and let me walk out. While I was out there, the owner of the property next door (brother of the landowner who's property I was on) walked up and asked if I had spoken to anyone about walking out there. I advised I had and he too thanked me for asking. He did seem a little displeased when he mentioned that he had seen others stomping through his fields without asking. A simple ask goes a long way for neighbor relations. They were BEYOND helpful in recovering my rocket and several others after being asked. Great people, but please give them and their property the respect they deserve.
Also, putting this out there. If your rocket lands off site... across the stream and on another farm for example. The club has a map of the local farms and their property boundaries. I landed on another farm last year and walked up to the house and asked for permission. They thanked me for asking and let me walk out. While I was out there, the owner of the property next door (brother of the landowner who's property I was on) walked up and asked if I had spoken to anyone about walking out there. I advised I had and he too thanked me for asking. He did seem a little displeased when he mentioned that he had seen others stomping through his fields without asking. A simple ask goes a long way for neighbor relations. They were BEYOND helpful in recovering my rocket and several others after being asked. Great people, but please give them and their property the respect they deserve.
That REALLY shouldn't need to be said, but I'm glad you did. I'd hope that everyone realizes how delicate the existence of our hobby is and how much we rely on the good graces of landowners.
with so many pages and posts i don't think i'll find this but:

as with many my wife and i'll be driving a long way.. this said how are the front row spots decided? designated/first come first served/Or?

I'll be going for my L2 with a 4" LOC Nike Zeus on a 'J'. I'm a NAR member will i be able to get certified for L2?


That REALLY shouldn't need to be said, but I'm glad you did. I'd hope that everyone realizes how delicate the existence of our hobby is and how much we rely on the good graces of landowners.
Agreed and yes, I would HOPE it wouldn't need to be said but after speaking with multiple land owners last year at URRF because I didnt know the area, plenty of guys were just out stomping through without a care.
with so many pages and posts i don't think i'll find this but:

as with many my wife and i'll be driving a long way.. this said how are the front row spots decided? designated/first come first served/Or?

I'll be going for my L2 with a 4" LOC Nike Zeus on a 'J'. I'm a NAR member will i be able to get certified for L2?


First come, first serve
Somewhat first come, first serve, however... As I understand it, the organizers will prefer that the first row be mainly used by BFR flights. It will make it much easier to get those beasts inspected and transported out to the pads.
I believe the BFR side is only on one side like it was at URRF last year and next to the BFR RSO to make the inspection process easier. Not taking up the entire flight line i believe. The layout maps were posted here somewhere.
as for cert flights, I believe it is up to the certifier to get his witnesses all set up & ready, and have all the paper work ready as well.. (and for L2, ideally the test done before hand - or arranged to have it done on site, and not by event staff..)
I'll be going for my L2 with a 4" LOC Nike Zeus on a 'J'. I'm a NAR member will i be able to get certified for L2?


I missed this part. If the club doesnt have a specific setup or process to handle certs at the event, Id be glad to help. I can adminster the L2 exam if you havent done it already and can witness your flight. Message me or look for me on the BFR line. These are two of my BFRs that you should be able to spot at my site/trailer.


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I missed this part. If the club doesnt have a specific setup or process to handle certs at the event, Id be glad to help. I can adminster the L2 exam if you havent done it already and can witness your flight. Message me or look for me on the BFR line. These are two of my BFRs that you should be able to spot at my site/trailer.

—John— View attachment 645443
I feel like I've seen Gone Plaid at MDRA. Am I misremembering or am I correct? Fantastic looking rocket.
If I counted correctly we are now 21 days until LDRS.
Online registration, raffle tickets, and banquet tickets will close on 5/25.

YES, you can register on the field, for a day or the entire weekend.
YES, you can buy a banquet ticket on the field
YES, you can buy raffle tickets on the field.

Have you looked at the BFR page? WOW.

Have you looked at the raffle prizes? The generosity of our vendors is unbelievable. Thank you to all our vendors.

Have you volunteered for a shift or 2? It's so easy and FUN! Take a look and sign up! Many hands will make light work and will allow everyone a chance to fly, socialize, laugh and just enjoy.

How exciting!!

