liftoff! gallery

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Nov 24, 2009
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post some pics of your rockets taking off!
here are a couple of favorites: (please credit the photos if you didn't take them!)

first one is my avatar, it's the one that started it all, the first "big" project between myself and my dad (aslo first rocksim attempt) It's an upscaled big bertha (or a regular sized broadsword?) that was scratch built and flown at my school in 6th grade on an estes E9-4. This rocket was destroyed in a non-flight related accident, but flew several times and that E9-4 was an absolutely perfect delay for that rocket. Great slow liftoffs and nice and easy recoveries! Thinking we should build another.


Second is my "Kiss my darkstar" for it's first and successful flight on an AT H123 that was 13 years old! This flight was my second and successful dual deploy flight, this confirmed that both alitmeters for my dad's L2 were functioning properly, and we were set to fly!(photo credit S. Collins)

second and third are the pictures of my darkstar getting smoked in an H999 drag race, but I still love the fact that you can see the mach diamonds so perfectly. (photo credit S.collins)

and here is a gif of my crayons taking off that were spliced from several pictures taken by (mystery camera man) he was at our launch one day taking pictures and nobody knew his name, but everyone talked to him.


fifth is my mad cow mozzie on a Kosdon G40 slow just before it's demise...

and finally, I'll add a picture of my dad's rocket just because it's a cool picture. This was his L1 rocket, a slightly modified Aerotech Strong Arm on an Aerotech H97, that is the perfect motor for that rocket, it tares off the pad and climbs to about 3500 feet.(photo credit S. Collins)





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OK, here are three.

#1. My Viking IV at NARAM-51, August 2009.
#2. My Goblin at an ASTRE's 2009 Spooky Sport Launch.
#3. My Astron Cobra at a CRMRC launch this past June.

photo by Chris Taylor

photo by Dale Norton

photo by Dave Lang
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Here are some pictures of mine taking off.

The first one is of my I-ROC EXT taking off on a J350W.

The next one is my I-ROC EXT taking off on a K550W. Photo by Neil McGilvray.

The next one is of my Level 3 project, "Family Affair", taking off on a M1500G. Photo by Neil McGilvray.

The last one is of my Nuke Pro Maxx taking off on a G33J.





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The third time my daughters and I launched rockets, the first time we had gone for an evening to launch several. I had tried to get a good liftoff shot of every launch we had done with no luck. My then 6 year old daughter (eight this coming weekend) begged me to let her take a picture during the launch of my Baby Bertha. This is what we got.

Photo credit: Brynna

rocket 079b.jpg
Initiator on a AeroTech RMS F40.

Photo credit: David Laney.


I have to say... David needs to start taking some pictures of BIG rockets, his work is amazing! ( he makes even the small ones look big)
i love looking at his photos.
My repaired Quest STRIKER AGM, making two lift-offs on C engines at the Tripoli Pittsburgh, June 2011 launch.

I use a cheap little Aiptek DVR camera to shoot all my hobby-related video and stills, and getting these two launch photos was a real challenge and a startling success!

Striker AGM.jpg

Striker AGM 2.jpg
Here are a couple of mine from the last launch I had.

Aerotech Cheetah on a E15-4

Big Bertha on a B6-4

Fat Boy on a C6-5 (or a B6-4, can't remember back that far...)
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1) 25ft Mega Mean Machine on a CTI K1440 at NSL 2011

2) Scratch built 7.5" Diameter "Size Matters" on an Aerotech K550 at NSL 2011

3) My Level 1 cert flight, a LOC Caliber ISP on a H123

4) Then letting it rip on an Cesaroni J354 White

5) Pemberton King Kraken on a G69Skid

I live for the liftoff shot!


Lift Off Zoomed.jpg

KK Skid.jpg


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Some of my favorites. My Hijacker's first flight, on an F40. My scratch built Double Pumper on two D12-5's. My LOC-IV on a G69 Skidmark. My scratch built Slipstream on a G53 Fast Jack. My Hyperloc 835 on an I218 Redline. First four photos taken by my nephew Wes. The last one taken by my son Joe.





Very awesome pics everyone! I'm really digging all those shots! Bryce, I too love to take liftoff pictures, but my camera is just not fast enough...however, a future purchase should get rid of that problem. Let's just say...5 pictures per second.

Very awesome pics everyone! I'm really digging all those shots! Bryce, I too love to take liftoff pictures, but my camera is just not fast enough...however, a future purchase should get rid of that problem. Let's just say...5 pictures per second.

It's not the FPS but the lag between when you push the button and when it takes the snap!

Mine were done on a D40 with a single frame. Its all about timing!
A DSLR camera is much preferred for this type of photography. However, if you have a point n shoot with a good high speed burst mode, you can get some nice shots with it. These were taken with my older Panasonic FZ35.





i figure the shutter lag won't be a problem with this thing. (DSLR Canon camera...same that was used to take this picture.

I figure, taking 5 pics per second, I can get a couple decent ones of it in flight and while taking off...

That'll do donkey, that'll do. (sorry obligatory shrek quote)

Just remember to use jpg and not RAW for high fps shots. At least that is what I learned on the nikon i have. Far too easy to fill the buffer with the RAW files. An even better idea is to RTFM for your camera and not learn the hard way like me.

Enjoy the new camera. They are very complementary hobbies.
I must say, I love those twilight lift-off pictures posted by Braden and MrGneissGuy! Outstanding!


None of the lift-off pictures of my rockets were taken by me, BTW. The photo of the Viking IV was by Chris Taylor of Naramlive. The photo of the Goblin was taken by Dale Norton of ASTRE. The photo of my Cobra was taken by Dave Lang of CRMRC.

Here are a couple that I took:



Javelin XL launch.jpg

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To get high-quality lift-off shots, you have to spend big bucks for a serious camera. For me the threshold to Big Bucks Land is about $70. I do what I can with what I can afford.
Just a few of my favorite Liftoff pics.

Mostly Clustered D12 liftoffs.... and When Pigs fly:)

130l2-sm_3X Ram-Jet_ 2 liftoff pic_94-95.jpg

167-lp02-sm_Laser-X 3D staged Liftoff_06-10-95.jpg


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Threemorewishes: :jaw: !!!

Hey, I'm not that far from Bytown, and I've been up there to visit. (Great museums!) Where do you launch?
Me launching my Laser Lance on D12-5. My dad took the picture and exclaimed "Holy $#!7!" It was his first time seeing a model rocket launch and he got a pretty good pic!
The picture of his skidmark is at LDRS 28 in Potter. You going to 31 next year?

Yes, I saw that. I was wondering if he did any launching closer to here.

I'm sure going to try. NSI is in Geneseo, too. I'll have to see if I can build anything that would be worthy of the occasion between now and then.
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Snarky on a E18


24mm Fat Boy on an E18 courtesy of J Flis and
