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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2013
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We're having a Death Race!

The Death Race is scheduled for the LUNAR club's February 2 launch at Snow Ranch. The Death Race will be a drag race-style mass launch of rockets flying on Estes E12 and E9 motors, so it's sure to be an exciting time!

These motors sometimes fail in spectacular ways, and while we never hope to have a cato, if it happens, you don't want to miss it! Bring your camera!

The Death Race is open to all those brave enough to bring a rocket and enter the race. You might not want to enter your most cherished rocket in the Death Race, so maybe prepare a special Death Race rocket --refurbish a damaged rocket or build a new one from holiday wrapping tubes, spare parts, or an inexpensive kit.

You may provide your own Estes E12 or E9 motor, or, while supplies last, you may select a FREE motor from a supply that has been stored for several years in a garage. (Note: This garage may have experienced some temperature cycling over the years which may make the motor less reliable than a new motor.)

There are no prizes for winning the Death Race -- survival is it's own reward! And those who do not survive receive the greatest prize of all -- GLORY!

To those about to fly, we salute you!
As discussed, I'm totally in on this one. I've got a Magician that has survived 20+ E9 flights. I'm calling it Maverick after the card playing ace. :)
I'm making some of my motors available to people who want to participate in the Death Race:

6x E9-4
27x E12-4
8x E12-6
3x E12-8

I was a big fan of Estes 24mm E motors when I first got back into rocketry, and I flew literally dozens of them with zero catos. For a while, they were my favorite motors.

But I mostly stopped flying Estes E motors about 5 years ago when I discovered AP composites, got my level 1 cert and started going to more HPR launches. I bought most of these E12 and E9 motors in a huge AC Supply order right before that, and they've been stored in my garage the entire time. So... maybe they've experienced some temperature cycling over the years. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them, but that is their history. Now I'd like to use them up, so I'm giving them away to anyone who wants such a motor for the Death Race.

Of course, participants are free to use their own motors too! If you want a "fresh" motor, you should provide your own motor!
Classic! Wish I could be there to see the carnage!

A little note on your closing "To those about to fly, we salute you!" This is a commonly misunderstood and misquoted saying that dates from the Roman empire. No doubt the AC/DC song proliferated the misquote to a wider audience.

The actual quote was, "Hail, Caesar; those who are about to die salute you." The dying men are doing the saluting, not being saluted. It was their way of saying it was an honor to die in the service of the emperor.

Somewhere along the way it got misquoted as "To those who are about to die, we salute you," which is the opposite of the original, i.e., the military leaders saluting their men for their willingness to die.

Oh, well, just a little pedantic history.
So those D12's I got from you are also suspect? Hmmm....

Welllll... they were stored together. But I think D12's and C11's are more reliable.

We know from the last club launch that around a full HALF of all the E motors flown blew up (only 1 was from my stash). So the main reason I'm making this disclaimer on the E motors is that I'm organizing the race, and I am also handing out free motors. I don't want anyone to think I tricked them into blowing up their rocket if some of these I'm giving away cato! Like I said earlier, my track record with E motors was perfect until the last launch when one blew up. So was I just due for one to blow eventually? Or did that one blow due to age and storage? Maybe all of the rest of mine will work perfectly like all the ones before last launch. I really have no idea.
Classic! Wish I could be there to see the carnage!

A little note on your closing "To those about to fly, we salute you!" This is a commonly misunderstood and misquoted saying that dates from the Roman empire. No doubt the AC/DC song proliferated the misquote to a wider audience.

The actual quote was, "Hail, Caesar; those who are about to die salute you." The dying men are doing the saluting, not being saluted. It was their way of saying it was an honor to die in the service of the emperor.

Somewhere along the way it got misquoted as "To those who are about to die, we salute you," which is the opposite of the original, i.e., the military leaders saluting their men for their willingness to die.

Oh, well, just a little pedantic history.

Interesting factoid about the quote. Was this a quote said by soldiers who were going into battle, or gladiators going into the arena? It seems like something soldiers might say.
If I lived anywhere near there I would so attend this event. Alas, I live in the Midwest, Chi-town country.
Interesting factoid about the quote. Was this a quote said by soldiers who were going into battle, or gladiators going into the arena? It seems like something soldiers might say.

From Wikipedia: “It was reportedly used during an event in AD 52 on Lake Fucinus by naumachiarii—captives and criminals fated to die fighting during mock naval encounters—in the presence of the emperor Claudius. Suetonius reports that Claudius replied "Aut non" ("or not").”
The same Wikipedia article says it was found nowhere else in Roman literature or history. In other words it was the equivalent of a viral sound bite.,_morituri_te_salutant
Thanks for the history lesson gentlemen.

Can I get a fact check on the following quote?


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No...... Ummmm....... I dont know what your talking about..... I trust his motor storage techniques ;)
This is one of the funniest rocket ideas I have ever seen. Great way to get rid of the crappy E motors lol.
I think I may have a three-pack of E9s (can't remember if the delay is 4 or 6) that I swore I would never launch. Anyone want them? Would I need HAZMAT to ship them?
I think I may have a three-pack of E9s (can't remember if the delay is 4 or 6) that I swore I would never launch. Anyone want them? Would I need HAZMAT to ship them?

Yeah, you would need hazmat to ship them — not worth it. Build some cheapo trash rockets, and have your own Death Race! Bring your fire extinguisher and a camera!
I love this idea! I have an E12-6 that would be perfect for the Death Race. I wish I could ship it to you. It's partner in the pack was pretty impressive last week:
Set them outside so they can chill real well, then stick them in the oven for an hour.