Don't forget that URRG has a monthly launch this weekend.
Have you volunteered for a shift or 2? It's so easy and FUN! Take a look and sign up! Many hands will make light work and will allow everyone a chance to fly, socialize, laugh and just enjoy.
I have volunteered for a shift, but I am thinking about volunteering for another shift, I assume that part of the website will remain open??
I might not get to it for a few more days (because work).
I have volunteered for a shift, but I am thinking about volunteering for another shift, I assume that part of the website will remain open??
I might not get to it for a few more days (because work).
The volunteering is still open. After reviewing my launching plans, I signed up for a couple of shifts where I was sure I would be available.
Also, putting this out there. If your rocket lands off site... across the stream and on another farm for example. The club has a map of the local farms and their property boundaries. I landed on another farm last year and walked up to the house and asked for permission. They thanked me for asking and let me walk out. While I was out there, the owner of the property next door (brother of the landowner who's property I was on) walked up and asked if I had spoken to anyone about walking out there. I advised I had and he too thanked me for asking. He did seem a little displeased when he mentioned that he had seen others stomping through his fields without asking. A simple ask goes a long way for neighbor relations. They were BEYOND helpful in recovering my rocket and several others after being asked. Great people, but please give them and their property the respect they deserve.
See the end of the video I posted about Dan's and Neil's Patriot. At the end, main payload and nosecone are retrieved on an adjacent Mennonite farm. The owner granted us permission and told us where we could drive on his farm. The rest of the distance had to be schlepped on foot. The owner of the farm actually performed the crux of the work to free the nosecone from a tree with his chainsaw.

Be gracious and ask for permission!
this will be my first time flying at LDRS. this said in my rocksim simulations i'm getting approximately 2000' - 2500' drift with my Zephyr using 10 mph constant, to 15 mph gusting winds.

wondering if my assumptions for wind are about right? And if so, would 2500' be OK.. or in the trees?

OH... how many flights will i be able to get a day.. 1/2.. or 2/3?


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I have volunteered for a shift, but I am thinking about volunteering for another shift, I assume that part of the website will remain open??
I might not get to it for a few more days (because work).
It's still open, you can grab a shift on the field as well. Anything that's available will be posted.
How does RSO stability check work exactly? Do I need to have CP marked on each rocket? Do I need to mark CG as well (will be variable depending on motor, obviously)? Mine will mostly be LPR although I might bring my Trajector and take the opportunity to give it some air.

I've never actually been to a launch where there was a "real" RSO check before so feeling a bit clueless about this.
Soooo... On the volunteering side. I signed up for a shift way back when I first registered. I haven't heard anything, and looking at the volunteer page now, I don't see a way to tell which slot I signed up for. I don't want to miss my slot, and I was also thinking I'd sign up for a second slot, but I want to spread them out a bit.
I've volunteered for High Power Pad manager 14:00-16:00 on Thursday. It seemed like something where I would NOT need to lift anything.

FWIW, I had laproscopic hernia surgery 10 days before URRF-9. I spent my time with Team Patriot filming the Patriot prep and launch because I was told not to lift anything more than 20lbs. My camera was heavy but not that heavy. 🤪 The first hernia operation didn't take, so 10 months to the day later I had open hernia repair (very painful). I'm on strict orders to be mindful of what I lift for the next few months as the surgery is still on the mend. Happily, I'll have ample friends at LDRS to help get my rockets on the pad.
How does RSO stability check work exactly? Do I need to have CP marked on each rocket? Do I need to mark CG as well (will be variable depending on motor, obviously)? Mine will mostly be LPR although I might bring my Trajector and take the opportunity to give it some air.

I've never actually been to a launch where there was a "real" RSO check before so feeling a bit clueless about this.
RSOs like to see the CP marked, especially for larger birds. (CG tends to vary, but as long as it's 1-2 calibers..)

for LPR, as long as you can say "it's about here" with good certainty.. And that's it's flown before is also our reassurance that'll be OK.. Pretty much all commercial 'LPR' kits don't really need it, as they are designed to be stable..
See the end of the video I posted about Dan's and Neil's Patriot. At the end, main payload and nosecone are retrieved on an adjacent Mennonite farm. The owner granted us permission and told us where we could drive on his farm. The rest of the distance had to be schlepped on foot. The owner of the farm actually performed the crux of the work to free the nosecone from a tree with his chainsaw.

Be gracious and ask for permission!
Brian, this John - i was retrieving mine there and shot that video of Dan’s landing in that field. That farmer was super helpful.

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