LOC Wi-Roc 2020 w/Secret Santa Addons Build

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Get your peanuts....
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Oct 8, 2016
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Thanks to my 2020 Secret Santa, my LOC Wi-Roc build has been moved to the top of the build pile. I received the Wi-Roc 2020 during the LOC factory tour last year. It's a very nice 3 inch 3-fin kit. The kit has all the essential parts that LOC is famous for including with their products, like threaded hardware, shock cord, parachute, chute protector, etc...

The additions I plan to add to this rocket include Scott Pearce's prototype of his 3D printed Apogee sled kit and EggTimer Apogee, a Mac Performance 3" x 54mm Nosecone AV Bay kit and either an Aero Pack or a Giant Leap Rocketry 29mm motor retainer. I will also be using a LabRat Rocketry EggFinder 3D printed sled with my recently assembled EggFinder GPS Tx (rev. C1) w/OpenLog addon.

I will try not let this build go the way of the 4 other builds I currently have languishing on my workbench. (Yes Mrs. Tobor, I do plan on finishing those this winter, as promised.... )

Okay, time for some pics. First off, the LOC Wi-Roc 2020

The LOC kit
Loc Wi-Roc 2020 Kit-Small.jpg

Next, OR Sim Pics
Wi-Roc Side View.jpg Wi-Roc 3D Figure.jpg Wi-Roc 3D Unfinished.jpg
Wi-Roc Advert.png

And last but not least, Scott Pearce's Apogee sled prototype
Scott Pearce Apogee Sled Kit-Small.jpg
The 1S Li-Ion batter in the above pic was taped to the ET Apogee kit my SS sent me. It was included in the pic by accident.

Scott Pearce Apogee Sled_Front-Small.jpg Scott Pearce Apogee Sled_Back-Small.jpg Scott Pearce Apogee Sled_Keyed-Small.jpg Scott Pearce Apogee Sled_Assembled-Small.jpg

I plan on having this bird ready to fly for a spring launch at Bong (Woosh or TWA) or Mini Midwest Power (QCRC).

If anyone has questions, please do not hesitate to post them.
I've been making a little progress here and there as time and family allow. This morning I completed the rough out for the AV assembly (Sled holder & motor eject bypass). Bypass tube still needs to be cut to final length.

[click image to enlarge]
Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly Roughout-Small.jpg
More progress.

Last night I had time to cut bypass tube to final length after deciding it would sit flush with bottom of base plate. Next I prepped contact aeras of bypass tube, base plate and sled base for epoxy. Then applied BSI 30 minute epoxy and assembled the parts. Aligned it all up and set it aside to cure overnight.

Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly Base Epoxied-Small.jpg

I woke up at 12:30 am and could not get back to sleep :mad: , so I continued work on the Wi-Roc.
Prepped sled holder, mounting ring and upper section of bypass tube for epoxy. Again I used BSI epoxy to assemble all the bits and took my time aligning everything up. Set the contraption aside to cure.

Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly Complete_01-Small.jpg

Assembly weighs in at 51.1g

Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly Complete_02-Small.jpg
Forgot to mention a couple of things in the 2nd post.

First, the base plate was made by hand. Plywood came from an unused 1/4" fin. Roughed out the plate using a Dremel 561 MultiPurpose Cutting Bit. Then I mounted the plate on my quick and dirty bulkplate jig attached to my Dremel drill press. This allowed me to use the sanding drum to bring the base plate to round at the proper diameter.

Blukplate Jig-Small.jpg

Second, I used a 1" Forstner bit to drill the holes for the tubes and then used the sanding drum to open the holes to the right diameter (pic in post #2).
Thursday evening I had time to epoxy "the contraption" into the coupler. Friday morning I realized I had forgotten to install the eye bolt... criminy!

My solution was to use some 12G ground wire as a pull. I fed the wire through the nut for the eye bolt, then folded the end of the wire over and taped it. The fold will act as a stop. Next I dressed the "glue side" of the nut with a liberal application of JB Weld. Then I fed the other end of the wire between the sled tube and the bypass tube and through the bottom end of the hole for the eye bolt. When I was sure the nut was firmly seated against the bulkplate and centered with the hole, I removed the wire. After a spell, I gingerly threaded the eye bolt into the nut and set the eye bolt to the desired height. And lastly I dabbed some JB Weld over the nut and the end of the eye bolt.

All fixed.

Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly + Coupler_01-Small.jpg
Loc Wi-Roc AV Sub-Assembly + Coupler_02-Small.jpg

Edit: Today I started papering the plywood fins. For me, papering is a lot less messy then applying wood filler and having to sand it smooth.
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Things are coming along nicely.

Last night before going to bed I trimmed off excess paper and sanded down the hard edges.

