Landing This Plane... The Aviation Thread...

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My brother bought a Schweizer SGS 1-26 at Faribault Municipal Airport n Minnesota. Was on a trailer so he asked me to pick it up. Hey, itā€™s only 1650 milesā€¦.in December.
Itā€™s on an open trailer, everywhere stop people think itā€™s cool
I stop at a Holiday Inn in Des Moines and ask where I can park oversized vehicles. She asked what it was, I pointed out the door, parked under cover. She says, "That is so cool, leave it there."

Giders are always cool.
First plane I picked up for him was a Pioneer II flying wing sailplane.
Brother- "I bought a glider, itā€™s on a trailer. Will you pick it up for me?.
Me-ā€œSure. Where is it?
30ā€ of snow while I was waiting at cousinā€™s house for front to pass.

Crossing the border customs asksā€¦.(trailer enclosed)
"What is in the trailer?"
"A sailplane."
"Whatā€™s a sailplane?"
"A glider."
"Whatā€™s a glider?"
"An airplane with no engine."
"They donā€™t make no airplane with no engine."
She slaps a big orange sticker on windshield, "Go see those agents."
Drive up to 6 guys in full combat gear.
"Whatā€™s in the trailer, a glider?"

They were nice, had to inspect the trailer and tightened straps for me. When I went to cross bridge they stopped all traffic going into USA so I could do a 270 degree circle to go through the tollbooth.

David Attenborough narrates: "And here we get to witness the rarely seen courtship behavior of the Sukhoi Flanker seen in its natural environment. It has little chance of success, and ever since late February 2022, this has become an increasingly endangered species due to the actions of the Russian leadership. The courtship is guaranteed to be harmful to both the male and female, and could lead to (hopefully) the destruction of both."

Back to the original topic... Landing this plane...

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Vought F8U-2, Lt. Bob Loomis at Leeward Point Field, Guantanamo Bay Cuba, April of 1967.

Full story here if you are interested... (Scroll down to "Miscellaneous Accidents" near the bottom of the page.)

Sorry, my airplane geek is showing...
From Gold Standard Aviation

What could go wrong if you request a ā€œlong landingā€.

The crew of a United B737-800 requested what was essentially a long landing ā€œwe request a roll to the end after touchdownā€ while on approach to Houstonā€™s George Bush Intercontinental Airport last week. They hoped to exit at the last taxiway as a short cut to their gate. The controller responded ā€œapproved if you keep your speed upā€. Investigators say the Boeing may have landed long and fast and exited the runway at too high a speed winding up in the grass with a collapsed main landing gear (runway excursion).

Takeaway: a long landing is one of the tools used to expedite the taxi phase. Landing long in general aviation aircraft usually entails touching down beyond the normal touchdown zone and rolling to the end of the runway. The FAA states that a long landing should be performed at normal approach and landing speed to avoid a runway excursion. FAA Advisory Circular AC-91-79A warns us of the hazards leading to runway excursions.

Long landings are regularly requested by general aviation pilots and perfectly acceptable if performed safely.

Fly safe friends
@Daddyisabar Is this a failed attempt at one of your upscaled design's?

View attachment 639172
A Gloster Gladiator is a good subject for a three cluster mid cant, the top motor hidden by the canopy. Just a tad extention of nose if possible to get some chutes for recovery, or do I mean landing? Good looking. No crashing!

It's a warbird model rocket, not a glider. Vertical launch, chute deployment at apogee, very traditional. Failure is not an option. No airplane landings, just a soft rocket touch down.

Pink nosecone chute in distance. Laughable nose weight required to get CG right for a model rocket.

Biplanes and Triplanes make good oddrocs.
Gliders are amazing. The quiet when the tow-plane is released is very different to most other flying. I think I flew in a high-performance Janus two-seater.
Lucky guy. You got to fly in one with good canopy seals. I had a flight in a 2-33 that had enough breeze inside to blow my hair around. It wasn't especially quiet. Don't get the wrong idea, though. I've only been up twice.
First plane I picked up for him was a Pioneer II flying wing sailplane.

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I was at Harris Hill once and got to see a Pioneer II fly. I think it was sloping the hill, because it was easy to watch for a long time. I've also seen one being built. Unfortunately, it has yet to be finished, and I suspect will never be, since it's been many years. Or maybe that's fortunate. I didn't look really closely at the workmanship.
Speaking of flying wings, maybe we can entrap Daddyisabar with the jet version of the Fauvel AV-45:
fauvel av-45 jet lrq.jpgfauvel av45 jet version at cessna dealer.jpg

BTW, am I the only one who reads it as Daddy Isobar?

Sorry for the light poles and trees.
In-n-out Burger at the end of the runway at LAX.
Taken in 2014 when they were still flying.
Scariest landing I've ever done was when I was taking a Cessna 150 up from Riverside in Wichita to Newton to solo. This was back before the owner died and they sold it to real estate developers. He swore he had some super rare plane in his basement he'd show me, iirc a Culver PQ-14 (they used to manufacture them in the Coleman plant that was later turned into the school cafeteria prep facility for the district).

This was my first solo flight.

Instructor, Doug, hops out. Big guy, I think he played football back in college. Must've been about 2006, 2007? I take off.

I need to make it clear: this 150 was a piece of family unfriendly words. We're talking "the electronics went out one night and we had to fly purely by sight. At night. Which was very fun." We're talking "at one point, oil started spraying all over the windshield and we had to look out the sides to bring her home" levels of "this plane should not have been in the air."

So, of course, I take off...

And the door comes open.

Which, of course, scares the pants off me, but I manage to shut the door, do the circuit, and land.

Doug comes over, madder than I've ever seen, red-faced, huge, and angry.

Before he can say anything, my 18 year old self starts babbling "sorrymanthedoorcameopenanditriedtoshutitand" and he stops. Color drains from his face. Returns to normal.

"Oh," he says. "Yeah, it does that. Do it again, we'll make sure the door is shut this time." So I said okay, and he confirmed from the outside it was shut. I did my first solo.

Second scariest story will have to wait.

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