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New Member
Nov 14, 2023
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Daphne, Alabama
Hey guys, I’m fairly new to this hobby but I’ve built and launched tons of model rockets as a kid. I’m 25 now and tired of the usual “Here! Superglue this kit together!” So I’ve started learning how to mix and cast fuel and even managed to machine a decent graphite nozzle this morning. I know I’m probably about to get fleeced for being a newbie and doing all this, however I’m really wanting to know what certifications I should try and get before getting too much further in this
:welcome: I am not qualified to answer this question but that’s not going to stop me! You should get your L2 through TRA which is the second of 3 HPR certifications each cert lets you fly bigger motors, You can learn more at the TRA website.

While I am also not qualified to answer much relating to Rx motors, NTP is almost right
should get your L2 through TRA can learn more at the TRA website.
Except that you will have to get your TRA L2 to launch at a sanctioned launch. Just be safe, and start with smaller motors, and find someone with experience before you get to anything bigger than a small motor. TRA website
Certifying is not too hard, I knocked my L1 and L2 out pretty quickly, and with the same rocket, so it didn't cost too much.

While I am also not qualified to answer much relating to Rx motors, NTP is almost right

Except that you will have to get your TRA L2 to launch at a sanctioned launch. Just be safe, and start with smaller motors, and find someone with experience before you get to anything bigger than a small motor. TRA website
Certifying is not too hard, I knocked my L1 and L2 out pretty quickly, and with the same rocket, so it didn't cost too much.
Man, sadly, I’ve always lived in a small, sparsely populated area. Most of the people who are into this hobby near me are just crusty old dudes and are 9/10 racist lol. I’m usually on my own with this stuff
Man, sadly, I’ve always lived in a small, sparsely populated area. Most of the people who are into this hobby near me are just crusty old dudes and are 9/10 racist lol. I’m usually on my own with this stuff
I would recommend traveling to some large club and get your L1 and L2 a the same event and maybe get @prfesser book as it looks like a good resource. Edit getting the certs is pretty easy if you follow KISS.
Welcome to the forums!

Looks like a couple of TRA prefectures aren't terribly far from you, though I don't know how active they are. I used to drive just under 4 hours to Manchester TN for the first few launches, then 7 hr to Birmingham AL. Arrive the day before, get a hotel room and do any leftover prep that evening. Hit the field early and launch 'em, one after the other. Watch what others are doing. Ask questions; the rocketnut who can resist answering a question about a project or a technique has yet to be born. ;)

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