Loc Wi-Roc Papered Fins-Small.jpg

This afternoon I had time to install the fins.

Loc Wi-Roc Fins Attached-Small.jpg
Today I switched gears and wired up the EggTimer Apogee controller and Scott's prototype sled.

The sled has an integrated push button switch, which presented me with a small challenge. How to connect the switch to the Apogee? I did not want a permanent connection between the switch and the Apogee, in case I wanted to use the controller in a different rocket that is too small to accept the sled.

My solution, use an insulating fiber washer. I soldered up one end of a pair of wires that resemble ring or spade terminals, as I did not have such terminals small enough for the Apogee on hand. I used CA gel to attach the wires to either side of the fiber washer. The other end of the wires were soldered to the sled's switch.

Apogee Sled Wired-Small.jpg
Apogee Screw Switch Bypass-Small.jpg
Today I started working on fillets. Since I did not install the aft CR, I had easy access to lay out internal fillets and external fillets simultaneously. Early this afternoon I completed the third and last set. I used Rocketpoxy for all fillets. For pulling external fillets, I used the butt end of an X-Acto #11 handle.
As of now, the lower half is done. First I installed the aft CR and Aero Pack retainer. Next I epoxied in the nut for fwd rail button. Following that I installed the tube coupler assembly. I also started working on the NC.

Loc Wi-Roc Airframe Complete-02-Small.jpg
Nice. Looks like a large Estes Alpha. I'm sorry I missed the open house last year. I'll need to reach out to Jason and be sure to attend this year.
Thx. And yeah, I guess it does resemble an upscale Alpha.

More news...
Yesterday I measured (very carefully) and drilled the (3x) 1/16" altimeter vent holes. Off We Go Rocketry's static port calculator spreadsheet (Link), indicated a port size of 3/64" so I just rounded up. One of the holes lines up with the Apogee sled's power switch, which will make turning on the the Apogee controller very easy.

I also started working on the plug for the motor eject bypass tube. I used thinned epoxy to soak the cardboard disk for added strength & durability. After the epoxy had cured, I used a dab of Aeropoxy to glue the disk to the plug body (1.125" dia. hardwood dowel, 9/16" long).

This morning I finished trimming the disk to size and added masking tape to the plug body for a proper fit to the bypass tube.

Loc Wi-Roc Bypass Plug-Small.jpg

This evening I may replace the masking tape with a wrap of cardstock.
Oh, I forgot to mention that this morning I ordered a few things. From Mac Performance I purchased the 3" x 54mm NC bay. And from AdaFruit, a 1S 105 mAh LiPo along with a neat 1S charger.

The 1S LiPo I received from my Secret Santa (A DTP 401525) will not take a charge. In fact, my Sky R/C B6 v2 charger cannot even detect the 1S pack. I did test the charger with a single 18650 battery and it detected and charged the battery without issue.

So, I am hoping the problem with the DPT battery is just a compatibility issue. I will find out soon enough.
The NC Bay I ordered from MAC Performance arrived at my local post office on Jan. 28th. at 6:04 am, where it still sits... I went to said office after getting of work, waited 45 minutes for a postal employee to help, only to be told the container holding my package prisoner has yet to be processed! :rolleyes:

I looked at him dumbfounded for a a second or two as my brain momentarily refused to accept his statement. "Oh really? Okayyyy..." Like what the ____ have they been doing all this time?
Yesterday I received 1S LiPo charger from Adafruit. It worked like a charm. And I just checked the status of my MAC order. It has finally been processed and is out for delivery.
My Mac order arrived about an hour ago. As always, the parts all fit together very well. 👍

MAC Nosecone Bay-Small.jpg

The O.D. of the fwd CR (2nd row, middle) will need some light sanding, as is to be expected, to properly sit at the top of the nosecone's shoulder. I will begin assembly after dinner this evening.
And, NC Bay installed. Total finished weight sans the steel hardware is 249.5 grams.

Loc Wi-Roc NC Bay Installed-Small.jpg

I used Rocketpoxy for joints contacting the plastic NC and Aeropoxy for the Sleeve & Fwd CR joint.
Today I used my lunch break at work to do some rocket stuff.

Sprayed 1st primer coat on the Wi-Roc & 2nd coat on my AGM-33 Pike. Used Rust-Oleum 2in1 for the job.
1st Primer Coat-Smaill.png
Well folks,
I still haven't made time to drag my primed rockets to the ad-hoc spray room (my church's boiler room) to get any color laid down. Anyhoot, the Wi-Roc will maiden at MMWP this coming Memorial holiday weekend.

Hope to y'all there!
Good luck with the flight, looks like a nice rocket. What motor do you think you'll fly it on?
I have an AT F52 and several AT G76's. First flight will be the F52. If all goes well I'll punch a hole in big Blue with the G76.